People in Pirates: Become stronger from joining the navy.

Chapter 215 The Seven Martial Seas Existing in Name

Bruno nodded and returned through the door again. After a while, a door opened next to Ye Luo and Gabra again. Bruno and Yixiao walked out of the door with Shi Ji who had fainted.

"My lord, the rest of the pirates" Bruno shook his head and said.

"It's okay, the rest don't care, let's go, let's go back!" Ye Luo smiled and said.

This trip to capture Shiji has already gained a lot. As a great pirate in the same era as Roger and Whitebeard, Shiji must have a bounty that is not low!Not to mention the 50 billion yuan like Whitebeard, 40 billion can also bring Ye Luo's strength to a higher level.

But when Ye Luo saw the system prompt, he almost blinded his eyes.

"6 diamonds? Shi Ji's bounty is only [-] million Baileys?" Ye Luo shouted in surprise.

"Huh? How does your lord know about Shiji's bounty?" Yi Xiao, who had just returned to Huaxia with Ye Luo, asked a little strangely.

"It's okay, forget it, let's go back to the headquarters first!" Ye Luo said with a sloppy eye.

He shook his head with a smile and didn't care anymore, because everyone knew that General Zilong was very famous for his obsession with bounties.

A few days later, when Ye Luo returned to the headquarters, he immediately contacted Qingzhi to ask about the bounty offered by the Golden Lion Shiji.

Qingzhi didn't expect that Ye Luo would actually capture the golden lion Shiji. After asking Major Branius, who was in charge of offering rewards, he found out that Shiji's bounty was really [-] million.

This bounty is still the bounty given by the Navy before Roger became One Piece.

At that time, there was no One Piece, no Four Emperors, so Shiji had a bounty of [-] million at that time, which was already very high.

Although he later escaped from the prison in Advance City, he disappeared and never came out. Naturally, the navy would not slap itself in the face and make a big announcement about it, so his bounty did not increase.

Ignoring the low Ye Luo, Qingzhi praised the rest of the staff who went out with Ye Luo this time. Anyway, this set has no effect on Ye Luo, so Qingzhi skipped Ye Luo directly.

Ye Luo, who was worrying about this, didn't care at all. After staying at the headquarters for another day, he returned to the G1 branch in the new world.

"It's only about 15 diamonds, and you can't buy top-level skills at all! Huh~~ The introduction of this secret book seems to be a little different!" Just as Ye Luo was sitting alone in the office and browsing the system mall, the introduction of an advanced advanced move secret book entered his eyes.

"Dog Beating Stick Method: Martial arts handed down by beggar gang masters. It is a wonderful martial art that non-beggar gang masters cannot teach. There are 36 ways and 12 strokes of eight-character formulas. It is one of the two great magic skills for protecting gangs passed down from generation to generation by beggar gang masters. After learning this magical skill, one person can form an army. It has the reverse effect of fighting more with one enemy and fighting more with less! The price is 15 diamonds."

"One person in formation? Fight more with less? This is what I need!" Ye Luomo put his chin down and thought carefully.

Originally, he thought that Shi Ji and Whitebeard had at least a few billion bounties, but it turned out to be only a mere [-] million, which made his plan to become stronger directly bankrupt, but after seeing the dog-beating stick method, it seemed that he could make up for his current shortcomings, so after a little thought, Ye Luo gritted his teeth and bought the secret book of the dog-beating stick method.

From that day on, the navy of the G1 branch found out that their officers practiced with wooden sticks every day. Although they couldn't understand it, Yixiao, Lu Niu and the others changed their expressions after seeing Ye Luo's practiced stick technique.

Thinking of Ye Luo being so strong and training so hard, the rest of the team joined the wave of training one after another, which can be regarded as strengthening the strength of the G1 branch in a disguised form.

Besides, Ye Luo, after learning the dog beating stick method, Ye Luo suddenly became interested in the dog beating stick method. He found that the dog beating stick method is actually a set of formations for one person plus a set of changing stick methods.

So he wondered whether to replace some of the formation secrets in the system. He dare not say anything else. Wudang's Taiji Liangyi Formation, Zhenwu Seven-section Formation, Quanzhen Sect's Tiangang Big Dipper Seven-Star Sword Formation, Beggar Gang's Dog Beating Formation, Shaolin's Eighteen Bronze Man Formation, etc. are definitely there.

After the soldiers of the navy learn at that time, the combat effectiveness of the navy will definitely increase greatly.

However, considering the current situation of the navy, Ye Luo had no choice but to press down on this idea first, and wait until the time is ripe before doing this matter.

There is another reason why he is not in a hurry, that is, there are many sea battles in this world, and there are relatively few battles on land. Moreover, this is a two-dimensional place after all, and the abilities of the strong are too heaven-defying. Ordinary soldiers, even if they learn the formation, must have limited damage to the strong.

However, if a battle like the top battle happens again, the navy with the formation blessing will definitely have a greater advantage.

"My lord, the base chief of the G5 branch, Virgo, was killed by the Straw Hat Boys, and it was the white hunter Smoker who reported it!" One day, a navy soldier came in to report to Ye Luohui.

"Well, I see, where is the Smoker now?" Ye Luo nodded and said.

Smoker's going to the G5 branch this time is different from the original book, Ye Luo let him go, and told him the real identity of Virgo, so the actual manager of the G5 branch has long been Smoker.

"Lieutenant General Smoker is chasing the Straw Hats, and we don't have any trace of them!" the soldier replied.

"He's a real headache, so Caesar should have been caught by them too? Shouldn't he just let him go?" Ye Luo rubbed his head and said with some headaches.

"My lord, Luffy and the others must have offended Doflamingo by killing Virgo, right? That man is not easy to dismiss!" Kalifa said, pushing his glasses.

"It's okay, Trafalgar Luo should be with him. They seem to be making some big moves. They are really worrying brats! Go and tell the headquarters about Trafalgar Luo's killing of Vice Admiral Vergo of the Navy's G5 Division, and let the headquarters deprive him of his Qiwuhai status!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

"My lord, in this way, Qi Wuhai will exist in name only!" Kalifa said with a frown.

"This is my goal. Didn't they agree to abolish the Qibuhai system? Then let me help them! Hahaha!" Ye Luo said with a strange smile.

"My lord, you laugh so badly!" Kalifa's words made Ye Luo's laughter stop in vain.

However, Doflamingo is the only remaining Qiwuhai. Hawkeye Mihawk and Empress Hancock were deprived of the title of Qiwuhai because of the Chambord Islands incident. In addition, Whitebeard II Edward Weibull, who joined the Qiwuhai not long ago, was captured by Ye Luo when he attacked the G1 branch, and then handed over to Zefa to deal with.

Blackbeard Titch has been deprived of the title of Qiwuhai after the top war, and with him is the missing Moonlight Moria. As for the last one, Trafalgar Luo, the surgeon who became a pirate supernova with Luffy, exchanged a hundred pirate hearts for the title of Qiwuhai. Now it is equivalent to being abolished by Ye Luo, so only Doflamingo still has the title of Qiwuhai.

"Forget it, Kalifa, the G1 branch is handed over to you. I need to talk to them about something. I have to go to Dressrosa. I'm a little worried about Luffy's presence there. I'm also trying to find a way to get rid of his Shichibukai, so the so-called Qiwuhai is a joke!" Ye Luo was about to laugh again, but after taking a look at Kalifa, he held back abruptly.

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