"Where did this bastard go?" Ace, who had just passed the waterfall and came to Wanokai Sea, couldn't help feeling a little anxious because he couldn't find any trace of the navy after searching for a long time.

But at this moment, he accidentally discovered the wreckage of a pirate ship floating out along the current at the waterfall leading to the diving port.

"This is?" Ace followed the wreckage out of curiosity.

Lieutenant General Mole has just sent away a group of cat vipers, and then began to rearrange the checkpoints and the treatment of injured soldiers.

"Long time no see for Lieutenant General Mole!" As soon as Ace saw Lieutenant General Mole, he knew he had found the right place, so he walked out slowly to say hello.

"Fire Fist Ace? Why are you here?" Lieutenant General Mole asked, frowning.

"I should ask you this? Why did your navy come back to Wano Country?" Ace stepped forward and asked.

Lieutenant General Mole's face darkened. This is the second time he heard this question today. He didn't want to answer it at all, but he knew the relationship between Ace and Ye Luo, so he suppressed his unhappiness and said, "Explain your reason for coming. This place is already occupied by our navy! Fire Fist Ace, even if you and General Zilong are brothers, don't go too far!"

Ace was taken aback, didn't he just ask a question?Why is the mole, who usually looks calm, so irritable?
"I'm here to find Ye Luo! Do you know where he is?" Ace was silent for a while, but said it directly, after all, the business was important.

"My lord has already set off for the island of ghosts!" Lieutenant General Mole sighed and said directly.

Now there are more and more forces in the entire Wano country, and the situation is getting more and more complicated. He doesn't know what to do. In short, he just wants to guard the entire submerged port quietly and leave a way for the navy. He doesn't want to think about anything else, and he feels tired.

Ace froze for a moment when he heard Lieutenant General Mole's words. He just came from Ghost Island?I didn't meet Ye Luo on the road.

"Then Lieutenant General Mole, I want to ask you something, I hope you can answer me truthfully!" Ace said softly after being silent for a while.

"What's the matter?" Mole asked, frowning.

"Is Sabo really dead? By Ye Luo's hands?" Ace hesitated for a while before asking.

Lieutenant General Mole smiled wryly, but he didn't expect Fire Fist Ace to ask him this question.

"Sorry, I really don't know about this. Although the news said that Sabo of the Revolutionary Army died at the hands of the Lord, I don't know the specifics. The Revolutionary Army raided Chomaria that day, and Chomaria was holding a world conference, so all the generals and schools were stationed in Chomaria. The turmoil caused by the Revolutionary Army was quickly suppressed. It is said that General Zilong, Lieutenant General Fujitora, Lieutenant General Green Bull, Lieutenant General Gion, and Lieutenant General Keka all took action. The place where I was stationed was not disturbed by the Revolutionary Army. , so I don’t know the specifics!” Lieutenant General Mole said, shaking his head.

Every time Lieutenant General Mole reported a name, Ace's heart sank a little. Now he just wanted to know if Ye Luo killed Sabo, so after reporting his punch to Lieutenant General Mole, he planned to leave.

"If you want to go to the ghost island to find the master, then this way will be faster!" Lieutenant General Mole said to Ace, pointing to the ladder when he saw that Ace was about to leave.

Ace was taken aback, smiled and said, "That's really troublesome for you!"

"You Whitebeard Pirates have almost disbanded, so if you can, you can come to the navy. Whether it's your grandfather Lieutenant General Garp or your brother General Zilong, I think they will be very happy! Including Phoenix Marco and the others, they can all come! The whole world will soon face a new situation, and the pirates are destined to be eliminated!" Seeing Ace's polite look, Lieutenant General Mole said with a move in his heart.

Ace smiled, ignored Lieutenant General Mole, and left directly on the ladder.

Regardless of whether the pirate will disappear or not, he will never give up his identity as a pirate, because this era of great pirates was opened by his father himself!

After Ace left, Lieutenant General Mole finally breathed a sigh of relief. She really didn't know how to answer the question just now. It was rumored in the navy that Ye Luo himself was not sure whether he killed Sabo. Maybe the other party was seriously injured and escaped, or maybe the other party was killed by his last palm. It's not clear.

