People in Pirates: Become stronger from joining the navy.

Chapter 329 The Children of the Orphanage

"I just said that I shouldn't have come back yesterday. It should be near the house of Sister Bree and Sister Brin. It's all right now. The sisters have left, what should I do?" Desas said with a look of despair.

"There's no way around it. My sisters want to leave, but you can stop it! And we're too weak!" Drope said with a gloomy face.

"So what are we going to do now?" Among the girls, Luna was the closest to the two sisters, so she asked anxiously.

"It's useless to be anxious now. Didn't your lord say it? Allow us to participate in training, Desas, and sign up when I recover from my injury, will you go?" Derope asked, looking at Desas, who was also bandaged like him.

"Of course, when I am strong enough, I will definitely go back and bring my sisters back! Definitely!" Desas said with firm eyes.

"I'll go too!" Among them, the youngest, Keshas, ​​also raised his head and said with red eyes.

They all thought that the two sisters, Bree, were afraid of hurting them, so they returned to the BIG MOM Pirates.

"Go together!" the rest of the boys shouted.

"Let's go too!" The girls, represented by Luna, also shouted with firm eyes.

"What are you doing?" At this time, the old dean entered the room, still holding the medicine in his hand, and walked in with a serious face. Behind her were several naval soldiers.

"Dean's mother! Didn't your lord say it? Can anyone who has reached the age of 12 sign up for naval training? When will everyone be able to complete the training and when will they be able to join the navy? We plan to sign up as long as they are old enough!" Kezas couldn't hide his words and said directly to the old dean.

"Confused! What does your lord mean? You big kids are gone, and I come here alone in the yard? Your lord means that some of you gifted or persevering kids will be delayed, so you specially opened a special passage to let you experience the hardships of naval training in advance. You don't want all of you to go to the navy to delay their training!" The old dean criticized with a serious face:
"You think it's your own business to train? You don't need soldiers to take care of you? It's their training time, but they use it to take care of you. Don't you have any self-knowledge? There are no such white-eyed wolves in our yard!"

"Dean's mother, don't need to say that, the children still don't have that kind of thought!" The navy soldier who followed the old dean immediately smiled and said to the old dean: "I think the children just want to make progress, and they don't have any intentions of deliberately making trouble, do they? Children?"

While talking, the navy soldier winked at the children, signaling them to confess their mistakes to the old principal!
"Dean's mother! I will be discharged from the hospital next month, so going to the navy to participate in training now, I think there will be no problem!" Drope said after a moment of silence.

"Oh? Is that so? Have you saved enough money?" The old dean raised his brows and asked.

Droppe's face froze. Originally, he had enough money, but before the banquet, he took out all his deposits, so now he is penniless, naturally he has no money.

Originally, everyone knew about this matter and would not say anything about it, but now that the old dean has spoken out, he must follow the previous rules.

"Dean's mother, I'm still early from the yard, and I have talent and will, so it's okay for me to sign up, right? After training during the day, I'll go to work at night and start saving money!" Desas said with a slight smile.

"Talent? What talent do you have? If you had talent, you would lie here?" The old dean frowned and said sternly.

Desas wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by the navy soldier reaching out.

"Old dean, I know you are worried that the children are still too young to keep up, but don't worry, we will not really let them participate as they like. All the children who sign up must first take a test. Only those who pass the test can participate in our training! As for the things you said that are delaying us, as the navy, it is our duty to serve everyone, isn't it?" the navy soldier said to the old dean with a smile.

"Sigh~ I also know that once my lord Jinkou opens, the children will definitely not listen to me, an old fellow, and will not participate in training, but you are all orphans. Although you are taken care of by an orphanage, the nutrition your body absorbs is still not as good as that of children from normal families. This is your acquired defect. Now" the old headmaster sighed, and said a little desolately.

"Dean's mother" the children all lowered their heads when they heard the old dean's words, their eyes were red.

"Mama Dean, don't worry, becoming a navy is our lifelong goal. This is also the best way for us to repay everyone, so no matter what, I will become a navy. Now that the adults have given us the opportunity to participate in training, I will definitely seize it!" Desas said with firm eyes.

"Drink the medicine, I don't care what you want to do, but don't let yourself get hurt!" After the old director finished speaking, he put down a few bowls of medicine and left.

However, the navy soldiers who came in behind the old dean did not leave. Instead, they sat down with a smile and said, "You little brats, don't underestimate the test. You want to participate in the training. I think it's more difficult!"

"My lord, don't underestimate us, we are not weak!" Drope immediately said unconvinced.

"You guys~ I still haven't seen the top powerhouses in this world. They are all monsters. Even if they are as strong as our General Ye Luo, they can't be said to be better than them, so don't be too ambitious, and while practicing hard, you must also recognize the reality!" Said the navy soldier with a smile.

"Thank you for your teaching!" the children said one after another.

"When the injury is healed, let's take the test together! I hope you can pass!" After finishing speaking, the navy soldier got up and waved to the children, and walked out the door.

"Huh ~ Luna! You girls, don't go to this test! Let us take the lead and try to test the strength of the test. In addition, I hope you can help me!" After the navy soldiers left, Drope said to the girls.

"Brother Luo Pei! Do you want us to go to work to earn money first, and then help you tide over the difficulties next month?" Luna smiled slightly and said, she didn't need to think about what Drope meant.

"Yes, I owe you the money, and when I enter the navy, I will pay you back twice!" Drope nodded and said.

In fact, he was very embarrassed to ask his sisters to borrow money, but now there is no other way except this way.

"Brother Luo Pei was joking. The sisters should support us. Together, we should be able to raise the money soon. Brother Luo Pei only needs to do his best to cope with the test! As long as Brother Luo Pei can pass the test once, the money will be given to the elder brother as a sponsorship from the younger sisters. But if the elder brother fails to pass, he needs to return the original price in the future!" Luna smiled like a little fox, squinting her eyes and said.

"You! It's a waste not to do business. I heard that you can consider trying the business department in the navy instead of focusing on combat troops, so that you can show your talent!" Drope shook his head with a wry smile, and then said seriously.

"I know, but first I have to enter the navy! No one in the yard can't enter the navy! Even girls are the same! That's why I won't go to the business department first!" Luna said with a smile.

"Anyway, everyone, don't forget the matter of Sister Bree and Sister Brin. No matter who is in charge in the future, I will take care of the matter of taking back the two sisters as soon as possible!" After talking about the test, Drope said seriously.

"Brother Luo Pei, don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders!" Desas patted his chest and said.

It's just that this action affected his injury, and made him gasp in pain.

They didn't know that Bu Lei and Bu Lin had already rushed back to the G1 branch with all their strength in order not to worry these children.

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