"Revolutionary army? Although it looks a bit like them, I'm not them. In my thoughts." Ye Luo said halfway, and stopped talking, and smiled knowingly and didn't continue to ask.

When Ye Luo returned to the headquarters, he was notified that he was appointed as the new general, but not now, but after Qingzhi became the marshal.

At this time, Ye Luo remembered that because of the war, Sengoku resigned from the position of Marshal, and recommended Qingzhi.

It's a pity that he was kicked off by the villain Akainu not long after, because Akainu quietly united with the top leaders of the world government, so after getting their support, he defeated Aokiji in a duel in an upright manner, won the position of marshal, and officially changed the navy from a positive image to a villain.

And Ye Luo believes that the navy is definitely better in the hands of Aokiji than in the hands of Akaken. Although Akaken is indeed better than Aokiji in some aspects, but the difference in philosophy alone makes Ye Luo choose to support Aokiji.

"Where did the teacher go?" Ye Luo asked casually.

"My lord, Lieutenant General Karp has returned to the East China Sea on vacation!" the navy soldier replied.

"Oh~ okay, thank you!" Ye Luo nodded and said.

After Ye Luo left, the naval soldiers who reported to Ye Luo looked at the direction of his departure with admiration on their faces, and their hearts were full of vitality.

"Looks like I'm going to visit Granny He!" After Ye Luo smiled, she thought for a while and walked to Granny He's office.

As a figure of the same era as the Warring States Period and Garp, the position of Grandma Crane's chief staff officer must still be able to speak.

"dong dong dong~~"

"Please come in!"

After Ye Luo knocked on the door, Granny He's vigorous voice came from inside.

"Lieutenant General Crane, hello! Hey~ Miss Gion, I didn't expect you to be here!"

After Ye Luo opened the door and went in, seeing Zhi Yuan talking to Granny He, she smiled happily.

"Stinky boy, you actually ascended to the position of general before my sister and I are really annoying!" Seeing Ye Hou, Gion said with a displeased smile on his face.

"That can't be helped, strength doesn't allow it!" Ye Luo spread his hands and said funny.

Gion and Granny Crane were taken aback for a moment, and then they realized that they all laughed together.

"Is there something for Xiao Ye Zi to come to my place?" Granny He asked with a smile.

She knew that Ye Luo would not take the initiative to come to her if she had nothing to do. Although every festival or something, gifts would be delivered, but they were all sent by Gion, and she rarely came to the door in person.

Ye Luo nodded, and said: "There are indeed some things that I wanted to discuss with the teacher, but the teacher has returned to the East China Sea, so I came to Lieutenant General He!"

"Oh? Tell me, what is it that makes our new admiral feel embarrassed?" Gion joked with a smile.

"Oh~ Sister Gion, everyone in the navy is going crazy, why are you still chatting with Lieutenant General He?" Ye Luo patted his forehead helplessly, and replied.

"Ouch~~ Now you're starting to show off the prestige of a general? I'm a small lieutenant general, I'm afraid it's not enough for you to scold me!" Gion obviously cared a lot about the fact that Ye Luo was promoted to general before him, and he wanted to mention it in a few sentences!
Ye Luo had nothing to do about it, but the relationship between the two was good, and Gion had helped Ye Luo a lot in the past, so Ye Luo immediately nodded and bowed, expressing his admiration.

"Hmph, forget it, tell your sister, I'm leaving!" Seeing this, Gion also knew that his state of mind was wrong, so he snorted, got up and left.

"Don't~ Sister Gion, I'm still a major general! Besides, Lieutenant General He and I just talked a few words, it doesn't matter if you listen!" Ye Luo knew that Gion was trying to avoid suspicion, but Ye Luo didn't care.

"Okay, you two little guys, don't quarrel anymore, I'm too old to quarrel~!" Granny He looked at the two lovingly, and said with a smile that she didn't look like she couldn't stand it at all.

Gion blushed, ignored Ye Luo, and just sat there looking out the window.

"The purpose of my coming here is to ask Lieutenant General He, what do you think of Aokiji taking over as Marshal?" Seeing that Gion no longer troubled him, Ye Luo asked directly.