But he couldn't say this to Ace. After all, the relationship between Ace and Ye Luo was there. Even if it really happened in the end, it was something Ye Luo and Ace only saw, and it was not suitable for him to intervene.

Over there, Luffy and Wano's subjugation army finally arrived at the navy's warship, but Ye Luo suggested that they continue to wait, because on the way, he received a call from Lieutenant General Mole, who was fighting with the fur clan led by Cat Viper at the submerged port.

After explaining clearly, Luffy said that there is no need to wait any longer, as long as he confirms that the other party is fine, anyway, the battle will not be over in a while, so they can count as a new force to join the battle.

Everyone was surprised by Luffy's remarks, especially Luo, who never thought that Luffy had this ability to see the situation so thoroughly.

"He just couldn't wait to fight, so what he said just now was just an excuse he made up personally, and he didn't really understand the situation!" But soon, the partners who were familiar with Luffy exposed their captain.

But no matter what, everyone decided to attack the island of ghosts now, so the mighty fleet headed directly for the port of the island of ghosts.

"Don't bombard, occupy the port quickly, Kaido and the others are having a banquet in Junxing now, the bombardment will attract the attention of the enemy!" Ye Luo said, stopping the warriors who were preparing to bombard.

"But when we show up, the other party will also notify Kaido!" Kin'emon put forward his opinion.

"So do you have a way to approach the port without using a boat?" Ye Luo asked with a smile.

"I can swim over!" The kappa, who is a murloc, stood up and said.

"That is to say, besides Jinbei, Kappa, Luo and Sanji, there is no one on your side who can go there by themselves?" Ye Luo asked with a frown.

"Me! I can do it too!" Luffy raised his hand and shouted.

"Okay, then those who can pass will go there on their own, try to find their communication equipment, and send a signal to this side after destroying it, and our large army can go there, Green Bull, you should help them too!" Ye Luo said after thinking for a while.

Although there were not many people in the past, they belonged to the elite squad. It should be foolproof if they just destroy the opponent's communication room!

Soon, several people arrived at the port through their own abilities, but before they could act, riots began to occur in the port.

"What's going on?" Several people who had just arrived at the port frowned at the same time.

"I knew, he shouldn't be allowed to pass!" Seeing the commotion at the port, Nami put her hand on her forehead and said with a sigh.

"What's the situation?" Ye Luo asked in surprise.

He has been in command of the navy for a long time, and he has never encountered such a situation. The elite squad was discovered by the enemy just after setting off. He never thought about such a thing.

"It should be Luffy!" Nami said with a sigh.

"Lu Fei? What's wrong with him?" Ye Luo was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to remember something, and said in disbelief, "He wouldn't just rush in like that, would he?"

The straw hat gang nodded at the same time, their captain, they are too familiar.

"That brat is already a big pirate in the new world, how could he be so reckless?" Ye Luo gritted his teeth.

This was indeed his mistake, forgetting to take Luffy's character into consideration.

"I just hope that the rest of the people can complete the task as soon as possible!" Nami said shyly.

"No need, since Luffy has already started the battle, it's meaningless for us to continue hiding, speed up and approach the port, and try to defeat them directly!" Ye Luo shook his head and said.

Jinweimen and the others nodded, and agreed: "Master Zilong is right, now it is the best policy to attack with all one's strength!"

So all the fleets appeared at the same time and went straight to the port. The port, which was originally in a commotion because of Luffy, became even more chaotic for a while.

"Looks like that guy Luffy sabotaged the operation, so Ye Luo had to attack ahead of time!" Sanji blew a smoke ring, looked at the fleet approaching the port quickly, and said.

"It seems that the master of the straw hat is going to change the way of fighting!" Luo also guessed the truth of the matter immediately, and whispered.

"I forgot Luffy's temper. It really doesn't suit him to be sneaky! Hehehe" Jinbe looked at the area that caused the commotion and said with a smile.

There was only one kappa who stayed in Wano country, and the green bull of the navy didn't know what happened at all, and thought it was discovered when someone sneaked in.

"Sure enough, the pirates are not doing enough. It seems that the adults can only launch a strong attack. We must find the communication room quickly, otherwise Kaido will know the situation here, and it will be troublesome!"

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