"Huh~ It's so dangerous!" Chopper said while supporting Pedro who was lying on the ground, sweating coldly.

"Don't be so reckless! Pedro, you really scared me to death!" Garrett also said.

"Huh~ I was even more surprised, okay? Suddenly someone called me from the mirror!" Pedro said with a smile after taking a few breaths.

"You are amazing too! You have come up with such a powerful plan so quickly!" Chopper said with a smile.

Just now, after they got in touch with Pedlo, Pedlo deliberately gathered the enemies together, used explosives, and fled the scene through the mirror at the moment of the explosion, making the enemies think that he had been blown to pieces.

"This is the world in the mirror. Without Bree, no one can enter or leave, so it's safe here!" Chopper pointed to Bree in the vat directly behind, and said with a smile: "And we can also use this to escape with Sanji! What information do you have over there? Let's exchange!"

Pedro glanced at Bree, who was bound and gagged, nodded, and said, "After we separated from you, we went to the treasure room. I helped Brook lure the enemy away. He took the opportunity to steal the text of the road sign. You all know the rest!"

"Based on that, Brook probably failed! We saw Brook captured by BIG MOM through the mirror just now!" Chopper thought for a while, glanced at Bree, and said.

"BIG MOM? Did she do it herself? I didn't expect her to attach so much importance to the text of the road sign!" Pedro said in surprise.

He didn't blame Brook for wasting the opportunity he had worked so hard for, after all, it was BIG MOM who made the move himself, and even Brook himself was taken away.

"So what should we do now?" Chopper carefully told Pedro all the information he knew now, and asked.

"In this case, let's save Brook first! He is the most dangerous, and the rest seem to be safe at least for now!" Pedro said after thinking for a while, "However, how can we find him?"

"Don't worry about it, look at mine!" Chopper smiled triumphantly, and then shouted to the mirror: "Mirror, mirror! Please help me, tell me where I can find Brook the Bone Man!"

"This way" in the face of Pedro's shocked eyeball, Bree pretended to be the voice of the mirror in a low voice, pointed in one direction with his finger, and said.

"How is it? Not bad? Pedro, what's the matter with you?" When Chopper was proud, he suddenly saw Pedro looking at him like an idiot, so he asked in surprise.

"Who is behind you?" Pedro thought for a while, and after reorganizing the language several times, he asked tentatively.

"Ah~? This? This is the enemy, the daughter of BIG MOM, named Bu Lei, who has the mirror ability. Only by touching her can she enter and exit the mirror world freely!" Chopper said in a panic.

"Aha~ that Pedro! This man is a prisoner of Chopper and I, and we caught him, so now we are going to rescue Brook? Let's go!" Garrott on the side also hesitated to help Chopper cover.

"Yes, yes! Now that we know the location, let's save people first!" Chopper nodded in agreement.

Pedro's face turned black, he was treating him as an idiot!Is there someone who can answer your question after fainting?What's funny is that you even stretched out your fingers to point out the direction. Your hands were obviously tied just now, okay?How unprofessional!
But Pedro also knows that now is not the time to complain. No matter what, the other party is willing to help him and others, which is the best result. No matter what the reason is, it is a fact that the other party saved him just now. As for not telling himself, there must be some reason.

But Chopper and Garrett, who thought they had tricked Pedro, wiped off their sweat while leading the way under Bree's command, which made Pedro, who was following behind, want to complain again.

But while running, Bu Lei behind Chopper suddenly said: "Stop, that little girl and Jinbe from your group seem to be surrounded, do you want to save them?"

"Eh? Is it Nami? It must be saved! Where is it?" Chopper was taken aback for a moment, and then said affirmatively.

"You can see it from this mirror!" Bree pointed to the mirror on the side, and the picture inside was Nami sitting on Jinbei's shoulder and running over.

"I really am..." Pedro on the side covered his face, he was almost speechless. Has this all started to be discussed in front of him?

"Pedro, I'll go out with Gallot to save Nami first, you wait here!" After speaking, Chopper hugged Gallot and walked out of the mirror directly.

