"Here are the Orochi heads of all the stealers of the country! As long as Lord Luffy and Lord Luo defeat Kaido, our Wano country will usher in a day of peace again!" Kin'emon and others appeared on the roof of the banquet hall with the head of General Orochi, and shouted.

Momonosuke, who was in the distance of Oni Island, watched Kin'emon holding General Orochi's head, tears streaming down his face.

"Luffy, please win!" Momanosuke shouted to Luffy, who was fighting, with tears in his eyes after seeing Orochi's head.

"Hee hee, don't worry, Tao Zi!" Lu Fei turned his head and replied with a smile. Although he was already injured all over his body at this time, his smile was still bright.

"That idiot Orochi was actually killed!" Huo Jin and Plague Quinn among the three disasters frowned in unison upon hearing this.

Without righteousness, their rule in Wano Country will become unjustified.

Although it is said that violent rule can still be adopted, these are two concepts.

With Orochi, Kaido can only be said to be a collaborator of Wano, not the ruler of Wano, and even the navy cannot attack Wano.

If there is no righteousness of General Orochi, then the World Government can justifiably launch an attack on him, not to attack the Hundred Beasts Pirates, but to save Wano Country.

You want to say that Wano country is not a member country of the world government, and the world government has no right to intervene, but Wano country as a country at that time, without Orochi, the Hundred Beasts Pirates had to stand in the foreground in person, then Wano country is no longer a country, but a place occupied by pirates, the world government naturally has reasons and excuses to launch attacks.

Both the minerals of Wano Country and their blacksmiths are very rich. The World Government has long wanted to include Wano Country, but it was controlled by Kaido before, so it was not easy to do it. Now that General Orochi is dead, it can be said that Ye Luo's mission has been completed.

However, he did not intend to hand over Wano Country to the World Government, but wanted to retain it and become a support for the Navy, so Ye Luo did not withdraw with the Navy, but instead started to arrest the leaders of the defeated Beasts Pirates.

This can not only weaken the future strength of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, but also gain the favor of the Wano country samurai, not to mention a good income. His diamonds can be basically cleared after buying the I Ching.

"The big thing is done, notify Vice Admiral Mole, give up the submerged port, bring all the navy over, and arrest all the bounty offenders! Yes, only the Beast Pirates and BIG MOM Pirates!" Ye Luo glanced at the head of General Orochi, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and ordered to the messenger with joy.

"Yes, my lord!" The orderly replied immediately, saluting.

"It's a pity that BIG MOM ran away, otherwise we will surprise everyone when we go back this time!" Green Bull touched his head and said with a smile.

"Forget it, anyway, the BIG MOM Pirates must have been seriously injured after this battle, and didn't we capture a three generals?" Gion smiled, glanced at the silent Smoothie behind him, and said.

"Let's see if the Straw Hat Boys can make Kaido bleed again! Hey, it's a pity that we still have a little less people. If a smile comes, with our joint efforts, we may even be able to win Kaido!" The green cow shook his head and said.

"It's useless to take him down, the Four Emperors' structure cannot be broken, otherwise why do you think I let BIG MOM go?" At this time, Ye Luo suddenly said softly.

"Huh? What does your lord mean?" Gion and Luniu turned their heads at the same time, looked at Ye Luo, and asked in puzzlement.

"The Four Emperors can be defeated, but they can't die!" Ye Luo said softly, "Otherwise the new world will fall into chaos, which is not good for our navy or our plan. Now is not the time to turn around. If the world is in chaos, the Tianlong people will definitely take action. At that time, our navy may be suppressed together!"

Ye Luo's words made the two of them silent at the same time. It is said that the more you know, the more scruples you will have.

According to Lu Niu's personality, if he had just joined the navy, he would have never been ambiguous if he had learned that there was a chance to kill the Four Emperors, but now he dared not, not because he was timid, but because he had too many scruples.

"So what should we do now?" Gion asked softly after a moment of silence.

"The current situation is beneficial to us. We just need to weaken the Beast Pirates as much as possible. The only choice that will benefit us is to expel Kaido from Wano Country." Ye Luo said with a slight smile.

After listening to Ye Luo's explanation, Gion and Luniu's eyes lit up at the same time.

"Then I'll kill that annoying fat man now!" Green Bull pointed at Quinn who was fighting Ace, and said with a strange smile.

Ye Luo shook his head and said, "We don't need to take action for the time being. We will wait until Admiral Mole arrives. Now let's capture those pirates who have already been defeated. These are all our gains!"

