"Boom~!" "Boom~~~"

After the confrontation between Luffy and Katakuri, both of them withdrew their moves and stood facing each other, but in just a moment, a big pit appeared directly where Luffy was and fell into it.

At this moment in Chocolate Town, everyone was waiting in front of the mirror for the final result.

"By the way, what are the chances of Brother Katakuri losing?" Suddenly, a cadre asked casually out of boredom.

"Are you serious about asking this question?" After everyone was stunned for a moment, the brother beside him looked at him blankly and said.

"The possibility of this kind of thing is zero from the beginning!" Sitting there, Owen said, casting a glance at his younger brother.

"Stupid, are you stupid? Brother Katakuri is the most perfect person, how could he lose!" His sister said, holding a huge sickle, and knocked on his head.

"It hurts, I'm not bored, why don't you just ask?" He touched his head and said helplessly, "Don't I know Brother Katakuri's strength? It's just thinking about it."

"Actually, if I were a straw hat kid, I wouldn't go to fight Katakuri brother. I just need to hide somewhere with the betrayer Bree, and come back at one o'clock. Anyway, before one o'clock, his partner will never come over, right?" Another cadre said after thinking about it.

It seems that because of what the man said just now, everyone began to think about it.

"That's right, didn't there be news that Bree took care of the Straw Hat Boy and left brother Katakuri alone in the mirror world?" Another cadre nodded and said.

"That's right, that's why we're here, just in case!" Owen nodded, stood up and said.

"So that's the case, we wouldn't have any objections if we said it earlier. After all, no one knew that Sister Bu Lei would actually betray!" The cadres nodded and said.

And in a small box next to it, Sanji was watching all this while hiding his figure.

"Are all these guys waiting for Luffy to come out? If we can't leave the moment Luffy comes out, then both of us will die!" Sanji thought silently in his heart.

"By the way, little Pulin, I just want to tell you something!" Sanji turned his head and said to Pulin with a smile: "It's so far away, little Pulin, can you hear me?"

At the other end of the alley, Brin turned her back to Sanji and was covering her face with her hands. Because she was too close to Sanji and was alone, she felt out of breath.

"In retrospect, the way I met you is really incredible, but we will part soon, I really want to say thank you, and you are now recognized as a traitor by the family, which makes me a little worried!" Sanji stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Stop talking!" Brin turned black in an instant, and growled at Sanji.

But her heart is actually full of gratitude and apology, and now Sanji thanked her even more, which moved her heart very much, just to cover up her heart, she is used to acting.

"No, no, what the hell am I talking about?" As soon as the words came out, Brin immediately turned around covering her face.

"Ahaha~ That's right, we are enemies after all, and I'm the one who caused you to look like this, but although getting married is just a trap, it's great that you are playing my fiancée, Brin!" Sanji said with a warm smile.

Hearing Sanji's sincere confession, Brin was moved to tears. Although she always wanted to suppress it, the emotions in her heart erupted like a volcano.

"Ah~ don't cry, don't cry! I didn't say this to tease you! I'm really grateful!" Seeing Brin crying, Sanji thought he had said something wrong, so he hurried forward and said.

"Mr. Sanji! I have one last request, can you agree to me?" Brin turned around and said with tears streaming down his face.

"Yes!" Sanji was taken aback, then nodded with a smile, and said, "But before that, I still have something to tell you, I hope you can listen to it!"

Brin was taken aback for a moment, and she stopped her steps to get close to Sanji, and asked, "What else do you want to say?"

"Actually, because of our relationship, both you and Bree became betrayers for no reason, but Bree knew Ye Luo before, so if she couldn't explain it clearly to the family in the end, then Ye Luo planned to take her to live in the G1 branch of the navy, where she would no longer be a pirate, no longer the daughter of the Four Emperors Big Mom, but just an ordinary woman!" Sanji thought for a while and said.

"Huh? Is that so? Very good. Sister Bree was slashed in the face when she was a child. As a result, her brothers and sisters seldom talked to her, and her personality became more and more autistic. If it wasn't for Smoothie's relationship with her suddenly becoming better a few years ago, her life here would have been even more difficult. It would be a good thing to leave here now!" Brin was stunned, but she didn't expect Sanji to tell her about it.

