"Sorry everyone, although I tried my best, but" Ye Luo shook his head and put Pedro's body down.

"Pedro..." After Ye Luo put down Pedro's body, Garrett immediately ran over, threw himself on Pedro's body and cried bitterly.

"Sorry, I was in the mirror world at that time. Although I felt something was wrong, it was too late! I can only keep his body." Ye Luo patted Garrott's shoulder and said apologetically.

"Thank you!" Gallote said to Ye Luo after crying for a while.

Ye Luo shook his head and said: "It was my original intention, I didn't want to meddle in this man's business. First of all, although he is a fur tribe, he was also a pirate in the past. Although he is not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, he has committed a lot of crimes. But for your sake, I wanted to keep him. Unfortunately, it happened so suddenly!"

"Ye Luo, where have you been all this time? Why didn't you come out and help us?" Nami said angrily, remembering the danger she had encountered before.

"You still have the nerve to say? Leave me alone in the mirror world, and I can't even get out, okay? Now to save this person, I threw the seriously injured Bruno in the mirror world. Now Luffy and Katakuri are fighting inside. If one accidentally hurts Bruno, I don't know what to say!" Ye Luo replied angrily when he mentioned this.

Nami stuck out her tongue, and said embarrassingly: "That can't be our fault, Bu Lei was rescued by that Katakuri, and we can't open the channel to the mirror world! So what are you going to do now?"

"What else can I do? Find a place with a mirror and let Bu Lei take me in!" Ye Luo rolled her eyes and said.

"Ah? You won't protect us?" Nami blinked her eyes and said cutely.

"You guys have your own adventures, I don't want to get involved, but if life and death are in danger, I definitely won't ignore it!" Ye Luo smiled and said.

"Okay then, it's just how do you look in the mirror, the mirror on our boat seems to be broken!" Nami said regretfully as she glanced at the vanity mirror in the room.

"Huh? Are all the mirrors on the boat broken?" Ye Luo frowned and asked.

"That's right, there are still other mirrors, but what Nami didn't say was very simple, she just wanted to tell Ye Luo that through these mirrors, they might be exposed.

"Qi~ With Bu Lei here, do you think you can hide it from them? Well, I'm leaving, you be careful!" Ye Luo smiled, and came to a washing room, knocked on the mirror and shouted: "B Lei, let me in!"

After a while, Bree's face appeared from the mirror and whispered, "Hey, why are you still here? Why don't you run away at this moment? There are many people around me!"

"Bruno's injury is still not healed, I can't go! You think I don't want to go!?" Ye Luo ignored Bu Lei, grabbed her directly, and walked in through the mirror.

As soon as he came in, he discovered that the battle was coming to an end. Luffy had been completely suppressed by Katakuri. Whether it was speed or strength, he had completely suppressed Luffy.

"Are you still alive? Brother Pelos!" After the final blow, Luffy was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, so Katakuri connected the phone bug that kept ringing.

"Ah, let's do it!" Perospero said mockingly, "My mother and I are still chasing the boat of the Straw Hats, and they are still running for their lives!"

"Okay, I see, my side is almost done!" Katakuri said casually.

"Oh? Really? That Pedro guy, the final ending is so boring! Hey~ did you hear that? Straw hat kid! Lick~" Perospero said with a smile.

"Hey~ Bulei!" Hanging up the phone, Katakuri shouted to Bulei who was hiding aside: "Come here, if you don't help, the soldiers can't move! The captain thought he was heroically protecting the crew, but in the end they just ended up in such a miserable state! You go and take the soldiers to set fire to their ship, they seem to be alive and kicking!"

"Yes, brother!" Bu Lei nodded, glanced at Luffy who was already lying on the ground, and replied.

"Hey, Katakuri, don't overdo things!" At this time, Ye Luo turned from the corner and said with a light smile.

He went to see Bruno just now, and found that he was awake, but it was still a little inconvenient to move, so Ye Luo, who had already planned to leave, appeared directly.

"Yeluo!" Luffy shouted in surprise.

"You finally came out? I thought you were going to hide like a mouse all the time!" Katakuri looked at Ye Luo, his expression finally became serious, and he was no longer the same as when he was fighting with Luffy before.

"Don't speak so harshly, I didn't hide it!" Ye Luo shrugged and said, "It's just to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding!"

"Really? This is what you call a misunderstanding? When did you, Ye Luo, become so secretive?" Katakuri took out his weapon and pointed at Luffy's neck.

