As Desas's words fell, many children walked to the left one after another.

Desas, who was standing first on the left, closed his eyes, he didn't dare to look!
As long as there is one person who disagrees, Drope will surely die today, so he dare not look at it.

"Since you have made a choice." After a while, Ye Luo slowly said, "Then I can only declare that your practice on the second island is over!"

After Ye Luo finished speaking, De Sas suddenly opened his eyes and saw that all the children were standing behind him silently.


Desas choked up a little.

"Brother Desas, Brother Luo Pei is also our relative!" Peter said with a smile.

"That's right, although it's a pity, but to be honest, even after passing the second island, except for Brother Desas, Brother Luo Pei and a few people, I'm afraid we don't have the strength to continue!" Edmund said with a wry smile.

"We've gained a lot this time, so let's continue to train hard after we go back! Otherwise, when we face life and death on missions in the future, we will only be delayed!" Kudes nodded and said.

"In that case, let's bring Drope and Kasa here!" Ye Luo said with a smile.


"Casa? Did your lord just say Kasa?"

"Casa? Could it be?"

The children were very surprised when they heard Ye Luo's words, and even looked at Ye Luo in disbelief.

"My lord, what do you mean by Casata?" Desas opened his mouth, his words were a little unclear.

"I have something to talk about when everyone is here!" Ye Luo waved his hand, ignoring these children.

"It's too bad, it's a big loss!" At the time of the bad situation, Peter suddenly yelled with regret.

"What's wrong?" The friends looked at Peter in surprise and asked in puzzlement.

"This should be the arrangement of the adults! There must be someone who will follow us when we are training, and will save us when we encounter life and death. It means that we have lost the opportunity to continue training, but there is absolutely no danger!" Peter said regretfully with an expression of losing [-] million Baileys.

At this time, the children also figured it out one after another, and they all beat their feet and chests. They lost the opportunity to continue the trial.

After a while, a rear admiral appeared with Drope covered in blood, and from the other direction, a lieutenant of the navy also appeared with an intact Kasa.

"Why so fast? I thought there would be partners coming to accompany me! What's wrong with you? The whole army is wiped out?" Kasa said with a smile after he walked in, looking at the partners who seemed to be uninjured.

He was almost eaten at the beginning. At that time, he thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect the navy to appear suddenly and save him.

"This bastard, I'm so sad for nothing!" Seeing Casa, Desas didn't speak, and Edmund rushed forward and punched Casa, crying and laughing at the same time.

"I don't want to either! Who knew this was the case?" Kasa shrugged and said helplessly.

"What's the situation now?" Drope, who was seriously injured over there, asked stupidly, still a little unclear about the situation.

"This must be a game that the adults deliberately set up!? Death is equivalent to being eliminated. I thought that someone would come to accompany me, but I didn't expect the trial to end immediately!" Kasa said what he knew.

"It's me! Drope is in crisis, we begged the Lord to save him, but as a result," Desas explained with a flushed face.

"Didn't you really agree that you must persevere until the last person, and you must pass this trial?" Drope said unwillingly with a disappointed and complicated face.

"I don't care, it's better if you give up, so that I won't distance myself too much from you!" Kasa shrugged and said.

As the first child to be eliminated, this matter had nothing to do with him when he "died"!

"Okay! Now let me explain to you!" Ye Luo saw that the children had said almost the same thing, waved to the children, and said.

So all the children immediately lined up and stood in front of Ye Luo, waiting for Ye Luo's lecture.

As the admiral of the navy, but they took great pains to help them arrange this way, the children felt that their performance was really bad, and they were totally sorry for the cultivation of the adults.

"Okay, don't look downcast. There is no right or wrong choice for you, as long as you are worthy of your own heart! Just think about the mentality when you make a decision. In fact, I have prepared two sets of special training plans for you. The previous one is a single-person training method to cultivate strong people!" Ye Luo said with a smile looking at the children's depressed appearance.

"Two plans?" Hearing Ye Luo's words, the children raised their heads and looked at Ye Luo. Do they still have a chance?
"As for the second plan that you are concerned about, it happened in this situation, but to trigger it, all members must pass it during the first selection. If some of you choose to continue, then I will let those who choose to continue to continue the special training, and the rest will directly arrange to return! There is no such thing as the second plan!" Ye Luo continued.

"Huh~" Everyone exhaled, it's so dangerous!
"Then I will briefly talk about the second plan now! Train you to become a secret force of our navy's G1 branch! Next, I will teach you a set of combined attack methods. As for whether you can learn it and how much combat power you can use after learning, it is up to you! If you learn well and display great power, then the children who come out of the orphanage will gradually be added to this force. If your strength is average and cannot meet my requirements, then after a year, you will be disbanded and become ordinary naval soldiers!" Ye Luo looked at Children, said calmly.