"Yes, my lord!" Gion and Green Bull replied at the same time.

With the death of General Orochi, Kaido became irritable, and the layout of Wano Country is completely in vain, unless he kills all the people here, and then supports a puppet again, but the presence of Admiral Zilong on the Navy side makes Kaido a little difficult to handle.

Even though Ye Luo had just fought against BIG MOM and was not in his prime, if he wanted to leave, Kaido would not be sure to keep the opponent. His strength lies in defense. Although he is also very powerful in attack, there is still a gap compared to his perverted defense.

So while Kaido was fighting with the three of Luffy, he was thinking about how to keep Ye Luo in Wano forever.

"That kid from the Whitebeard Pirates" Kaido pushed Luffy and the three of them back again with one blow, and then looked at Ace who was fighting Quinn.

He just thought of a way to keep Ye Luo. If he couldn't do it himself, he would rely on his men to surround Ye Luo, but now two of the six Ling Kong sons he called his son had already lost two, and Jack had also been defeated in the three disasters, so there were only a few people left that he could rely on.

Jhin shouldn’t need his help to deal with a little swordsman, but the one who fought Quinn was the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he had heard about Ace, so he planned to kill Ace first with a strange move, and then let Quinn go to help the six volleys, and kill the three annoying mice by himself, and finally beat Ye Luo together.

Just do it when you think about it, this is Kaido's always acting style, so while fighting with Luffy and others, he slowly approached Quinn and Ace intentionally or unintentionally.

No one in the battle was aware of Kaido's thoughts, although Ye Luo also felt that Kaido was a bit strange, sometimes he would not dodge the attacks of Luffy and others, but sometimes he seemed to be afraid of being hit, dodging continuously, which made Ye Luo very surprised, thinking whether Kaido had some kind of life gate, just like the iron shirt covered with a golden bell, if one life gate is hit, it will break the power.

He never thought that Kaido was planning to sneak attack on Ace, which was completely impossible in Ye Luo's view. For a strong man like Kaido, he would disdain to do such a thing, so Ye Luo's thinking fell into a misunderstanding for a while.

"Thunder gossip!" Just after Kaido calculated the distance and angle, he obviously hit Luo who had just retreated, but the actual target was Ace who was not far behind Luo.

Sure enough, Luo was very vigilant about Kaido's move, and directly used his ability to shift himself away from Kaido's attack range.

And Ace, who was fighting Quinn, suddenly stood up, and a huge crisis enveloped him.

Quinn over there is very familiar with Kaido's moves, so when he sensed it, he dodged away immediately, but Ace didn't know it, so he didn't react until the mace came in front of him.

"Bang~~~" "Boom~~~~"

Although Ace directly elementalized his body, it had no effect at all in the face of Kaido's attack, and was directly knocked into the air by Kaido.

This sudden change surprised everyone, what is this?Missed the passenger car?

When everyone thought it was a coincidence, Ye Luo's eyes lit up, and he ran towards the direction where Ace was shot. He wanted to check Ace's injuries first.

Kaido's attack just now made him feel like he was deliberately following Ace. If it was just the aftermath of the move, Ace would never be hit so easily.

"Ace~~~~" Seeing Ace being knocked into the air, Luffy shouted anxiously.

"Little devil, do you still care about other people?" Kaido took advantage of Luffy's distraction and hit Luffy with a stick, knocking Luffy into the air.

The situation on the field took a turn for the worse, and after reacting, he looked at Quinn, who was knocked into the air by his opponent, and looked at the direct boss Kaido with some surprise.

Kaido gave him a look, and Quinn immediately understood, and ran directly towards Nami and the others, intending to help the six volleys to resolve the battle first.

"Ace, are you okay!" Ye Luo asked worriedly as he pulled the half-dead Ace out of the ruins.

It is undeniable that Ace is indeed a strong man, but his defensive ability seems to have not been effectively tempered because of the fruit. This is a common problem in the natural system, so Ace, who was hit by Kaido, is considered to have lost half of his life.

"Cough cough..." Ace coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, which reassured Ye Luo. Although it was a serious injury, after a period of recuperation, he would become a good man again.

At this time, Ye Luo had time to pay attention to the battles in other places. As expected, after the lack of Ace, Quinn was released and joined Nami and the others in the battle, adding some variables to the battle that was about to end after the explosion, and the Straw Hats once again fell into a huge crisis.

"Take Ace down for treatment, Green Bull to block Quinn, watch out for his plague bombs!" Ye Luo ordered with a sullen face.

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