Half a month later, Zefa came to the underground training ground, found Ye Luo who was training the children, and asked about the progress of the children.

"It still doesn't work, I always feel that something is wrong!" Ye Luo shook his head and said.

The children have worked very hard, but they have not been able to activate the dog-beating formation.

"Forget it, don't be in a hurry, it's been a month, go and bring the children back! Let the old man take a look and see how powerful your formation is!" Zefa said with a smile.

"So soon? It's only been a month? Well, senior, let's take the children back first! Presumably, Bu Lei has been worried for the past half month! Let the children go back and have a good rest. They have really worked hard for the past half month!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to surprise me when you come back!" Zefa nodded and left directly with the children.

"Of course, then you will know the greatness of the formation!" Ye Luo looked at Zefa who was leaving, put on the cloak of justice, and headed towards the port.

In the orphanage at this time, in the yard that used to be overcrowded, now there are only children in twos and threes playing.

"Mr. Smoothie, is this kind of training really useful?" Little Luna asked, waving the wooden sword in her hand over and over again.

"The so-called swordsman, the most important thing is the foundation, swinging the sword three thousand times a day is just right for you!" Smoothie said while drinking tea while lying on the deck chair in the yard.

"I said Smoothie, Luna is still so young, can you reduce the amount of training? I saw that when Ye Luo trained the navy soldiers, they arranged the amount of training according to their age and strength!" Bree said with some distress.

"That's why there are no strong men in his navy's G1 branch. You, like him, are too soft-hearted, so you can't cultivate qualified strong men!" Shaking his head, Smoothie said.

"But I don't want Luna to become a strong person, I just hope that she can protect herself!" Bree said softly.

"Then you shouldn't ask me to be her teacher!" Smoothie said, turning his head to look at Bree.

"Dean's mother, it's okay! I think what the master said is very reasonable. No one can become a strong person lying at home. Brother Desas and the others practice extra late every day. I know it! The teacher is a strong person, and I want to be a strong person!" Luna said firmly while waving the knife.

"Okay, okay! You guys all have your own opinions, so I won't talk too much!" Bree shook her head and said with a sigh.

"Sister Bree, you don't have a child who understands! The power is never the strongest, only stronger!" Smoothie said with a smile.

Luna smiled, ignored the chat between Smoothie and Bree, and concentrated on practicing her basic sword skills.

At the port at this time, Ye Luo was just about to set sail when he suddenly frowned and looked up at the sky.

I saw that in the sky, suddenly dark clouds were covered, and the clouds began to rotate. At the very center, it seemed that something was rapidly approaching the G1 branch.

"Sound the alarm! Enemy attack! All the navy is on full alert, and notify the headquarters to send people to come to support!" Ye Luo looked at the clouds and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, my lord!" The orderly was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately replied with a salute.

"My lord, who is that?" A school lieutenant asked in surprise as he watched the changes in the distance.

"Kaido, the governor of the Four Emperors and Beasts Pirates!" Ye Luo said solemnly.

"What? Beast Kaido? Could it be that the Four Emperor Pirates attacked? But why didn't we receive any news? The front line didn't send out any alarms. Could it be that they were directly defeated by the opponent?" The captain said in surprise.

"Notify all the generals, guard the branch, don't go to meet the enemy, the opponent should come alone!" Ye Luo finished speaking, the person was already in the distance, and was rushing towards the place where the abnormal situation happened, he couldn't put the battlefield in the G1 branch, otherwise the whole island would be destroyed by the battle between the two of them.

"Navy Purple Dragon! Get out and die!" A huge dragon's head protruded from the clouds and roared loudly.

Everyone in the G1 branch looked at the giant dragon in the air in surprise. Although they were a little scared, they didn't panic. The navy on the street was guiding everyone to the shelter. Just in case, everyone must be transferred now.

"Master, what is that?" Little Luna, who was practicing, looked at the huge dragon head in the sky and asked in horror.

"That is Kaido, the leader of the Four Emperors and Beasts Pirates, who is known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air!" Smoothie said solemnly.

"Fourth Emperor Pirates?" Luna's calves were trembling. Although they clamored to defeat the Four Emperors Pirates every day, when they really faced each other, they realized how terrifying the other party was. Just the coercion made her breathless.

"Don't worry, this is the G1 Division of the Navy!"Smoothie's words fell silent, and many marines wearing the cloak of justice took to the sky to resist Kaido's scattered coercion for ordinary people.

