"Actually, there is no benefit for us to do this. Among the people we released, although many were innocent, some criminals were still released by us, and the world government will not abandon this place, it will only let them bring some more slaves over to continue the work here!" Ye Luo shook his head, not at all happy to rescue those slaves.

"How could this be?" Ain said with a look of disbelief.

"My lord is right, according to the style of the world government, it will indeed be like this!" Gabra nodded and confirmed.

"So let's go, continue to accumulate our strength, until one day, it will be enough for us to overturn all the injustices in this world!" Ye Luo said standing on the deck, blowing the sea breeze.

"Yes, my lord!" Everyone shouted at the same time.

After Ye Luo handed over the unlucky pirates to the nearby naval branch, he searched for traces of the golden lion near the huge bridge again, but Ye Luo almost searched the nearby sea area, but he didn't find any trace of the golden lion, which made him wonder if the information was wrong.

It wasn't until one day that a subordinate navy reported that a nearby small island seemed to have been attacked by a huge beast, which made Ye Luo sure that the Golden Lion was really nearby.

"Where is this bastard hiding? Don't let me find out, or he will definitely be killed!" Ye Luo said angrily.

"My lord, we are back!" Gabra's voice came from a long distance away.

"How is it? How strong are those beasts?" Ye Luo calmed down, sat down and asked.

"It's okay, it feels like an ordinary beast is enlarged!" Gabra said with a curled lip.

"Then have you found any trace of the other party?" Ye Luo asked expectantly.

Gabra shook his head and said: "No, the other party seems to have fallen from the sky, and there is no trace of landing on the island at all!"

"Falling from the sky? I'm such an idiot!" Ye Luo wanted to slap himself when he heard Gabra's words.

Knowing that the other party is the ability user of Piao Piao Guo, he is still looking for it at sea. The flying pirate ship owned by Golden Lion is not easy to identify.

"Mr. Yixiao, are you interested in going to the sky with me to find out?" After discovering the clue, Ye Luo was not in such a hurry, and asked Yixiao next to him.

"The sky? Your lord means that the other party is hiding in the sky?" asked with a smile in surprise.

"That's right, Shi Ji is a Piao Piao fruit's ability user. He can make the objects he touches have the ability to float, but it has no effect on living creatures other than himself, so he can make the pirate ship fly, and let the pirates ride on the pirate ship!" Ye Luo nodded and said.

"I see. No wonder we haven't been able to find them!" Yi Xiao nodded.

"Let's go, let's meet this big flying pirate!" Ye Luo stood up and said with a smile.

She nodded with a smile, and stood up with Ye Luo.

When he came out this time, the giant dragon Huo Huo was sleeping, so Ye Luo didn't take it with him, so he needed the ability to smile when flying for a long time.

The two first flew into the air using moon steps, and then searched separately. After a while, they were the first to find the pirate ship hidden in the clouds with a smile.

"Found it?" When Ye Luo came to Yixiao's side, Yixiao still hadn't recovered.

"It's not just the pirate ship, there's also an island!" Yixiao said slowly.

"That lunatic, isn't he going to throw the whole island down? Are there any islands near here?" Ye Luo was startled, and hurriedly asked.

"Not here, but I feel it, the pirate ship and the flying island are moving forward, and the direction of progress is Rogge Town!" Smile calculated and said.

"This is troublesome! Go back first, ask the headquarters for reinforcements, and prepare for the worst!" Ye Luo said solemnly.

Smiling and nodding, the two quickly returned to the Huaxia, and Ye Luo directly connected to the phone bug at the headquarters to report the discovery.

"Okay, that's the only way for now!" Ye Luo nodded and hung up the phone.

"My lord, what's the answer from the headquarters?" asked with a smile.

"The headquarters will send warships over, but it's probably too late. Except for the defenders in Rogge Town who have a little bit of fighting power, the rest of the East China Sea branch is basically useless, so we don't have to look forward to it!" Ye Luo said with a wry smile.

"Then what should we do?" Ain asked a little worried.

"You and Binz can't fly up with the strength, and it's useless if you go up, so you two stay below to command, Gabra, Bruo, you two go up with me and Yixiao!" Ye Luo ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" Everyone said in unison.

"Remember, if you can't stop the golden lion, Mr. Smile! Just use your ability to drag down the entire island and smash it into the sea. It's better than hitting Rogge Town. I will try my best to destroy it before I descend!" Ye Luo said solemnly.

"Okay, I understand!" With a smile, she knew that this was Ye Luo's worst arrangement.

"If we succeed in defeating the Golden Lion, we must also pay attention to the fact that the island will fall down, so when the time comes, we will attack it as much as possible to make the island smaller!" Ye Luo finally added: "Ain and Binz, you should drive the Huaxia farther away, so as not to be affected, and notify Rogge Town so that they can make preparations early. If they can't be stopped and Mr. Smile's ability fails again, then let them make a plan to evacuate Rogge Town!"

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Ain and Binz saluted and replied.

"Then, everyone, let's go up!" After Ye Luo finished speaking, she directly used the moon steps to fly towards the place that Yixiao had discovered before.

And Yixiao and Gabra also followed Ye Luo.

"Is this something human can do?" When Gabra and Bruguo saw the island floating slowly in the air, they were speechless for a while in surprise.

"Don't waste time, go up!" Ye Luo shouted directly, fearing that the two of them would waste too much energy.

"Jie ha ha ha ha, look quickly, we have guests here! Hai Hai, you are so capable, you can find me!" The golden lion Shi Ji appeared in front of Ye Luo and the others the moment they landed on the island, and said with a big smile.

"Shi Ji!" Ye Luo stared at the golden lion and said, "What do you want to do?"

At this time, the golden lion has half of the rudder on its head, and the two famous swords "Sakura Ten" and "Dead Wood" are installed on its legs as its own feet.

"Jie hahahaha what are you doing? What do you think I want to do? Roger didn't listen to my advice, that's why he ended up like this. How could Donghai, the weakest in the district, be able to bury him? So I want to destroy that damn Rogge Town, so as to tell the world that I, the golden lion Shiji, have returned!" The golden lion said with a manic smile.

"You're really perverted! But, I won't give you a chance! Look at the trick, one yang finger!" Ye Luo raised his hand and pointed.


"Nice power, you are Admiral Zilong, aren't you? You have been looking for me down there for so many days, it's really hard for you!" Golden Lion kicked Ye Luo's Yang finger away, looked at Ye Luo with a smile and said: "But now, let's play with my little pets first! Jiehahahaha"

Saying that, the golden lion flew away directly.

"boom boom"

Followed by the sound of the earth shaking.

"My lord, leave these big guys to us!" Gabra and Bruo stood up and said.

"Be careful, both of you, go find us there after you settle it!" Ye Luo said, pointing at the building in the center of the island.

"Don't worry, my lord, it's just some little beasts!" Gabra said confidently.

Ye Luo nodded, and moved quickly towards the building in the middle of the island with a smile.

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