"So what about you?" Sanji stared at Brin and asked, "Because of our relationship, both you and Bru are implicated, and now Bru has a way out, so what are you going to do?"

"Me? Don't worry, I'll be fine! I'm different from sister Bree, my mother likes me very much! Besides, we made cakes, and my brothers and sisters won't embarrass me!" Brin said with a smile, but when she said this, she knew in her heart that her mother didn't like her at all, especially her third eye, which was called a monster by her mother.

"No, this is too risky!" Sanji shook his head and said, "If Big Mom doesn't forgive you, then you are likely to be in danger! So I asked Ye Luo to let you go to the G1 branch with Bu Lei!"

"Me? Going to the Navy's G1 branch?" Brin asked in surprise.

"That's right, go to the navy branch, where no one will discriminate against your eyes, and you can live like a normal person. I heard that the G1 branch under Ye Luo's jurisdiction is true for everyone. Even he himself, after taking off his navy uniform, must abide by the laws there!" Sanji nodded and said with anticipation: "Actually, I've wanted to go there a long time ago, but I'm a pirate now, so it's not suitable for me to go there. I plan to go there after Luffy becomes the One Piece!"

"Really? Live like a normal person?" Brin actually didn't really believe what Sanji said. In this sea, where is there a place where everyone is truly equal?But Sanji said that he also wanted to go there in the future, which aroused Brin's desire to go to the G1 branch.

"That's right, Ye Luo and I promised it!" Sanji nodded, and said solemnly: "But I haven't been there, and I don't know the real situation! But I think you and Bu Lei are also sisters, and you can take care of each other when you go there! With Ye Luo's relationship, your life there shouldn't be too bad!"

"I" Brin just wanted to think about it, but was interrupted by Sanji, and said, "Little Brin, try it, okay? If it's really not suitable, I'll find a way to send you to the old man in Donghai! With the old man around, I think you will have no problem living there!"

"Okay." Brin lowered his head, not knowing what he was dreaming about, and his whole body exuded a feeling of happiness.

"Really? You agreed? That's great!" Sanji said happily when he heard Brin agree, "But go to the G1 branch, you have to be careful, everyone there must abide by the laws there, and you can't hurt others at will, even if you are a capable person, you can't use your ability to harm others at will!"

"Huh? Their laws?" Brin asked in surprise.

"How is this different from Wan Guo? Here, as long as you abide by mother's laws, it is very safe, and it may be safer than the navy!" Brin thought disdainfully.

Anyway, she has made up her mind to go there with Bu Lei first, and then find a way to tell Sanji that she is not used to it there, and then she can go to Donghai Sanji's hometown
Thinking of some happy place, Brin felt like she was going to pass out with joy.

"Little Brin, did you hear that? In fact, their laws are still very good! By the way, what were you going to tell me just now?" Sanji and Brin explained the laws of the Navy, but Brin didn't hear it at all, and she had already entered her own fantasy world.

"Ah? Nothing!" Brin's fantasy was interrupted by Sanji, blushing and shaking his head, said.

Sanji didn't take it seriously either, now that he's settled what he's most worried about, all he needs to do is to support Luffy with all his strength!

"Ahaha, if the Straw Hats ran away under such a situation of launching a general offensive, it would be really big news!" Morgens, the president of the news agency, said with some expectation.

"Shut up, Morgans! Give up this unrealistic idea! We have the audacity to deploy thousands of troops in Chocolate Town just in case!" Mondore pointed to Morgans' nose and said: "Even the former Pirate King Roger, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the mirror!"

"When we catch them, including those traitors, I will cut off their heads and line them up. You can make a layout of that scene tomorrow and use it to scare chickens and monkeys!" Meng Er said to Morgans with a strange smile.

"Hehehe, he is really a wicked guy, is it necessary to do that?" Joy Street Queen Stuci covered her mouth and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, don't be stupid, this is still a light hand!" Mundol said with a look of mercy on me.

In the mirror world, Luffy managed to climb up from the deep pit in the ground, only to see that Katakuri was already waiting for him.

"What time is it now?" When Luffy saw Katakuri, the first thing he asked was the time, because he had already agreed with his partner that he must appear in Chocolate Town at one o'clock.

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