"If you want to attack Tiqi, I advise you to forget it, because the situation in the new world is more chaotic than you imagined. It will take a lot of effort for the navy to gain a firm foothold, and there is no extra energy to attack Blackbeard!" Aokiji said helplessly.

"Really? It seems that Tiqi wants to be the new Four Emperors!" Ye Luo chuckled and said, "Although I always knew that he was very dangerous, but I didn't expect him to take advantage of the momentum. In the future, the navy will have to face a powerful opponent! By the way, who is in charge of the New World now?"

"It's Kasarsky. He is in charge of all the affairs over there. Polusalino is in charge of the defense of the scientific forces, so I can only let you go there to support. Don't worry, Kasarsky will be transferred back to the headquarters to take charge of the new world. You are in charge of the new world!" Aokiji said with a smile.

"Just right, I don't want to stay at the headquarters either. After all, if those disgusting guys have something to do, the generals at the headquarters will send them first!" Ye Luo looked like he didn't want to talk about certain existences, which made Qingzhi frowned.

He forgot that Ye Luo didn't like Tianlongren, even though he didn't like it himself, but in this position, he had to do it!Because the navy's huge military expenditure every year is paid by the world government.

If the world government wants to deal with the navy, it is very simple. As long as the navy's military expenditure is cut off, the entire navy will be paralyzed, especially the scientific army, which is simply a bottomless pit of burning money. If it were not for the support of the world government and the Tianlong people, it would have gone bankrupt long ago.

Of course, it is a bit reluctant to say that the scientific force belongs to the navy. It is more appropriate to say that it belongs to the world government, but the weapons and equipment of the navy are basically developed by the scientific force, and the guards are also from the navy, so it is divided in this way.

After coming out of Aokiji, Ye Luo did not rest, called Lena, Yixiao and others, and rushed directly to the New World without stopping. The G1 branch there was the headquarters of the entire New World Navy, and it was also the branch with the strongest military power.

The reason why they didn't move wasn't Ye Luo's intervention, but Qingzhi's objection. As for why Ye Luo didn't know.

After the handover between the G1 branch and Kasarsky, Ye Luo realized how terrible the whole new world was. Because of Whitebeard's death, battles took place on the islands under his command every day.

I don’t know if Akaken and Blackbeard reached an agreement, or what happened. In short, under the leadership of Akainu, the Navy also followed the example of the other three emperors and Blackbeard, slowly swallowing Whitebeard’s territory, and did not do anything to Blackbeard. Missed the best time to contain.

Moreover, because the navy's entry caused dissatisfaction among the other Three Emperors, and there was a vague intention of targeting, the navy's progress was slow. On the contrary, Blackbeard was able to occupy a large number of Whitebeard Pirates because he was uninhibited and brought out a group of powerful pirates from the city of advancement.

"My lord, what shall we do next?" Lena asked after understanding the situation.

"Now is not the time to attack, let's rescue ordinary civilians first!" Ye Luo sighed, and said, "Go back and ask Gabula and the others if they are interested in doing something!"

"Gabra? Are you not worried about them?" Kaku asked with a smile.

"To be honest, I'm really worried. You and Kalifa are alright, and you still have a basic conscience in your heart, but there is no right or wrong in their words, only whether they can complete the task, so I have never planned to use them. I just hope that they can live a peaceful life and dissipate their evil spirit!" Ye Luo said directly.

"No problem, my lord!" Kaku hadn't spoken yet, but Lena said with a smile: "Although they ignore life, they are not bad people, and they even said something positively? Naive? It seems wrong! In short, because of the long-term closed training, they don't have so much thought. From Gabra's deceitful words, you can understand that as long as you are an ordinary person, you will not be deceived by him!"

Ye Luo thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was really like that, he had never seriously analyzed the characters of CP9 members, but Lena often came into contact with them, and at the base, they didn't wear masks to live, so Lena directly saw through their true intentions.

"Well then, ask them, anyone who wants to come can come, and those who don't want to come stay at home!" Ye Luo nodded and confirmed with a smile: "But one thing, after coming here, we must not kill innocent people indiscriminately. In addition to hostile pirates, we also need to help ordinary civilians!"

Ye Luo was still afraid that their murderous intent would be too strong, and sometimes they would not be able to hold back, so he deliberately explained clearly first.

A few days later, when Kalifa came over with Gabra, Xiongshi Nugget, and Yinwu Owl, Ye Luo pulled out from the pile of documents.

