"I didn't expect that she would actually come after me!" Ye Luo said with a smile on board the Sonny, looking at BIG MOM chasing after her.

"Are you really going to fight Big Mom?" Jin Ping glanced at Ye Luo and asked.

"It depends on the situation. If you can escape, I won't worry about it. If not, then I have to take action!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

But what he said made Nami and the others quietly breathe a sigh of relief, so that at least there was a minimum security guarantee.

However, with Nami's navigation skills and Shi Ping's understanding of ocean currents, even though Big Mom and her army are constantly catching up, they still haven't caught up.

"Everyone! There are many shadows of ships ahead!" Garalt, who was standing on the observation deck, put down the binoculars in his hand and said.

"Oops, I'm surrounded!" Brooke said with a change of expression.

"The fleet in front should be the ship of the third son Daifuku!" After carefully identifying it, Jinbe said, "He can summon a demon, and he is an enemy that is not easy to deal with!"

"There's BIG MOM at the back, and there's someone blocking the way in front, what should I do now? Or should I use the Rumble Ball to go berserk!" Chopper took out the Rumble Ball and said seriously: "Get the boat up to where I can jump on their boat!"

"Brother Qiao! Everyone! Leave it to me! I will definitely be able to help!" Garrett smiled and said to everyone, "Because today is the full moon! I will work hard together with his share!"

"Full moon? Do you want to transform into a moon lion? Have you received training?" Jinbei asked in surprise when he heard it.

Even Ye Luo, who was leaning on the deck, looked at Garrott in surprise. He had long forgotten these details and only knew the final result, so when Garott mentioned the full moon, he immediately thought of the unique skill of the fur clan, which was to transform into a moon lion when the moon was full.

"No problem, I have been trained by Pedro. If it was him, he would definitely say that it is on me! Don't look at me like this, I am also a member of the Musketeers!" Garrett took off the hat on his head and said with a smile.

"But" Jinbe wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ye Luo.

"Let her go, with me here, nothing will happen to her! Her heart is changing!" Ye Luo raised her head, looked at Garrot who was looking at the full moon, and said with a little appreciation.

"Ye Luo, what are you and Jinping talking about? What is a moon lion? Is it dangerous to Jialuote?" Nami asked in confusion.

But before Ye Luo could reply, Garrott on the observation deck had already started to transform.

"Is this the so-called Moon Lion? It's like a different person!" Brooke asked with a sigh as he looked at Garrott, whose hair had all turned white and grew to his legs.

"Also, her eyes seem to have turned red too!" Chopper took advantage of the moment Garrott looked over, and looked at her, but was startled.

"I really turned into a moon lion, and my rationality is still there!" Ye Luo looked at Garot, nodded with a smile, and said, "But with her strength, it shouldn't take long to transform!"


The transformed Garrot bounced and jumped directly towards Daifuku's fleet.

"What a speed!" Brooke said in surprise.

"When the fur tribe is at the full moon, as long as they look directly at the shadowless full moon, they can awaken the wildness sleeping in their bodies. People call their pure white and ferocious posture the moon lion form!" Looking at Garot who rushed out, Ye Luo explained to Nami and the others with a smile.

"That's right, after transforming into the moon lion form, they will lose their minds and become killing messengers who can't distinguish between enemies and friends, but after special training, they can slowly master this ability! If the fur clan uses this ability before they master it, they will fight until they die of exhaustion!" Jinbei nodded and said.

At this time, Garrot, who was rushing towards the Daifuku fleet, did not fight the opponent head-on, but kept dismantling their rudders, and Daifuku's demons followed her all the time, and their destructive power was not much less than Garrott's. Many ships were destroyed by the demons.

"What a clever plan! But if it's just destroying the rudder, I should be able to help! Hehehehe" Brook saw Garrot's actions, his eyes lit up, he jumped off with a smile, and went straight to Daifuku's fleet.

"What a smart little rabbit, and your skeleton companion is also very interesting!" Ye Luo looked at Brook running on the sea and said with a smile.

"Because his body is very light, he can run on the sea!" Chopper explained proudly.

Nami's face turned dark, and she said, "This doesn't seem like something to be proud of, does it?"

"Prometheus Zeus! Wedding cake!" Big Mom gasped and made a sound from his throat.

"There's something wrong with Peros' mother's situation!" Charlotte Barbarua, No.20's sixth son, who led the pursuit fleet, looked at BIG MOM and said to Perospero.

"I know it too! She's getting thinner, her panting has become more severe, and her cravings have been onset for nearly eight hours. I've never had it for such a long time before, and I've never seen her look like she was starving!" Perospero also said a little uneasy: "The mother in the future is also an unknown monster to us! Lick"

"Don't worry about that, call Prometheus and Zeus first! This is what mother ordered!" Napoleon in the bicorne said to Perospero.

