Ye Luo felt that Tina's reaction just now was the ability of an excellent naval commander. After learning about the opponent's actions, she immediately made corresponding arrangements.

"You guys go back the way you came, go back directly to the warship, and I will go to the coastline to watch the pirates. I took the phone bug away to ensure that I can contact Colonel Tina at any time!" Hanging up the phone, Ye Luo said to the members of his team.

Only the communicator was a little bit entangled. Logically speaking, the phone bug couldn't leave the communicator. This was a rule, but the current situational communicator also understood that it would be a burden to go with Ye Luo, so he was a little entangled.

Originally, such a team should not be equipped with communication soldiers. Perhaps Tina also knew that Ye Luo had some relationship with Garp, so she sent them here specially.

"Don't worry, I will explain to Commander Tina afterwards, if there is any punishment, I will bear it!" Ye Luo saw the communication soldier's thoughts, and patted him on the shoulder and said.

The communications soldier touched his head in embarrassment, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Boss Ye!"

So after separating from the team, Ye Luo's speed was directly driven to the maximum. Although he hadn't learned lightness kung fu yet, his movement speed was already very fast under the infusion of internal energy.

Soon he was close to the coastline, but he didn't go out, but hid himself.

At the same time, Tina, who received the warning from Ye Luo, also rushed back with a large force, while contacting the navy of the left-behind warship, to keep an eye out for the sudden attacks of the pirates.

"Master Tina, the pirates have arrived at the predetermined location, and they should be observing the personnel left behind on the warship!" Ye Luo hid in the dark, observing the pirates' movements while reporting the situation to Tina.

"Very well, keep an eye on them. If they show signs of escaping, notify Tina immediately!" Colonel Tina sat in the cabin, looking out at the calm sea.

Just now, they arrived at the warship one step ahead of the pirates, and now they have adjusted their status, waiting for the pirates to take the bait.

"Report to Commander, the pirate ship has been found and is approaching us!" Soon, a navy came to report to Tina.

After Tina thought for a while, she said, "Heighten the anchor, then retreat slowly, and lure the pirates to chase after them!"

If they don't respond at all, the pirates will probably see something. Now that the pirates have been discovered, the normal left-behind personnel will first find ways to protect themselves, and then call themselves "going out".

Sure enough, finding that the warship was about to flee, the pirate ship suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the navy warship.

"Very good, once you're in range, shoot immediately and move closer to the pirate ship!" Tina said with her lips curled up slightly, looking at the hooked pirate.

"Yes!" The navy immediately entered the fighting state.

But Ye Luo hid on the coast, looked at the pirates approaching the warship, thought for a while, and found that he seemed to have forgotten something important.

After the warship's artillery fired at the pirate ship, Ye Luo's eyes widened and he shouted, "Fuck! My diamond!"

Yes, if the pirate ship is sunk like this, then the bounty has nothing to do with him, although he has not tried it, but for Ye Luo who is extremely short of diamonds, taking 5500 diamonds for the test is too extravagant.

At this time, Ye Luo watched the pirate ship try to turn around and escape under the firepower of the warship. He wished he could just fly there, but although the two ships were not far from the coastline, when he swam there, the day lily might be cold.

"Damn it, did you agree that the pirate leader asked me to solve it? What about the trust between people?" Ye Luo walked around like a headless chicken while cursing Tina, who was not talking.


Finally, the pirate ship was hit by a shot from the warship that was slowly catching up. Although the ship did not sink immediately, it had already lost the qualification to escape!
"Never mind!" Ye Luo managed to find a small wooden boat, saw that the pirate ship was hit, and didn't care about 21, rowed the small wooden boat and rushed towards the pirate ship, trying to catch "Lone Wolf" Jakes before the pirate ship sank.

"Look, isn't that the boss Ye Luo? What is he doing?" The navy also found Ye Luo approaching the pirate with a small wooden boat.

"Could it be..." Tina looked thoughtfully at Ye Luo who was struggling to row, and exhaled a puff of smoke.


"Bastard, stop it!"

The warship that was getting closer and closer to the pirate ship hit the pirate ship again, and some pirates on the pirate ship started to jump ship to escape, Ye Luo was so anxious that he was about to curse, but the speed of the small wooden boat was limited, so he was afraid that he might not be able to catch up with the final harvest.

"One more attack, sink that ugly pirate ship for Tina, and everyone else prepares to salvage the pirates that fell into the water, and don't let any pirate go!" Tina stood on the deck, commanding in a high-spirited manner.

This time, because of his good command, the navy took down the wolf pack pirates at almost zero cost, so she was very happy. As for Ye Luo, who was still paddling over there, she had already forgotten about it.

"Yes!" The sailors on board jumped into action immediately.

