Nami is looking for the whereabouts of Sanji and Luffy, but Sanji over there is holding the food made for Brin and running frantically to the place that Luffy and him agreed upon.

Although it was food made for Brin, unconsciously, he made something that the Straw Hats liked to eat, so when he came to the place agreed with Luffy, he saw the corpses of chess players all over the ground, and the destroyed suburbs beyond recognition, and his heart was full of worries.

"Where are you, Luffy? I know you won't die so easily! Answer me!" Sanji shouted while looking for Luffy's whereabouts among the corpses.

"Coo coo coo" suddenly he heard a familiar voice that made him feel amused.

This is the cry of Luffy's stomach, he is very familiar with it!
"I didn't tell you to wait for me!" Sanji came to Luffy with a food basket, looked at the haggard face of Luffy, and said softly.

"Hee hee Sanji!" Luffy raised his head with difficulty and shouted with a smile.

"If you can eat these, eat them!" Sanji handed over the basket and said, "I dropped some on the way, and suffered some destruction, and it rained again, so the color is terrible."

Although Sanji said this, Luffy didn't care at all. He was hungry and started eating crazily.

"It's so delicious! Here, it's all everyone's favorite food! It's so delicious!" Luffy praised with a smile while eating.

"Stop lying!" Sanji said with one hand on his forehead, feeling a little tormented.

"It's really delicious! Ah~~ I recovered again, I almost died of starvation!" Luffy ate some food, his physical strength recovered, and his face finally looked better.

"After eating, let's go back quickly!" Sanji said flatly.

"What are you talking about? Let's go back together!" Luffy shouted unwillingly.

"First, you, as the captain, traveled thousands of miles to pick me up, but I insulted you and injured you with all my strength, and you didn't resist, so now, I have no way to go back to your boat!" Sanji said, stretching out a finger.

"Secondly, the stinky old man who was so kind to me and the sea restaurant Bharati, who raised me, were taken hostage! So I can't escape this wedding!" Sanji ignored Luffy, then stretched out his second finger and said.

"Thirdly, my blood relatives, that evil family have all been fooled by BIG MOM, and they will die in a few hours. Although they have no kindness to me, I only have hatred for them, but I can't ignore them and run for my own life!" Sanji stood up, raised his third finger and said: "In summary, I can't go back with you. If you understand, then go!"

Just after he finished speaking, Luffy rushed up and punched Sanji, knocked him to the ground, and shouted: "Sanji!! Speak your heart out to me! Hu~hu~~"

"Luffy, I really want to go back to the Sonny! But I really don't have the courage to leave! In fact, once the wedding starts, I alone can't stop it, but those scumbags, I don't think of them as family at all, but I can't help but think about how I can save them!" Sanji said with tears streaming down his face.

"Because you are such a person!" Lu Fei said with a happy smile, "It doesn't matter, we are here! Let's go and ruin this wedding!"

After reaching an agreement with Sanji, Luffy and the two exchanged some information. At this time, Nami remembered that at the place Luffy and Sanji agreed, there seemed to be a fragment of the mirror she was carrying. She was carrying it because she was worried about Chopper and Garrot.

So Chopper and the others tried to find the mirror, and then shouted Luffy's name loudly. Not surprisingly, Sanji and Luffy happened to hear it.

After Nami and Chopper first introduced their own situation, they asked Luffy about Sanji's situation.

"Sanji! He still can't leave us!" Luffy said after listening.

"Really? Still can't?" Nami said sadly.

"That's right, next we're going to ruin the tea party and wedding of Big Mom, rescue Sanji's family, and he will leave with us!" Luffy said happily.

Nami was silent for a while, Sanji said first: "Wait a minute, Luffy, that's the Big Mom of the Four Emperors, you can't mess around just because of your willfulness"

"that is really good!"

"What the hell are you doing, Luffy, I heard you were fighting with Sanji, I'm so worried!"

The partners on the opposite side of the mirror were not worried at all because of the strength of their opponents. What they were worried about was that Sanji would not be willing to continue sailing with them.

"Miss Nami?" Sanji was a little surprised. When he fought with Luffy before, Nami was very angry.

"Ah~ It's Sanji! I will never forgive you for what you caused me to fall into the abyss of fear before!" Nami said, sighed, and continued: "But let's forget about these things for now, and wait until later. Now there is not much time before the tea party begins!"

"Brother Lu Fei, I have a proposal, I don't know if you want to hear it!" At this time, Jinbe said suddenly.

"Huh? What proposal?" Luffy asked in surprise.

"I don't know if you've heard the name of gangster Capone Becky?" Jinbe suddenly mentioned another person and said, "It's the one who is a pirate supernova with you!"

"Capone Becky? Is that the guy who took Sanji away?" Luffy nodded and said.

"That's right, it's him, a gangster from Xihai. I heard that he is a lunatic. After cutting off the enemy's head, he likes to see the twisted appearance of the opponent. He was one of the five biggest gangsters in Xihai back then. He led his own family to take the head of the boss of the rival gangster. He didn't rob the opponent's status or territory, only the treasure of the opponent!" Jinbe explained.

"He really is a person with a bad taste!" Brooke said with some surprise after hearing this.

"Later, after he got tired of playing, he chose to go to sea, but even after going to sea, he was still the same as before, specially picking those enemies with high rewards to attack, so he quickly made a name for himself!" After Jinbe nodded, he continued: "Because of this character, he also made many enemies, and finally chose to join the BIGMOM Pirates to seek shelter!"

"And his vigilance and defensive ability have been sharpened for a long time, so he was favored by BIGMOM and became a fighter fortress, responsible for the security work of this tea party!"

"Eh? Isn't the most important thing about this tea party is this wedding?" Luffy said in surprise.

"Yes, now you have a common goal! So my opinion is to cooperate with him!" Jinbei nodded, and said seriously: "Because he plans to take the head of BIGMOM at this tea party!"

"Eh? What's going on?" Luffy asked in surprise.

"This so-called tea party is really one conspiracy after another!" Sanji also sighed.

"What? You said that gangster wants mother's head?" Bree, who was on the side, naturally also heard Jinbe's words, and asked in surprise.

"That's right, I heard about this from Pokmus. He was caught by Capone Becky when he was separated from you. When he failed to surrender, he shot Pokmus on the edge of the cliff and threw him into the shark group. He happened to be rescued by my companion! He knew my relationship with the BIGMOM Pirates, so please send me a message to BIGMOM!" Jinbe nodded and said.

"Jinbei, you dare to withhold such important news, isn't our BIGMOM Pirates treating you kindly?" Bu Lei said angrily after hearing this.

Although she does have some people who want to help the Straw Hats, it definitely doesn't mean she wants to see BIGMOM killed.

But Jinping ignored her, but analyzed the incident this time and their same purpose.

"So Luffy, our purpose this time is to escape, and there is nothing more convenient than creating a commotion! So I suggest you join forces with Capone Becky!" Jinbe said directly.

"It makes sense for you to say that!" Luffy said after thinking about it.

"What? Luffy, are you sure?" Nami and Chopper asked in surprise.

Because voting this side of the mirror world, everyone except Jinbe and Pedro voted no.

Because not to mention Bree's side, it's just the matter of Capone Becky injuring Pokmus, logically speaking, Luffy would not choose to join forces with the other party!
But Luffy is the captain, so after they decided, they went to Capone Becky's base through the mirror first. This time they really tied up Bree. Although there was a sense of revenge, Nami and others also promised Bree that they would never really hurt BIGMOM. They just wanted to save people and leave!

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