Things seemed to have entered an endless loop, Akakenu was unwilling to give up, and Aokiji couldn't back down, the atmosphere in the entire conference room became very depressing.

"I just told you to listen to me. Now that it's like this, what will happen in the future? Is the navy going to split? Become two navies?" Ye Luo broke the silence of the conference room again and said.

"There is only one navy, and it will never be split, and it is impossible to split. Anyone who thinks this way is my enemy!" Garp also stood up, came behind Sengoku, and said.

"So the idea of ​​our two old guys is very simple. We can't fight each other, let alone split the navy. For the rest, you can discuss it!" Warring States thought for a while and said directly.

Ye Luo got a little annoyed by these people, and got up straight away and said, "It's too unmanly to procrastinate, Kuzan, I don't care what you decide, anyway, I support you, even if you want to kill this guy, I dare to join forces with you! But if you keep hesitating like this, I don't have time to play with you! I'm going back to the G1 branch, and I'll find me there if I have something to do!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Luo took the lead to leave the conference room. Seeing this, Huang Yuan strolled away as well. He wanted to leave a long time ago, and this matter had nothing to do with him.

Among the few remaining people, the two old men looked at each other, as if they didn't understand, why did things become like this?Isn't it just that the two have different political views?Need this?
As the head of the three generals, Kasarsky, you can do whatever you want, even if it is Aokiji's order, he may not heed it, why do you have to force Aokiji to step down now?

As the marshal, Aokiji, what Kasarsky doesn't want to do, can he arrange others to do it?Why did it happen?

Not to mention the two old men whose IQs are not online at all due to retirement, Granny He stroked her chin, as if she had already seen the problem, so her brows were furrowed.

"Things are a little troublesome!" Granny He looked at the silent Chiken and Qingzhi, and said softly.

After Ye Luo left, the meeting couldn't go on, so the matter had to be left alone, but the relationship between Aokiji and Akainu was getting worse and worse. It seemed that after that meeting, Aokiji no longer wanted to reconcile with Akainu, and began to suppress Akainu in all aspects.

This made Akaken's life difficult. At the same time, the generals of the hawks in the navy also began to complain about Aokiji. Although they supported Akaken before, they didn't feel that they had to oppose Aokiji.

"My lord!" When Ye Luo came to the G1 branch, Lena was very happy, because she is now the deputy commander of the G1 branch. Ye Luo came over, so naturally she can always be by Ye Luo's side.

"Where's Mr. Yixiao? Going to gamble again?" Ye Luo asked while patting Lena's head with a smile.

"No, he and Lieutenant General Green Bull went on patrol!" Lena shook her head and said.

"Green cow? Why is that guy here?" Ye Luo asked in surprise.

"I don't know either. In short, after the competition with you, he stayed here. Mr. Yixiao seems to have a good relationship with him. The two are basically inseparable now." Lena was also a little confused, and said directly.

"Okay, I'm here for the time being. On the bright side, Mr. Yixiao is still the officer and you are the adjutant. I'll make soy sauce here!" Ye Luo smiled and said.

Lena was not surprised by Ye Luo's words, because Ye Luo usually doesn't like these trivial matters, he only likes to pursue strength!

"Mr. Xiaoxiao is back, do you need him to come and see the lord?" Lena asked softly.

"That's fine, he's back, let him come to see me! Ask him about the green cow!" Ye Luo thought for a while, nodded and said.

After dinner, Yixiao took the green cow to find Ye Luo. Before Ye Luo could ask, Yixiao told Ye Luo about the green cow.

It turned out that although they were familiar with each other before, the Green Bull had always been at the Navy Headquarters. After failing to discuss with Ye Luo this time, they originally planned to have a chat with Ye Luo.

But after seeing the way the navy gets along with everyone in the G1 branch, Green Bull feels that he has finally realized what the real navy is, so he has been staying with Yixiao and refused to leave, insisting on joining Yixiao's circle.

And Aokiji recently had no time to pay attention to the green bull because of the red dog. He didn't even know that this guy was not at the headquarters, because in his opinion, with such a serious injury, the green bull should still be in the medical department.

Besides Ye Luo, after chatting with Green Bull for a while, he found that this guy was similar to all animal-type ability users, that is, his muscles were bigger than his head, he was easy to accept death, and he was also stubborn.

