People in Pirates: Become stronger from joining the navy.

Chapter 308 The Revolutionary Army's Defeat

After Chopper and Aju came to the prison, they happened to see BIGMOM make a move. After just two moves, Quinn, a senior cadre of the Kaido Pirates, fell to the ground without even a chance to make a move. The two looked at each other in dismay.

This also allowed Aju to understand from the side what kind of characters the so-called Four Emperors were.

After solving Quinn, BIGMOM found the vat of red bean soup with his direct nose, but the food officer looked at the vat that BIGMOM was holding, and panicked in his heart, because there was nothing in it!

Sure enough, seeing that there was nothing in the barrel, everyone could see BIGMOM's disappointment.

"Everyone evacuates immediately! It's important to escape now, an unpredictable disaster is about to arrive!" All the members of the Beast Pirates, seeing BIGMOM, began to flee in all directions.

"I can imagine how sad she is, and I really want to eat it again, it's really delicious!" Luffy stood there and smacked his mouth a few times, and said.

"Hey, brother wearing a straw hat, you can't talk about this!" Goro, the flower soldier next to Luffy, immediately touched Luffy and whispered.

"Are you the prisoner?" BIGMOM obviously heard what Luffy said, turned his head to the side with a sullen face, looked at Luffy, and asked.

"Eh? Why are you all looking at me!" Luffy asked puzzled before he understood the situation.

"Mr. Lufei Taro!" Aju, who was hiding aside, saw Luffy and shouted.

"The person is found, but why are you at the center of the problem again!" Chopper who was with Aju sighed after seeing Luffy, and said.

"Eh? Did I say it out loud? I was just thinking that the red bean soup is delicious!" After Hananohei Goro's explanation, Luffy asked in disbelief.

"You said it again, is there really no problem?" Hananobei Goro said with a sigh.

Sure enough, BIGMOM learned that it was Luffy who ate the red bean soup, and immediately attacked Luffy, because besides wanting to eat it herself, she also wanted the people in Jianlou Village to eat it together.

When Aju learned about BIGMOM's thoughts, she was moved a little in disbelief, because BIGMOM is the Four Emperors, and Kaido, who is also the Four Emperors, does not have such kindness.

Luffy, who was avoiding BIGMOM over there, didn't dare to leave the range of the ring because he and Huazhibing Goro wore collars around their necks, but BIGMOM didn't care about it.

At the critical juncture, Luffy used his armed weapon to successfully take down Goro Hanakoi and the collar around his neck.

"Brother wearing a straw hat, try to protect me while you haven't forgotten the feeling just now!" Goro Hanakoi didn't run away with Luffy, he knew that because Luffy was worried about his comfort just now, he performed the trick of Liuying at a super level.

There is a kind of person who is strong when he is strong, and the more dangerous the situation is, the stronger his ability will be. Luffy belongs to this kind of person.

"I understand, come on! Four Emperors!" Luffy nodded, stood in front of Goro Hana no Bing, faced Four Emperors BIGMOM, and said seriously.

"What are those two guys doing? Are they trying to stop BIGMOM? How could it be possible?" The prison guards looked at Luffy's posture and said incomprehensibly.



No surprise at all, Luffy and Hana no Bing Goro were blown away by BIGMOM.

"It really is like this, are they idiots?" Seeing that no miracle happened, the gatekeeper wiped the sweat from his forehead, thankfully they were expecting something just now.

Just when Luffy was making a big fuss in the prison, the battle on Jomaria's side was over.

"Ye Luo, you didn't even catch a single enemy?" Qingzhi asked with a frown.

"Ah~ ah~ the enemy is a bit unexpected, but they are hiding in the G1 branch now, and the chance of escaping is not high!" Ye Luo said lazily leaning on the seat.

"Since I haven't caught it now, then I don't look forward to it later. The enemy is your brother, right?" Qingzhi looked at Ye Luo and asked with a light smile.

"Aha~ Mr. Marshal still understands me!" Ye Luo laughed and said.

"You bastard, let's forget about this time, at least there is no problem on the surface, but you let the enemy go, you have to give me an explanation for this matter!" Qingzhi patted the table and said.

"Okay, okay~~ Who told you to be the marshal? The first rank of the official is crushing people~" Ye Luo waved his hand indifferently and said.

The corners of Qingzhi's mouth twitched slightly. It was just a few high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army. Although it was a good capture, he still knew how to choose in exchange for Ye Luo's obedience to orders.

Coming out of Qingzhi's office, Ye Luo's expression was obviously not very good, he was actually cheated by Qingzhi.

It's just that Chiquan agreed to Aokiji's plan. The two of them gave Ye Luo three months, and the entire navy cooperated with him, but if there was no result, then he could only be an admiral honestly, and all plans had to be abandoned.

And Aokiji and Akainu will also duel to decide the marshal's affiliation, which simply means excluding Ye Luo.

"My lord, does the G1 branch need a thorough investigation?" Seeing Ye Luo coming out, Lu Niu and Fujitora immediately stepped forward and asked.

Both of them suffered minor injuries, and the commander of the revolutionary army was not so easy to deal with.

"It's okay, if you find them, catch them, if you don't find them, forget it!" Ye Luo said after thinking for a while.

In fact, in the previous battles, he didn't release too much water, but he didn't arrange crowd tactics to surround them, so after a few battles, all the opponents were seriously injured and fled, while none of the soldiers on the navy side were injured or injured.

"The strength we have left in the G1 branch is not enough to catch them!" Fujitora said with a worried smile.

"Don't worry, we have achieved the goal of the World Conference. In the end, we only need to escort them back safely. So now we don't need so many troops stationed in Qiao Maria. Everyone returns to the G1 branch and waits for the end of the World Conference!" Ye Luo smiled and said.

The agreement with Aokiji Chiinu, he will win!

This is the advantage from the traverser, and it is also the absolute confidence that he dared to promise Aokiji and Akainu. He knows better than anyone about the development of this world.

"Yes, my lord!" All the navy saluted at the same time and replied.

On this day, what happened in Jomaria spread throughout the world through Morgans and his World News, and the strength of the navy was revealed again, which not only gave the people confidence, but also increased the confidence of countless countries that joined the world government, because the stronger the navy, the better it can protect them.

It's just that they didn't know that Ye Luo was playing with them right now.

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