But his words lifted the children's spirits. It turns out that there is such an arrangement. Compared with becoming a strong person alone, this choice seems to be more suitable for them!
So the children completely forgot what happened just now, and they all looked forward to it.

"Next, I will teach you the method of joint attack every day. After you learn it, you can divide into groups, or all of you can act together. When you can kill the giant elephant beast, you can graduate from here. Of course, I won't wait for you indefinitely. I will give you three months at most. If you can't defeat it, then you will disband on the spot. What should you do? Don't mention the special forces!" Ye Luo looked at the excited children and said directly.

"Then are you confident to do well?" Ye Luo asked loudly.

"Yes!" The children replied loudly like a rainbow.

"Very good, then I will teach you the method of joint attack now. This formation mainly uses stick weapons, and I named it "Dog Beating Stick Method"! It can be formed by one person or a combination of multiple people. The more people, the greater the power!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

For the rest of the time, Ye Luo used all of it to teach the children the dog-beating stick technique. Although this set of stick techniques is advanced, the children don't have the matching internal strength and mental skills, so it is much easier to learn, but the power has also dropped a lot.

"This kind of progress is comparable to the children's self-cultivation!" A week later, Ye Luo looked at the children who set out to hunt in the forest, and frowned softly.

The time before teaching the children the "Dog Beating Stick Method" is not considered a waste. It is mainly used to observe the children's self-improvement speed, so that it can be compared with after practicing the "Dog Beating Stick Method".

Although they had only been exposed to the "Dog Beating Stick Method" for a week, Ye Luo was very dissatisfied with the power they displayed. It was only at the same rate as the children's own improvement speed.

"Could it be that without internal energy, you really can't use it?" Ye Luo frowned, puzzled.

"Brother Desas! Have you discovered it? Our stick method seems to be "after killing several beasts in a row, although it seems a lot easier, but if they don't form this formation, they can also achieve this effect.

"Don't talk too much, the adults must have the intentions of the adults, and we have just started to practice, there must be something we don't know!" Desas frowned and said.

It can be said that everything the children have now is given by Ye Luo, even if he knows in his heart that Ye Luo is using them as test subjects, he is willing to do so.

"But if this is the case, people like you and Luo Pei who are more talented than us will be held back by us! If you continue to train intensively this week instead of practicing this dog-beating stick technique, you can handle this beast by yourself, right? You don't need to use this formation at all!" Peter said worriedly, looking at the dead beast in front of him.

"I know what you want to say, but whether it's an orphanage or a special training, everything we have now is the navy, and it's all given by Admiral Zilong. For this, no matter what price I pay, it's fair!" Desas said calmly.

"Brother, you misunderstood me!" Peter shook his head and said, "Obviously, my lord attaches great importance to this formation, but I don't know what went wrong. Either my lord was deceived by others, and this is not a powerful formation at all, or my cultivation made a mistake. We are the ones who cultivate, and we have the most intuitive feeling. I think we have an obligation and a responsibility to tell you about it!"

"Yes, it's not difficult for me to set up the formation. The moves are simple, but the positioning is a little more complicated. But after a week of practice, we are quite proficient. In addition, our tacit understanding is not bad, so we should be able to display the power of the formation, right? But it's like this? Why don't you just practice directly! My lord will definitely not be satisfied, so it's better to ask clearly!" Edmund also nodded and said.

Desas was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't thought of this aspect at all.

"That's right, I also agree with Peter's opinion. It's not because practicing this formation will delay me, but because I'm afraid of delaying my lord's affairs! To be honest, even if it takes a year for us people, it's not as good as a month for your lord! Brother Desas, I suggest you have a good communication with your lord after you go back!" On the side, Drope also nodded and said.

"Okay! What you said is also reasonable. Then Peter, you have a more flexible brain and can say better than us. Come and communicate with adults! I'm stupid, so I won't make mistakes and let adults misunderstand us!" Desas nodded and said: "So should we continue now or go back first?"

"Let's try again! The two beasts we found just now are not too strong. Although we are not his opponents alone now, it is easy to escape. Why don't we try to find a beast that is much stronger than us? This way we can go back and explain to the adults!" After thinking for a while, Drope said.

"And it's not just a single body, we can also try to find a group of wild beasts to see if there will be any changes after the formation! Didn't your lord say that this formation is best at group attacks?" Peter also put forward his own opinion.

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