"Thief hahaha long time no see, BIGMOM!" Blackbeard Tiki's unique laughter sounded at the tea party at Cake Island, which surprised many participating guests.

As the president of the world's largest and only news agency, Morgons's eyes sparkled, which was the expression of his excitement when he discovered big news.

"It seems that the meeting of the two four emperors will be witnessed by us! Lingling, it seems that you have something important to do this time!" The Queen of Happy Street, Stussy, as one of the kings of the underground world, is actually a member of the World Government CP0, so she is very sure that before this, the World Government and the Navy did not know about the meeting between Blackbeard and BIGMOM.

"Mamamama~~ Stucey, you'd better not ask too much about what you don't want to ask!" BIGMOM said with a big laugh.

Stuci bowed and smiled. Although she is one of the underground kings, she is much worse than the Four Emperor Pirates. Even though she just called BIGMOM Lingling, she can only call BIGMOM when the other party is happy. When the other party is really angry, she doesn't care who she is.

"The thief hahahaha I didn't expect that I would also attend your tea party one day!" Blackbeard Tiki was directly guided to the main seat by Charlotte Perospero, the eldest son of BIGMOM's candy minister.

"Tichi, I didn't expect you to betray Whitebeard, you know he is not easy to deal with!" BIGMOM looked at Tiki and said directly.

"No matter how difficult it is to deal with, he is already dead! Besides, his abilities belong to me!" Tiqi said nonchalantly.

"Then you have to thank the Admiral Zilong of the Navy!" BIGMOM said with a smile.

Speaking of Ye Luo, Smoothie on the side suddenly felt tense. She had no idea that Blackbeard Tiki was coming today.

But judging by the appearance of the other party, he definitely didn't come here suddenly. He should have greeted his mother a long time ago, so it proves that the BIGMOM Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates are joining forces!

As for why they joined forces, Smoothie knew without thinking, it was definitely to deal with the navy and Ye Luo!

Although Ye Luo and his G1 branch don't need two four emperors to join forces, the Pirates are not monolithic, so Blackbeard has never dared to fight the navy with all his strength, otherwise no matter who it is, he will definitely feel uncomfortable if he is behind his back.

"Is the Zilong General Ye Luo? The thief hahaha really needs to thank him!" Tiqi said with a ferocious expression while clutching his arm.

His arm was almost cut off by Ye Luo last time, so he will never forget the pain.

"What is the purpose of your coming here?" BIGMOM asked directly without talking nonsense.

"Of course I'm attending your tea party!" Tiki said with a smile.

"mamamama~~~~ It's very good. It's the first time that my tea party has people from the Four Emperors level, so let's talk about everything after the tea party is over!" BIGMOM said with a big smile.

Tiki, who understands routines, speaks to make her so happy. Her personality is actually very similar to when she was a child. She can do whatever she wants, and never cares about others, because she has that strength.

As for the rest of the guests, when they saw Blackbeard Tiki, they knew that they were just here as a foil this time, but being able to participate in BIGMOM's tea party would also allow them to brag for a while.

Only the news director Morgans, who is also the king of the underground, and the queen of Joy Street, Stuci, have flickering eyes, obviously thinking about other things.

Time passed quickly, and when the tea party was over, the guests got up to leave, but found that the members of the BIGMOM Pirates did not make way, so they all looked at BIGMOM with some doubts.

"Everyone, please eat some desserts as much as you want, I still have some things to discuss, after the discussion is over, everyone, please leave!" BIGMOM said with a smile.

Although the actions and tone were quite enthusiastic, everyone knew what would happen if they objected, so the guests could only smile and sit down again, pretending to be very happy.

BIGMOM nodded in satisfaction, turned and walked towards the castle.

Blackbeard Titch followed BIGMOM and walked in with her, while his subordinates were stopped by BIGMOM cadres.

"Perospero, can't I go in and listen? If such a big news slips away before my eyes, I won't be able to sleep at night!" Morgans came to BIGMOM's eldest son, Perospero, and whispered.

"If you don't listen, you won't be able to fall asleep. I'm afraid you won't be able to wake up after listening to it!" Perospero stuck out his tongue, licked the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile.

"Morgons, don't make any more trouble, but I don't know how long it will take for them to negotiate? We still have a lot of things to do!" Stussy said, pretending to be in a hurry.

Perospero glanced at her, smiled and said, "Who knows? If you don't want to wait, you can try!"

Stuci pulled her hair and said, "Forget it, I'll wait, maybe things are not so urgent!"

Like them, there was Smoothie who also seemed a little anxious. She really wanted to inform Ye Luo, but now she couldn't leave at all, and couldn't contact Ye Luo.

Not long after, Blackbeard Tiki walked out happily with BIGMOM. In the end, BIGMOM even asked the eldest son Perospero to send Tiki off, making everyone very curious about what the two discussed.

"Mamamama~~ You won't be angry for taking everyone so long, right?" BIGMOM said to the guests with a smile after waiting for Tiqi and his group to leave.

"No way!"

"Certainly not, with such delicious desserts, it doesn't matter how long it takes!"

The guests quickly said politely.

"Really? mmamamam~~ That's great! Since everyone likes it, let's stay at Cake Island for one night! Leave until tomorrow!" BIGMOM said with a big smile.

Although everyone was somewhat reluctant, no one dared to raise objections.

After finishing the day's work, Smoothie finally returned to the room. Now she was very conflicted, not knowing whether to inform Ye Luo or not.

"Forget it, I can't contact him anyway!" Smoothie sighed, and finally decided not to betray his mother.

But at this moment, she suddenly noticed a black shadow flashing past the guest's accommodation area.

"Huh? Who is it so late?" Smoothie took his spiral long sword and followed directly.

"Sister Bray? Why are you here?" When Smoothie caught up with Sombra, he found that it was Charlotte Bray, the eighth daughter of BIGMOM.

Bray is a Superman-type mirror fruit ability user. He looks like an old woman. On the front of his face, there is a long scar left by bullying by gangsters when he was young.

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