But Ye Luo didn't just let him be his companion because of his strength.Because he was not very clear about the character of the green bull, so he assigned some tasks to the green bull. After letting him go to the battlefield alone, Ye Luo began to accept the green bull.

As for the headquarters, because the struggle between Akainu and Aokiji has reached a fever pitch, many neutral generals began to apply to go to the G1 branch in order to avoid the battle between them.

Aokiji didn't refuse, which resulted in more and more navies in the G1 branch. In the end, Ye Luo had no choice but to take over the authority of the G1 branch. First of all, all the residents were moved away, and the small island where the G1 branch was located became a naval base.

Then, with the popularization of sea trains, all the small islands within the navy's sphere of influence have laid tracks to connect all the small islands. Although other small islands and kingdoms are eye-catching, this matter is fully up to Ye Luo's decision, so ordinary people dare not come to the idea of ​​​​taking the sea train.

In addition, in the first half of the great route, with Alabasta and the capital of water as the center, the laying of the track is also in full swing. Although the progress is not as fast as the New World G1 branch, there is still some progress. Even Kalifa was reassigned by Ye Luo to manage the trivial matters of the G1 branch.

In addition, the current territory can no longer meet the needs of the navy. After a large number of generals came to the G1 branch, Ye Luo finally began to expand outwards. Of course, it was not aimless expansion, but to seize Blackbeard's territory and not let go. For this reason, the other three emperors turned a blind eye to the navy's behavior!
"Captain, the navy seems to be targeting us recently, and we have lost a lot of territory adjacent to the navy!" Lafitte, who was appointed by Blackbeard as the fifth captain, found Blackbeard and said.

"Oh? Just targeted us? No other forces?" Blackbeard said with a gloomy face.

Originally, there should have been ten captains under his command, but the champion Zhishas Bashas was killed by Ye Luo in the top battle, so there were only nine captains.

Especially now that he has fully taken over Whitebeard's territory in the new world, the weakness of his subordinates' lack of power has finally emerged. This is the difference between the new emperor and the old forces.

"Yes, Kaido's fleet and navy just turned a blind eye and just stared at our attack. Our power over there has been hit hard!" Lafitte nodded and said.

"Then do you have any good solutions?" Blackbeard was surrounded by no one except the crew who had followed him before. The helpers brought out from the undersea prison, although they were his subordinates in name, had a great degree of freedom, and Blackbeard didn't really count on them.

"This is the arrangement of fate, let us meet the navy!" Said the captain and sniper of the No. [-] ship, Fan Aoka, with the appearance of a magic stick.

"I do have a plan, but it also has shortcomings." Lafitte said with a smile.

"Tell me?" Blackbeard asked with interest.

"White Beard II!" Lafitte only said one name.

That guy has strength, but he has a bad brain, and he listens to his so-called "mother" in everything, so they have ten thousand ways to make the navy fight Edward Weibull, who claims to be Whitebeard II.

"Really? Interesting!" Blackbeard said with a smile as his eyes lit up.

"But there are also shortcomings. We have only landed on the Four Emperors not long ago. We should have taken the shot and given the navy a fatal blow to establish our prestige, but if that guy Edward Weibull took the shot, it should have a big blow to our reputation!" Lafayette said with a smile.

"The thief hahaha, it's okay, it's not time to duel with that Zilong general yet, but we can't just watch, start a battle between them first, we also start to gather our forces and move forward, at least we can't lose our prestige! Thief hahaha" Blackbeard laughed and said.

Following Blackbeard's order, the entire Blackbeard fleet began to move. Those big pirates brought out by him from the deep sea prison responded to Blackbeard's call with dignity, began to gather troops, and followed Blackbeard to the G1 branch.

At the same time, Edward Weibull, who was challenging the captains of the original Whitebeard Pirates, also began to move towards the G1 division for some reason.

"My lord! Warring States Superintendent and General Garp are here!" Kalifa knocked on the door of Ye Luo's office and said.

"What are these two old men doing here?" Ye Luo asked with a headache.

Since the last meeting, the two old men have been bothering him frequently, because the relationship between Chiquan and Qingzhi was beyond their expectations, and it seemed to have had a considerable impact on the entire navy, and the two old men couldn't directly give orders to them, so they had to find Ye Luo and let him think of a way.

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