After staying in Alabasta for another week, Khalifa and the others finally found some clues. It seemed that the person who attacked Alabasta was the subordinate of the world government.

"My lord, we found out that the people who attacked the fleet were most likely CP0! They didn't dare to kill because they were afraid of being found out by us, so they deliberately drove some pirates over and wanted to use the hands of the pirates to kill people, but our navy arrived in time, so they didn't succeed!" Kalifa handed the document to Ye Luo while reporting.

"Oh? How are you sure?" Ye Luo asked in surprise.

"We found the pirates who were killed before, and obtained some information from them. In addition, since we suspected CP, we also confirmed through some previous relationships. At that time, there was indeed a team of CP0 combat teams that went out to perform missions, but the target and destination could not be found!" Kalifa pushed his glasses and said.

"That is to say, there is no evidence that they did it?" Ye Luo asked with a frown.

"Yes, just suspicion!" Kalifa nodded back.

"Hmph, I think it's probably them!" Gabra said with a curled lip.

They were too familiar with this kind of thing, otherwise they wouldn't have shared their guesses with Ye Luo.

"Okay, I see. Since there is no evidence, let's stop this matter! Now is not the time to turn against the world government." Ye Luo rubbed her head and said.

Originally, he thought that the world government would not notice this side, after all, the Tianlong people didn't care about these things, but he didn't expect to be targeted by them.

"Five old stars? What a bunch of troublesome old men!"

Ye Luo muttered softly.

As an ordinary human being, Wulaoxing is the supreme leader of the world government, responsible for coordinating matters between ordinary people and Tianlong people.

But now, the five old stars or the world government has been completely corrupted, and has become the lackey of the Tianlong people, and the power makes people lost.

"Let's go, go to Albana!" Ye Luo stood up and put on his cloak and said.

Ye Luo is currently in Ye Luo, an oasis under the control of the navy. After staying in Albana for a few days, Ye Luo came over. He wanted to see the living environment of the navy here.

"Yes, my lord!" Khalifa and the others saluted and replied.

Soon, Ye Luo brought Kalifa and the others to Alabasta's palace, and had a long talk with Kobrami.

"Kalifa and Lena will continue to stay in Alabasta. Lieutenant General Fujitora and Green Bull will return to the G1 branch. The Blackbeard Pirates in the New World have been a little restless recently! As for Kaku, will you stay together or half of them?" Leaving the palace, Ye Luo turned his head and said to the admiral beside him.

"Of course I'm going back to the G1 branch, it's so boring here! There aren't even any decent pirates!" Gabra said immediately.

"In that case, let the old man stay!" Kaku nodded coolly and said.

"Alright then! You, Kaku, will lead the affairs here. After I go back, I will promote the marshal to the highest command of the Alabasta Navy Division, and your military rank will become a division general!" Ye Luo nodded and said.

Gabra was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes on Kaku were obviously very unfriendly. Everyone, come here together, and now you are promoted just because you continue to stay?

"Gabra, Bruno, and Owl come back with me. Kaku, Kalifa, and Lion will take the three of you to stay, and the navy at the rank of major general will leave you three more! Kaku, the plan here cannot go wrong!" Ye Luo said solemnly.

"Please rest assured, my lord!" Kaku nodded and assured.

"I'm still very relieved when you do things. If there is a powerful guy, just ask for help from the branch, and I will send support to you immediately!" Ye Luo nodded and said.

"Don't worry, my lord, we have more than 3 naval soldiers here, not counting the families of those soldiers, not to mention adding me here, six people with the rank of major general, no force in the first half of the entire great route can fight us!" Kaku said confidently.

"Well, be careful, Lena, King Cobra and Princess Weiwei will be handed over to you! There are not many strong people in Alabasta, pay more attention to their safety!" Ye Luo instructed Lena after finishing speaking.

The current Lena is not the little girl she used to be. As a rear admiral, she is no worse than the major admirals in the headquarters. In addition, Smoker is also stationed not far away. Ye Luo specially transferred here to strengthen the navy's control over the first half of the great route.

Originally, Ye Luo planned to stay for a while longer, but the construction of the sea train track went surprisingly smoothly. Of course, it was impossible for the kings not to resist, but after Ye Luo's strong appearance, those kings also bowed their heads and stopped resisting.

Ye Luo reckoned that they were planning to ask the World Government for help, but Ye Luo had already planned it. Aokiji and Red Dog had promised that they would resist the pressure from the World Government for a while, as long as Ye Luo's plan was successful.

When the sea train is fully built, the first half of the great route will be under the control of the navy, and even the world government will be powerless at that time.

That's why Ye Luo planned to go back. Now the place of wrestling is no longer here, but Qiao Maria's side. As long as the Tianlong people don't choose to turn against the navy at this time, then Ye Luo will dare to erode their foundation bit by bit.

Soon, when Ye Luo arrived at the port of Alabasta, the warships of the pirates had already returned, and together with Fujitora, Binz, Ain and others who rushed over, Ye Luo embarked on the route back to Marin Fando.

The road was smooth sailing, and the children, Binz and Ain occasionally encountered pirates. Ye Luo and the others were just watching the fun, but after the navy cleaned up, there were a lot fewer pirates still sailing in the sea, so until they returned to Marlin Vandor, they didn't meet pirates a few times.

"Mr. Yixiao, please take them back to the branch! As for Binz and Ain, you two should follow me to practice together!" Passing Marin Fanduo, and returning directly from Qiao Maria to the G1 branch, Ye Luo didn't stop, and took the children, Binz and Ain to the sea again.

"My lord, where are we going?" On the deck of the Huaxia, the green cow lay on the deck chair beside Ye Luo and asked curiously.

"Let's find the troubles of those former kings descending to Qiwuhai!" Ye Luo said with a slight smile.

"Huh? Really? That's interesting! Now, the empress Boa Hancock and the eagle-eyed man Joracle Mihawk are still intact?" The green cow immediately regained his spirits and said.

"That's right, Haixia Jinbe joined the Straw Hats, and Bucky the Clown runs his sea express company, so I'm only interested in Mihawk and Hancock!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

"Then who should we go to first?" the green cow asked with a smile.

"Empress Boya Hancock, let's go directly to Amazon Lily, the country of women!" Ye Luo smiled slightly and said softly.

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