Granny He frowned, and said, "You don't agree with Aokiji taking over as Marshal?"

Grandma He thought that Ye Luo wanted to be promoted to Marshal herself, so she felt that Ye Luo's pace was too fast.

Ye Luo shook his head and said, "On the contrary, I think Qingzhi is the best candidate!"

Granny He nodded. When she discussed with Zhan Guo before, she said that Qingzhi should be used as a buffer for the navy to accumulate more capital, and then replace Ye Luo. Although Ye Luo's ideals are somewhat illusory, isn't it good to have dreams?
"Then what's the problem!?" Granny He asked in confusion.

Ye Luo sighed and said, "Red Dog!"

"Kasarsky? What's wrong with him?" Granny He was a little curious, why did Ye Luo bring up Red Dog at this time?Although she also knows that Akainu is interested in the position of marshal, this kind of thing is not something you can think about.

"I have received news that Kasarsky is in contact with the high-level officials of the world government, and it seems that he intends to re-elect the admiral of the navy!" Ye Luo thought for a while, but said directly.

Although he doesn't have an insider in the world government, he can only use this excuse.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Granny He stared at Ye Luo for a while, and then said: "I didn't expect you to be more powerful than we imagined, and you can already find out this kind of news!"

Ye Luo spread her hands and said, "It's not my ability, it's just a coincidence!"

Grandma He nodded and said, "Leave that aside, are you sure that Kasarsky will compete for the position of marshal!?"

"That's right, one hundred percent!" Ye Luo nodded and replied.

"I see, I will talk to Zhan Guo!" Granny He thought for a while before smiling.

Seeing this, Ye Luo saluted and said: "The junior will leave first. This matter is absolutely true, and Lieutenant General He please keep it in mind. If Akainu really did it, it would be a huge loss to the navy! Aokiji just became a marshal, but he was questioned and kicked out of the position of marshal. It will definitely make him unable to stay in the navy, and we will lose a strong combat power!"

Ye Luo's words made Grandma He fall into deep thought again, and after a while, she woke up after Gion's questioning.

"Sister, what's the matter? Will what Little Leaf said really happen?" Gion asked worriedly.

"I'm afraid it's true! You've seen it before. Blackbeard Tiki snatched Whitebeard's body. We don't know the reason, only he knows!" Grandma He said with a wry smile.

"Then what should we do? The current navy can't stand internal strife!" Gion said worriedly.

In fact, it's not that she has nothing to do, but she has just returned from a mission at sea, so she came to Granny He's place to sit for a while, and tomorrow she has a new mission that requires her to continue sailing.

"It's really troublesome. It seems that we need to discuss it with Zhan Guo!" Granny He said with narrowed eyes.

Besides, Ye Luo, he returned to his temporary residence after leaving Lieutenant General He's office. The navy moved very quickly, especially for senior generals like him, who gave priority to building their residence.

"Huh~ It seems that we still need to give priority to improving our strength. This time, with a powerful helper like Yixiao, we can do many things!" Ye Luo's eyes flashed brightly, and he began to practice immediately.

The next day, Ye Luo also received the mission of sailing, and with a smile, boarded the Huaxia and set sail again.

At present, because of the war between the navy and Whitebeard, and the incident of advancing the city, there are more pirates on the sea, and the navy is exhausted to catch the pirates everywhere.

As for the new world, major events happened one after another. After the Whitebeard Pirates lost the pillar of Whitebeard, all the sites began to be eaten away by the other three emperors. There was also Blackbeard Tiki, who knew the Whitebeard Pirates very clearly, so he grabbed the most sites.

However, because the navy needs to catch pirates everywhere, it has no ability to conquer the new world. It can only rely on the G5 branch as a fulcrum to expand bit by bit.

A week later, when Ye Luo returned to the Navy headquarters again, it was the ceremony for Aokiji to take over as Admiral of the Navy and Ye Luo himself to be promoted to Admiral. Even Garp, who had returned to East China Sea for vacation, had already returned to the headquarters.