But just after he came out of the mirror, what Chopper faced was a thunderbolt, and even Bree, who was behind him, enjoyed an electrotherapy.

"Huh? Chopper? Garrett? Why are you here?" Nami, who had just released the lightning strike and joined Chopper and the enemy together, asked in surprise.

"Brother Qiao~~~ Nami, we are here to save you! Quick, come with us!" Garrett couldn't explain clearly for a while, so he had to let Jinbe take the stunned Chopper and Bree, and everyone came to the world in the mirror through the mirror.

"Huh? Isn't this Sister Bree? Chopper, why did you attack Sister Bree! Didn't I tell you? She is not an enemy!" After coming to the world in the mirror, Nami found that Blei was blackened by the electric shock, and immediately accused Chopper.

"You still say! Who do you think caused all this?" Chopper, who had just woken up, said angrily to Nami while checking on Bu Lei's injuries.

"Ah? Is it me? I'm so sorry!" Nami said casually without any sign of apology.

After a while of busy work, Bu Lei was also awakened by Chopper, but after waking up, she was speechless for a while, because she clearly saw that it was Nami who attacked her.

"Now can you explain what's going on?" Pedro looked at Bu Lei and asked softly.

"I also want to know, Miss Bray, why are you with Chopper and the others?" Jinbe also nodded and asked.

"Ah~ That was me who caught her and forced her to help"

"Okay, civet cat, they should have seen something, can such a simple plan really fail to hide from people?" Bu Lei waved his hand and said with a look of regret.

"I'm not a civet cat! It's a reindeer, a reindeer! One with horns!" Chopper immediately roared angrily.

This made Pedro on the side speechless for a moment, what the hell is this!Dare you still think that what you have done is perfect, right?

"But Jinbei, why are you here? No, you are also here to help the Straw Hats, right? Our BIG MOM Pirates are not unkind to you Murloc Island!" Bree looked at Jinbei and suddenly asked seriously.

Jinbe was taken aback, shook his head and said, "No, I originally came here for the destruction of the factory last time and the challenge that Luffy's brother challenged BIG MOM. It's just a coincidence to meet them!"

Bree nodded and said, "That's good, mom hates betrayers the most, so if you really betray the BIG MOM Pirates, then you will definitely be on the must-kill list!"

Pedro on the side was sweating profusely. If you talk about betrayal, you are not worse than Jinping, right?

"It's not a betrayal. I'm not a member of the Big Mom Pirates. It's just that Ye Luo made an agreement with you back then, and we benefited from that incident. So now Murloc Island plans to give up the flag of the Big Mom Pirates. No matter what, I still need to come over and tell my mother in person. It's polite!" Jinbei replied with a smile.

Nami and the others on the side, as well as Jialuote and Pedro of the Fur Tribe, were confused. Why did this matter have something to do with Ye Luo again?

"Okay, since you announced it frankly, I will also tell you my position. For the sake of Shirahoshi and Smoothie, I can help you, but I must not let anyone in the Big Mom Pirates find out, otherwise I will have to stand on the opposite side of you!" Bree also nodded and said.

"Smoogey?" Everyone asked in surprise.

Nami, Chopper, and Garrett didn't know who the so-called Smoothie was, while Jinbei and Pedro were completely surprised.

"Hmph~ About the relationship between Smoothie and Ye Luo, go back and ask him yourself! If it wasn't for him, Smoothie would be so unhappy!?" Speaking of Ye Luo, Bree became a little angry.

"So? That Smoothie and Ye Luo?" Nami asked with gossip in her eyes.

"Impossible, as a three-star general, Smoothie could have something to do with the Navy?" Jinbe shook his head and said in disbelief.

"Three generals?" Nami asked in surprise, "Is that Smoothie one of the three generals?"

"That's right, Charlotte Smoothie, Minister of Juice, one of the three dessert generals, has a bounty of 9 million Berries!" Bree and Jinbe said at the same time.

Nami has seen the power of the three dessert generals. The cracker in the Temptation Forest left a deep impression on her.

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