"The two of them will be here soon!" Perospero said softly, "We have to support until Chocolate Town!"

"Brother Pelos! Just now, Brother Mondor has received news, and Brin is approaching here with a cake!" While taking care of him, Barbarua shouted towards Perospero.

"Really? It's really good news!" Perospero said happily after hearing it.

"But it is said that not only the black-footed Sanji of the straw hat gang was found there, but the cake was also on the pirate ship of the traitor Becky! Brother Mundol said that Brin might have betrayed! So the cake has become unbelievable!" Barbara said with an ugly face.

"What? Are you kidding me? Why did this happen!" Perospero asked in disbelief, his face froze.

On the other side, Garrott, who was fighting, felt her consciousness begin to blur, but there were still a few enemy ships left unsolved. Just as she was about to forcibly pull herself together, she suddenly saw Brook running towards her.

"Miss Garrott, although my ability is limited, I have already put the ships over there to sleep!" Brooke shouted at Garrott.

"Corpse Baron! Thank you so much, that's enough!" Gallot smiled slightly, jumped onto Brook's back, and let Brook carry her on his back and began to return.

"We should thank you, but how do you change back? I just heard from Mr. Jinbei that if you don't go back, it will be very harmful to you!" Brooke asked worriedly while running towards the Sunny with Garrett on his back.

"As long as your eyes don't touch the moonlight, you can change back! Huh~" Obviously, although it was only a short period of time, the burden on Garrett was very serious.

"Yohehehe is so beautiful," Brooke said with a smile.

"Thank you, Gallot, you helped us solve a big problem!" Nami said, hugging Gallot, who was about to collapse.

"Hehehe, but now can you let me go to a room where I can't see the moonlight to rest!" Garrett said weakly.

"Go to the room where Bruno is resting! Although he needs to rest now, he should have recovered a lot. The two of you can take care of each other. After all, I may not be able to care about you when we fight!" At this time, Ye Luo suddenly stood up, walked to Garrett's side, touched her head, and said, "What a powerful little guy!"

"Huh?" Nami and the others looked at Ye Luo in surprise, and saw Ye Luo staring at the stern of the ship with a serious expression.

"It's Prometheus the Sun and Zeus Thundercloud, they're here!" Jinbe also said solemnly.

"Napoleon, turn into a saber form!" At this time, BIG MOM, who had become very thin, said softly, and then jumped towards the position of the Sonny.

"Zeus! Prometheus!" Big Mom shouted in the air.

"Here, Mom!" The two Homiz flew directly towards BIG MOM from the position behind BIG MOM.

Thundercloud Zeus firmly caught BIG MOM in the air, while Prometheus was directly attached to BIG MOM's head, turning her hair into flames.

"Mom looks like a different person! She's so light!" Seeing BIG MOM's movements, Barbarua said in disbelief.

"How many years have I not seen such a light mother? Lick and lick" Perospero couldn't help but said as he looked at BIG MOM.

"Is this too hungry?" Dafu over there also looked at BIG MOM in the air with a surprised face and said.

"Hand over the wedding cake to me!" Big Mom flew directly towards Sonny and shouted loudly in the air.

"You all be careful, I may not take you into consideration in the next battle, Jin Ping, leave as soon as you get a chance, don't worry about me! I will catch up with you afterwards!" Ye Luo said solemnly.

"Okay!" Jinbei nodded and said.

Apart from Ye Luo, it is estimated that Shi Ping still has the power to fight against Big Mom, but there is absolutely no possibility of victory, so it can only be handed over to Ye Luo.

"BIG MOM! There's nothing you want here!" Ye Luo jumped up and slapped BIG MOM in the air.

Although Ye Luo's appearance caught Big Mom a little by surprise, it didn't stop her from making a move. She took the saber that Napoleon transformed into, and aimed at Ye Luo.


The huge waves created by the two fighting each other's moves caused Sonny to leave the spot in an instant.

"Nami, let's take this opportunity to leave, we are here, Ye Luo can't let go!" Jinbe shouted at Nami.

"Okay!" Nami nodded and immediately gave navigation instructions.

"Is this still a fight where you can't let go of your hands and feet?" Brooke said with his mouth wide open as he watched the sky change color because of the fight between the two.

"Huh~ I told you before, BIG MOM! There is no cake you want here!" Ye Luo stayed in the air using the Moon Step, and said to BIG MOM who had just been repelled by him, and stepped forward again.

"No? Don't say stupid things, that's impossible! My son told me that it's on this ship. If it doesn't exist here, I have to kill my eldest son!" Although BIG MOM is a little confused, he still remembers Perospero's words before: "Don't just say that other people's children are liars!"

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