So when Ye Luo arrived, the pirate ship had completely sunk, and the main leaders of the pirates were captured by the navy one after another. Although some small pirates might escape by diving in the chaos, the navy didn't care anymore.

"Master Tina, didn't you agree that the captain of the pirate would be captured by me?" After climbing onto the warship, Ye Luo asked Tina with an ugly face.

"Are you questioning Tina?" Tina took a drag on her cigarette, looked at Ye Luo with interest, and asked.

"Don't dare!" Ye Luo stared at Tina, although he said he didn't dare, but the momentum he showed didn't look like he didn't dare at all.

"Don't worry, Tina will fill in the report truthfully, and I will give you a lot of credit for this time, and Tina promised you before, so Tina can also credit you for the capture of the pirate leader!" Tina said with an expression that I understand.

It turned out that she thought Ye Luo was so angry because he was worried that his credit would be wiped out.

"I don't care about credit or something. What about that wolf pirate captain? Since he was captured by the lord, it's okay for me to challenge him?" Ye Luo still made a request to Tina, thinking of just in case.

Tina looked at Ye Luo suspiciously. Could it be that she hurriedly rowed over because she was worried that her achievements would be wiped out?But because Ye Luo is a fighting madman?Tina then thought about Ye Luo's constant challenge to the officers on the ship. Before, she also thought that Ye Luo was acting deliberately in front of her, but now it seems that it is probably because the other party is just a fighting maniac.

"Bring the Lone Wolf Jacks up!" After Tina figured it out, she immediately nodded and followed Ye Luo's request, and brought the leader of the Wolf Pack Pirates, Jacks up.

"Come on, what weapon do you need? You're welcome!" Ye Luo said provocatively as he unlocked Jax's handcuffs.

Jakes originally thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect to be brought into a fight with the navy soldiers. He licked his tongue, and with a bloodthirsty look on his face, Jakes pulled out a knife from the navy beside him, and went straight to Ye Luo without any fuss!

"Hmph! Trash! There's a bounty of 5500 million for this kind of strength?" In less than 10 minutes, the battle was decided.

At this time, Jakes was lying on the deck and passed out, while Ye Luo had only gained experience, and he didn't get a single hair of the other party's 5500 million bounty of diamonds, so he was extremely upset.

"Okay, the matter is over. His bounty is because what he did caused a great malicious influence, not because his strength is already so high! Now return to the small town to deal with it!" Seeing that Jakes passed out, Tina explained to Ye Luo, and then waved for the soldiers to carry him away.

"My lord, this matter needs to be reported to the headquarters, after all," Tina's adjutant stepped forward and whispered to Tina.

"No matter what, let's clean up their corpses first, Tina can't do it like that!" Tina said softly, smoking a cigarette, looking at the uninhabited town on the island not far away.

The adjutant sighed, turned and left to arrange things.

On the contrary, Ye Luo was confused and didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Boss Ye, those bastards from the Wolves Pirates slaughtered all the villagers in the town, and the corpses were piled up in the center of the town. They didn't even spare the old and the children!" Seeing that Ye Luo didn't understand, a marine pulled him aside and explained in a low voice.

"What?" Ye Luo asked in surprise.

Although he had such doubts before, he was not sure. After all, doing such a thing would not benefit the Pirates at all. It is the best way to keep the villagers working for them. Just like the village where Ye Luo lived before, after being ruled by pirates, as long as they take out the money, they will not be killed innocently.

"And this kind of thing, the world government must hide it, otherwise the impact will be too bad, so most of these corpses and small islands will be disposed of!" Seeing that Ye Luo seemed to have experienced this kind of thing for the first time, the navy whispered with an unshakable expression...

Ye Luo suddenly turned his head, looked at Hai Hai, and asked in disbelief, "Why?"

Although Ye Luo knew that this kind of thing was a common occurrence for the world government when watching the anime, but after experiencing it personally, he still couldn't accept it. People were all dead, and they didn't even have a chance to rest in the ground, which was really too much.

"Because the world government needs stability and the world needs peace, so I can only do this. If you think this is not good, then wipe out all the pirates, so that this kind of thing will never happen again!" Tina walked over and said, smoking a cigarette.

Ye Luo gritted his teeth and didn't say anything to refute, even if he knew that although the pirates did this, it still had something to do with the World Government's inaction, just trying to hide it and whitewash the peace.

But it's pointless to argue with Tina now, so Ye Luo turned around and left, and went back to her cabin to rest.

"Boss!" The navy who was talking to Ye Luo just now seemed to want to explain to Ye Luo, but was interrupted by Tina waving her hand.

"Let him rest on the boat, Tina can understand this kind of thing, and Tina is also very happy!" Tina flicked the cigarette ash, not dissatisfied with Ye Luo's performance at all.

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