"Let me tell you that you must misunderstand! I really didn't come here because of this matter, and our navy has no intention of fighting you!" Ye Luo spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Who is that person? It looks like a navy!"

"Why did the navy suddenly appear here?"

When the chess players saw Ye Luo, they started talking about it.

"So? What are you here for?" Katakuri didn't want to fight Ye Luo, so he asked directly.

"I said I'm here to make soy sauce, do you believe me?" Ye Luo said with a smile, spreading her hands.

Bu Lei on the side froze when Ye Luo came out, and when Ye Luo came out, she couldn't speak clearly even if she had a hundred mouths.

"It seems that this battle between us is unavoidable!" Katakuri finished speaking, and was about to attack Ye Luo.

But at this time, No.30 fourth son Charlotte Mascarponi and 29th daughter Joscarponi ran over holding a mirror and shouted: "Sister Bree, brother Katakuri, we found the mirror of the Straw Hats!"

But when the two saw Ye Luo confronting Katakuri, their mouths grew wide in surprise. Now they are completely confused about the situation. Why did the navy suddenly appear here again?
"Brei, help them burn the boat of the Straw Hats first!" Katakuri said, looking at Bree with sharp eyes.

"Yes, brother!" Bu Lei replied immediately with a shiver.

"Bastard, don't shoot at my partner!" Luffy, who was lying on the ground, stretched out his arms directly, trying to smash the mirror, but was dodged by the twins of the Snakehead Clan.

"Aren't you going to fight me one-on-one?" Katakuri kicked Luffy directly, and Luffy barely dodged.

"I just wanted to say don't shoot at my lovely younger brothers and sisters!" Katakuri said while attacking Luffy again.

"Don't do this! This is obviously my line, okay? Katakuri, you are beating my younger brother!" Ye Luo dodged and stood in front of Luffy, blocking Katakuri's attack.

At this time, Luffy could no longer stop the chess players over there from attacking the Sonny, but he just happened to see the broken mirror fragment on the ground, picked up a fragment and shouted directly: "Nami! Jinbei! Can you hear me? Anyone who heard it answered me!"

"Luffy? It's me! Are you okay!" Nami, who happened to hear Luffy's voice, immediately picked up the broken mirror on the ground and shouted.

"Nami! Are there other mirrors on the ship? They were all smashed to pieces!" Luffy shouted at the fragments.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If it's all smashed, how are you going to get back?" Nami said in surprise.

"I don't know, but there will be a way!" Luffy said anxiously.

Finally, Nami heard the sound of fierce fighting and quarreling coming from Luffy, and hurriedly asked, "Luffy, how is your side? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, that glutinous rice guy was blocked by Ye Luo! It's okay now!" Luffy said after taking a breath.

"It's not good~ Nami, the room is on fire!" At this time, Brooke ran over anxiously and said to Nami.

"Bastard!" Luffy over there heard Brook's voice, turned his head to look, and saw that under the leadership of the two snakehead twins, all the chess players were shooting rockets at a mirror.

"rubber rubber"


Just when Luffy was about to make a move, Katakuri took the first step and kicked Luffy directly, but Ye Luo's movement was not slow, a hand knife directly cut off the foot that Katakuri kicked over, but Katakuri had already controlled his own ability like fire and pure gold, so he directly turned the severed foot into glutinous rice.

"Didn't I tell you? Don't do anything to my brother!" Ye Luo said as he kicked the glutinous rice he had cut off to Katakuri.

"I also said, don't do anything to my lovely younger siblings!" Katakuri said expressionlessly. After speaking, the left foot that had been severed by Ye Luo recovered again.

"Bastards, you were the ones who attacked my partner first!" Luffy shouted at Katakuri, holding the fragment of the mirror.

Ye Luo's face turned black, what is this?Are the kids fighting?

"Nami, hurry up! Break all the mirrors and let me concentrate on dealing with the enemy!" Luffy said solemnly to the mirror.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought of relying on Ye Luo, he always regarded Katakuri as his opponent.

"Everyone smash the mirrors on the boat!" In desperation, Nami had to come out and shouted to everyone.

But at this time, Garrett stared blankly at the stern, and murmured, "We can't escape!"

Nami was taken aback, turned around slowly, and then whispered to the mirror: "I'm sorry Luffy! We may be dying soon"

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