When Bree brought Luna to the navy branch, the soldiers at the door immediately saluted and asked, "Hello, Dean, is there anything we can help you with?"

As a special department of the G1 branch, the orphanage is known to all the small islands under the jurisdiction of the G1 branch of the navy. Therefore, as the director of the orphanage, Bree is very respected by the navy. The orphanage is not only orphans who lost their loved ones in the war, but also orphans in the navy.

Even in the previous meeting, some naval admirals proposed to expand the size of the orphanage. However, since the orphanage is currently understaffed, it is planned to wait until this group of children grow up to see if they are willing to stay in the orphanage to help before deciding whether to expand.

The current orphanage is related to the "Dog Beating Stick Law", so the high-level navy is particularly concerned. People who work in the orphanage must be from clean families. If there is no "Dog Beating Stick Law", it is estimated that the orphanage should expand at this time.

"Excuse me, I want to see the high-level navy. I don't know which general is at the base right now?" Bree smiled slightly and saluted.

"Wait, I'll ask!" The navy soldier walked in from the guard, picked up the phone and started talking. After a while, the navy soldier came out and said, "Dean, you can go directly to Mr. Fujitora's office! Mr. Fujitora is on duty today! If you don't know the way, I can show you the way!"

Because of his status, Bree rarely came to the branch, and never asked about the affairs and secrets of the navy.

"No need, I know the way!" Bree smiled, rejected the soldier's kindness, and led Luna directly to Fujitora's office.

"Dong Dong Dong~~~"

"Please come in!"

Pushing open the door, Bree saw Lieutenant General Fujitora drinking tea with Zefa.

"Little Bree! Why are you free to come to the branch today?" Seeing Bree, Zefa asked with a smile.

His attitude towards Bree is very friendly, because Bree is kind-hearted, so Zefa likes it very much.

"Mr. Zefa, Fujitora-sama!" Bree saluted first, then took Luna by the arm, and said with a smile, "I'm here today for this little guy!"

"Oh? This is? A child from an orphanage?" Zefa had a little impression of Luna, and seemed to often help in Brin's cake shop.

"That's right, this is Luna. I've been helping in Brin's cake shop before, and I recently learned kendo from Smoothie. At noon today, Smoothie told me that Luna has awakened her sense of knowledge, so let me bring her here!" Bree nodded and said.

Luna was a little nervous and worried, especially when Bree talked about Smoothie, and she saw Zefa frowning.

"Hmph! Does Smoothie still have minded disciples?" Zefa snorted coldly, turned his head and stopped talking.

On the other hand, Fujitora, hearing Luna awakened, waved to her with a smile, and said, "My child, come here and let me see!"

Luna looked at Bree, and seeing Bree nodding towards her, Luna walked towards Fujitora slowly.

"That's right, I've awakened my sense of knowledge at such a young age! Smoothie has found a good apprentice! Otherwise, I would have thought of taking an apprentice!" Fujitora said with a smile.

Of course, what he said didn't mean anything else, he just simply praised the child for his talent, not trying to rob his apprentice.

"That Fujitora-sama, I already have a teacher!" But little Luna didn't seem to hear it, and was deeply afraid that the other party would stop her from continuing to study with Smoothie because of Smoothie's relationship.

"Little guy, don't worry, your teacher is very strong, more than enough to teach you, but she is not a strong person who is good at knowledge, so she asked the principal to bring you here!" Fujitora smiled and said kindly.

"Huh~" Luna was relieved when she heard Fujitora's words. After exhaling, she asked, "Master Fujitora! You are a high-ranking officer in the navy. Although my teacher was a pirate before, he has been arrested by the navy. I want to ask if there is any way to help my teacher offset the punishment?"

"Oh? Little guy, it seems that you know the identity of your teacher! Then you should know that it is not easy to obtain immunity from the navy with her identity!" Fujitora was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

"A teacher for a day, a teacher for life, if I can help the teacher get rid of the crime, I will do anything!" Luna said firmly.

Hearing what the little guy said, Zefa couldn't help looking over, and said, "Really? Since you want to help your teacher, I can make the decision. After you capture enough pirates for your teacher's bounty, you can remove her from being a pirate!"

"Really?" Luna's eyes lit up and asked.

"Huh! What the old man said is naturally true!" Zefa said with a snort.

In fact, he also knows that it is not good to continue like this, and it is best to take this opportunity to settle things.

"Okay, I will definitely catch enough bounty criminals as soon as possible!" Luna said firmly.

"Do you know how much your teacher's bounty is?" Bree asked while touching Luna's head with a smile.

"No matter how much the teacher's bounty is, I will collect enough!" Luna nodded, looking like a little adult.

"Idiot, your teacher is the third general of the Four Emperor Pirates, and the bounty is as high as 9 million Berry. When are you going to catch him?" Bree smiled and said.

"How much?" Luna froze, as if she couldn't believe what she heard.

"9 million Berry?? Teacher is so powerful?" Luna asked tremblingly.

"Of course, who do you think Smoothie is? She's a senior cadre of the Four Emperor Pirates!" Zefa pouted.

It is said that the older people are, the more they look like children. Zefa, who is now retired in the G1 branch, has a much better mentality than before, but he has also become like Garp and Sengoku, and has begun to be mischievous.

"Then when do I have to catch it!" Luna said disappointedly.

"So you have to practice hard! Otherwise, your teacher will not be able to regain his freedom!" Fujitora said with a smile: "But since you were brought by the dean himself, come to me every three days from now on, and I will personally teach you the practice of knowledge and color!"

"Fujitora-sama is very knowledgeable? Can you see the future?" Luna's eyes lit up and she asked.

Fujitora shook his head and said, "No, I don't have that talent!"

"That's it!" Luna said with some disappointment.

"Little guy, don't be dissatisfied. In the entire navy, there may not be three people who can surpass this guy! Including Yeluo boy, he is not Fujitora's opponent in terms of knowledge!" Seeing that Luna seemed to be a little clueless, Zefa kindly reminded.

"So powerful? But the teacher said that one can foresee the future if one's knowledgeable cultivation is so powerful!" Luna pouted.

"Your teacher is right, but the direction of my practice is not to foresee, but to detect!" Fujitora said with a smile.

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