"Ouch~ Kalifa, why are you here?" Although Ye Luo was very happy to see Kalifa's arrival, he was also a little surprised. He thought that Kalifa would stay at home and would not come over.

Kalifa pushed her glasses and said, "Miss Lena said she hoped that I would come and help you sir!"

"That's really troublesome for you! There are too many things here, I can't handle them all by myself, and I'm not good at it!" Ye Luo said with a headache.

Kalifa nodded and quickly entered the working state.

In fact, she also wanted to come out to have a look. Although the house is very good, it is not bad to come out to play occasionally.

As for Gabra and others, they were directly incorporated into the combat force, together with Kaku.

To Ye Luo's surprise, Bruno, the ability user of the door fruit, did not come out with them. Kalifa told him that Bruno didn't like fighting, but he liked the situation at home very much now, and the family needed to keep people, so he was allowed to stay at home.Of course, Ye Luo thinks that the last point is the key.

The arrival of Khalifa and the others finally made Ye Luo withdraw from the pile of documents, and began to patrol around with a smile.

"Mr. Yixiao, how are you feeling these few days?" Ye Luo and Yixiao asked after casually walking around a few nearby islands.

"It's very chaotic!" Yixiao pointed directly to the point, and said in a low voice: "This is still a place managed by the Navy. One can imagine how chaotic the rest of the place must be. Whitebeard's death is a disaster for the New World!"

"That's right, so I don't plan to continue to expand now, but to stabilize people's hearts first, does Mr. Yixiao have any suggestions?" Ye Luo nodded and said.

"Isn't this what adults are good at?" replied with a smile.

"Then leave the recovery work here to me. How about leaving the work of patrolling and catching pirates to Mr. Yixiao?" Ye Luo nodded and replied.

"Thank you, my lord!" With a smile, he understood that catching the pirates was equivalent to giving him credit.

"Gabula and Mr. Smile need to worry more. They were originally members of the World Government's intelligence organization CP9. They were abandoned by the World Government because of the defeat of Judiciary Island. I think they are strong and saved them!" Ye Luo explained: "But the training they have been receiving is the training that eliminates humanity, so they will be a little contemptuous of life. This requires the help of Mr. Smile!"

"No problem. I think they are just like what Miss Lena said. Their minds are not very complicated, and they are extremely obedient. As long as you order them well, there will be no problem!" Nodding with a smile, he said.

"Sir, don't be careless, they may not be able to control themselves when they fight!" Ye Luo reminded.

But Ye Luo was not worried, because Yixiao's ability could subdue them in an instant, so he gave it to Yixiao to lead.

After the work arrangement was completed, Ye Luo started to resume work, and with a smile, he led the combat troops to patrol around, giving the nearby residents the impression that the navy was protecting them, and helping Ye Luo complete the appeasement work.

A few days later, when Yixiao returned to the G1 branch with a boat full of pirates, he suddenly found that the panicked residents began to smile and their lives began to stabilize, so he came to Ye Luo's office with doubts.

"It's Mr. Smile! My lord is not here, maybe I went fishing on a nearby island!" In the office, Kalifa was sorting out the files, and said after seeing Smile.

"Fishing? Is your lord so leisurely? But I see that the nearby residents seem to have stabilized. Is it not good for your lord to start to relax like this?" asked with a frown.

Khalifa smiled and said: "Mr. misunderstood, the adults are really powerful, just a few simple tricks have already made the surrounding residents calm down, and the adults show up every day where the nearby residents can see. According to the adults, it is to give them a sense of security!"

"Hmm..." I didn't understand with a smile, but it didn't seem that Ye Luo was being lazy, but that his method was a bit strange.

So after Yixiao and Kalifa finished handing over, they quickly found Ye Luo through knowledge and knowledge.

At this time, Ye Luo had just captured a small sea king from the sea, and was distributing it to the nearby residents, and told them not to go to sea without authorization if they found a sea king, but to report it to the navy, and let the navy handle it.

"It seems that your lord's method has already paid off! The nearby residents already have a very high degree of recognition of the Navy!" Yixiao walked over and said.

He was walking all the way just now, and everyone saw that he was wearing a navy costume, showing a look of respect. He was very happy with such a smile, and he was happier than catching many pirates. In his opinion, this is what the navy should do.

"Well, it's almost done here. The next thing we need is long-term stability and slowly deepening the navy's favorability. So, does Mr. Yixiao still have physical strength? We can start to expand!" Ye Luo smiled and looked into the distance.

"I would like to hold the cow and the horse for my lord!" said with a smile and bowed.

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