Now Garp has no duties or rights of vice admiral other than his military rank. Ye Luo knows that Garp actually helped him to take the blame, because after the Warring States and Garp discussed, the general Ye Luo disobeyed the order and gave the Whitebeard Pirates all the things.

"Teacher, how did you go back to rest this time?" Ye Luo came to Garp's side and asked respectfully.

"Wow, hahaha, the old man is only teaching naval recruits now, and the work is a lot easier. Don't think that you can stop practicing after being promoted to general. Compared with Kasarsky and Polusalino, you are too young!" Garp naturally knew what Ye Luo wanted to say, but this time Ace didn't die, and Dadan didn't do anything to Garp in the original book, and Garp was in a very good mood.

"Teacher, don't worry, my skills have improved a little recently, let's discuss and learn later?" Ye Luo said with a smile.

In the past, because he was afraid that his own meridians would not be able to bear the Beiming Divine Art, Ye Luo rarely used the ability to absorb other people's domineering energy in battle, but now that he has Yi Jin Jing, he can be unscrupulous. He went to sea to find a lot of pirates to test, and now his strength has increased by at least [-]% compared to before.

Because of the domineering support, and the ability to transform internal energy with the Beiming Divine Art, his internal energy is not worrying for the time being, and he can't see anything against ordinary pirates. For example, when fighting against a master like Yixiao, Ye Luo can use it to absorb the opponent's domineering, and barely hit the No.18 palm.

When he was sparring with Yixiao back then, he almost scared Yixiao to death, that's why Ye Luo said that, because now he also has the meaning of getting stronger when he is strong.

Soon, when everyone arrived, Sengoku first gave a speech to motivate the navy. After speaking, he said that he was getting old and should make way for the young navy behind him, so he planned to step down as the marshal and teach the new sailors with the naval hero Karp.

Then there was Aokiji's succession ceremony, and the world government also sent personnel to witness all of this. When the ceremony came to the end, Akainu stood up and said, "Everyone, I oppose Aokiji's succession as Marshal!"

Akaken's words surprised everyone. I didn't expect Akainu to jump out to object at this time, but the high-level navy and Aokiji were not surprised at all. It seemed that they already knew it.

Akainu was shocked, but the matter had come to this point, and he had to continue talking.

But when he was about to speak, Sengoku stood up and said, "Kasarsky, it's Aokiji's succession ceremony now, do you doubt that he is not qualified?"

"No!" After being silent for a while, Akakenu said, "But compared to Aokiji, I think I am the best candidate for marshal!"

"Since Aokiji is qualified to take over as marshal, then everything will be discussed after he takes over!" Sengoku interrupted Akainu with a wave of his hand, and said directly.

Akainu knew that things had really changed, and the world government that had reached an agreement with him before did not stand up to speak for him at this time, which made Akainu a little aggrieved for a while.

"Hey, it's really a good show!" Ye Luo said with a light smile.

"How did you know about the red dog?" Karp asked Ye Luo curiously.

"It's a very simple matter, and I have a friend who works in the World Government. He also found out about it by accident. He told me it as a joke when the two of us were drinking!" Ye Luo spread her hands and said jokingly.

"Ah~ It's just that if this matter is not handled properly, the navy will lose a general-level combat power!" Garp sighed and said.

Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, he only thought about Aokiji before, but never thought about Red Dog, that's right, after losing such a big face in front of everyone, it's impossible for Red Dog to let it go.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, although you have resigned now, the ceremony has not yet been completed, so I will continue to call you Marshal, but I think what General Kasarsky said is correct. The position of Marshal should be reserved only for ability and nothing else!" At this time, the staff of the World Government suddenly said with a smile.

"It's not your turn to take care of our navy's affairs!" Before Zhan Guo could speak, Ye Luo couldn't help but interjected.

"Oh~~? Is this the Major General Zilong who is about to take over the position of general?" The staff of the World Government said the word "preparation" emphatically.

"You don't need to sow discord here. Even if General Chinu is promoted to marshal, I will take his place, so you don't need to say anything, not to mention that even if I am a major general, I will kill you in an instant!" Ye Luo said with a contemptuous look at the World Government staff.

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