"Huh~ What happened to me just now? What an embarrassment!" After Smoothie stood in front of Luna, little Luna became normal again.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" But Smoothie ignored Luna and said towards the gate of the orphanage.

As soon as she finished speaking, the gate of the orphanage was opened, and the children who were picked up by Ye Luo ran in one after another. Zefa, who was standing at the end, snorted coldly at Smoothie, turned and left.

Although he doesn't like Smoothie, he knows Smoothie's strength, so far away, it is more than enough to guard the orphanage.

"Sister Bree, take the children in, I will protect this place!" After finishing speaking, Smoothie jumped onto the roof and sat down.

"Is the dean's mother, Aunt Smoothie, really all right?" Kesas asked with some concern.

He didn't know Smoothie's strength, so he was a little worried.

"Hmph, my master is amazing! There must be no problem! Xasi, who are you looking down on?" Before Bu Lei could speak, Luna spoke first.

"I don't mean to look down on you. Do you know who is in the sky? That's the boss of the Four Emperors. Even if it's the aftermath of the battle, it's not something ordinary people can resist. Look at those admirals, they all look like they're facing a big enemy. You should know the seriousness. If you're not careful, Auntie Smoothie gets injured, and you'll be in trouble!" Kezas didn't care about Luna's words, but said to Bree.

"Don't worry! Although Smoothie may not be Kaido's opponent in a frontal battle, it is not easy for Kaido to kill Smoothie!" Bree said confidently.

The same as the Four Emperor Pirates, Smoothie's identity is a bit like the second child of the Three Plagues, Plague Quinn.

"Kaido, you dare to come to my G1 branch alone? You want to die?" At this time, everyone found that Ye Luo had also vacated the air, and the cloak of justice was blown "crawling" under the strong wind.

"Hmph, what happened last time in Wano Country, if you hadn't intervened, would it have turned into what it is now? Stop talking nonsense, come out and die!" Kaido went straight to Ye Luo, opened his mouth wide, and the flames had already begun to gather.

"Since you're here, don't leave!" Ye Luo stretched out a finger, and the Six Meridians Sword went directly towards Kaido's mouth.

"Sure enough, there are two strikes!" Kaido avoided directly, but the six-veined sword still hit his tail, moving the entire dragon body.

"If you want to die, I'll help you, if you have the guts, come with me!" Ye Luo used the moon steps and flew directly towards the distant sea.

"Want to fight me in the air? You can't control yourself!" Kaido thought that Ye Luo would run in the direction of Qiao Maria, but found that Ye Luo was moving in the opposite direction, so he followed directly without talking nonsense.

"Aerial combat? I don't think so. There is an abandoned island not far ahead, which is suitable for us to fight!" Ye Luo said while moving.

"Really? Then you have to arrive with your life!" Kaido said, spraying the secretly gathered flames directly towards Ye Luo!

"Bastard!" Facing Kaido's dragon's breath, Ye Luo could only turn around to block it. If he dodged, there would be a small island closest to the G1 branch behind him, full of ordinary people, and Ye Luo didn't dare to leave.

"The Dragon's Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon Swings its Tail!" In desperation, Ye Luo could only expend his internal energy and hit the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon in an attempt to destroy the dragon's breath.

"Boom boom~~~"

The two energies collided. Although Ye Luo successfully stopped Kaido, countless small fireballs and energy aftermaths flew towards the nearest G1 branch.

"Stop these flames, don't let them land!" Zefa waved his hand, and the generals of the branch jumped up one after another to block the scattered small fireballs and energy aftermath.

"Old teacher!" All in the room of the orphanage, the children watched a ball of flames coming towards the orphanage, but the surrounding navy seemed to miss it, and the children panicked instantly.

"Puff!" Just when everyone thought it was over, Smoothie jumped from the roof towards the flames, holding the wooden sword that Luna used to practice, but when Smoothie and the flames were about to touch, Smoothie swung the wooden sword lightly, and the flames were cut off by Smoothie's slash, and Smoothie continued to return to the roof as if nothing happened.

"Madam is amazing!" The children cheered when they saw Smoothie's understatement.

"Teacher, can I go to the yard to see?" At this time, little Luna rolled her eyes and shouted coquettishly to the outside of the window.

"If you're not afraid, come out!" said Smoothie softly while drinking tea.

But except for Luna, although the rest of the children were a little moved, they didn't open their mouths.

At a time like this, crawling out would be a burden for others. Luna is Smoothie's disciple, so she can naturally mention it, but they are not, so the children stayed in the room honestly, only seeing the envy in their eyes, even Bree could see it.

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