After leaving Garp's place, Ye Luo remembered that he had arranged for Lena to go to Qiao Maria before, so taking advantage of the system upgrade, Ye Luo went to find Lena and asked about Qiao Maria.

"My lord, we did get a lot of supplies from the revolutionary army, but because the transportation was not very convenient, we only took away about three ships, but relatively speaking, it was quite a lot! Is it really good for us to do this?" Lena told Ye Luo about the harvest with some embarrassment.

"Don't worry, these bastards from the Tianlong people snatched them. Isn't it normal for us to snatch them? By the way, didn't Qiao Maria use any force this time?" Ye Luo asked curiously.

Lena shook her head and said, "Except for Jomaria's own bodyguards, only some of the Tianlong slaves joined the battle, and the Revolutionary Army didn't even have a cadre except for the commander who had a similar inspiring ability. Those who came were all ordinary soldiers, so the two sides fought on par!"

"Hmph~ That guy Long is really careful, so didn't the revolutionary army take the opportunity to snatch things from the Tianlong people?" Ye Luo asked.

"It's robbed, and it's not so much that they came to attack Qiao Maria, it's better to say that they came to rob, and the robbers were much more fierce than ours. Their ships stopped directly at the port, and they left after almost all the ships were filled. Later, when General Kizaru and General Akainu came, the cadres of the Revolutionary Army showed up, but they just left with the treasure ship!" Lena shook her head and said.

"Oh? Could it be that the yellow monkey and the red dog just let them go? Is it better to sink the treasure ship directly than to be taken away by them?" Ye Luo asked with some doubts.

"It seems that the Tianlong people were frightened, so they directly asked the two generals to guard them, and did not let them attack to repel the enemy. The revolutionary army retreated by themselves after grabbing everything!" Lena said with disdain.

Maybe it's because she has been with Ye Luo for too long, she also despises Tianlong people very much.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's take this batch of supplies and go recruiting! Also, I seem to be going to recruit some helpers!" Ye Luo nodded and said.

"My lord" Lena opened her mouth, but she didn't say what was in her heart.

"Don't worry, I won't bring any strange people back. If I don't have the same idea, I'd rather be alone!" Ye Luo smiled, knowing what Lena was worried about.

In fact, the person Ye Luo wants to find this time is one of the future generals, "Fujitora".

Because Fujitora's concept of justice conforms to Ye Luo's, and his strength is very good, that's why Ye Luo wants to find him.

But Ye Luo didn't know where Fujitora was, so he didn't take action before. After this battle, Ye Luo understood the importance of partners even more, so he planned to use the Navy's intelligence system to find Fujitora.

"By the way, Lena, I'm going to retreat for the next few days. I'll trouble you to use the navy's intelligence network to find someone. Come and let me know as soon as you find it!" Then Ye Luo told Lena some basic information about Fujitora, and he went to the Chambord Islands and found a hotel to stay.

Because Marin Duo has been severely damaged, people can no longer live in it at all, so Ye Luo came to the nearest Chambord Islands, and because many navies from the Navy headquarters live here, the law and order in the Chambord Islands is much better than before, and the trafficker auction venue was also closed because of Luffy.

In addition, the Tianlong people have been frightened a lot recently, so they won't come out in a short time, so Ye Luo is not worried about meeting the Tianlong people.

"Phew~ let me see what I need!" Ye Luo opened the upgraded system, looked carefully, and found that there was nothing new, but some options were added in the mall, making it easier to buy.

For example, now Ye Luo can click on the options that he can buy, then the system will filter out all the things Ye Luo can afford according to the price, so that Ye Luo can buy them easily.

You can also click on a specific category, such as the secrets of the mind, and the system will display all the secrets of the mind according to the price.

"Then what should I buy?" Seeing that the shopping mall is usually filled with things that cannot be bought in red, but now that they have become available in white after being pregnant with a "huge sum of money", Ye Luo was a little hesitant for a while.

"Let's take a look at the strange objects first, there may be surprises in it!" Ye Luo saw that there was a category of "Wonderful Objects" in the classification options of the mall, so he clicked on it directly.

"Millennium Ice Silkworm, Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, Manggu Clam, Golden Crown and Silver Crown Blood Snake, Shenmu Wangding, Black Iron Order, Scarlet Eyed Ice Toad, Tangerine Secret, Soft Hedgehog Armor, I rub them, there are so many good things, my mouth is watering!" Ye Luo saw that there were not as few things in the category of strange things as he imagined, but there were so many, he was so happy that he was almost drooling.

Judging from the names of these things, he knows some of them, but there are others that he doesn't know what to use at all. This is the case with strange things. Before you get them, you don't know what they are used for.

But there is one thing, most of the strange things are unique, that is to say, Ye Luo needs to be very cautious when choosing.

"If I buy this thousand-year-old ice silkworm, and then buy Yi Jin Jing, can I learn You Tanzhi's method to practice?" Ye Luo saw the thousand-year ice silkworm among the strange objects, and suddenly remembered You Tanzhi in "Dragon Ba Bu".

"But the price is not cheap! Forget it, let's go and look at the secrets first, whether it is the secrets of moves or the secrets of light work, I will replace it with the advanced secrets this time!" Ye Luo waved his hand, and the interface of the mall was directly changed to the secrets, and only those above advanced secrets were displayed.

"Nine Yin Scriptures (unique learning) 30, Nine Yang Zhenjing (unique learning) 30, Qian Kun Da Nian (unique learning) 28, Yi Jin Jing (unique learning) 29, Washing Sutra (unique learning) 30, Xiantian Gong (unique learning) 27! System, why don't you grab it? Is this still a price you can buy? I kill a white beard, but I can only get one copy?" Now that there are so many diamonds, I can't even afford a second book.

However, seeing these familiar secrets, Ye Luo still held back his excitement. Nine Yins and Nine Yangs can be learned together. This is the supreme mental method. After practice, it can also be paired with the unique method of internal energy operation such as the Great Teleportation of the Universe. Wouldn't he be invincible?
You must know that Zhang Wuji in "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji" did not learn all the nine suns, but after directly learning the Great Teleportation of the Universe with the internal force, the internal force is basically inexhaustible.

If you learn it by yourself, and then pair it with such a vigorous palm technique like the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, wouldn't you be invincible?
In addition, there are two Shaolin techniques to cleanse the marrow and strengthen the tendons. These are the secrets to improve the bones. Ye Luo looked at the secrets in the mall and couldn't help but want to buy them. But seeing the price, he gradually calmed down.

"Phew~ Let's look at the other ones first. Although I can only buy one book, the diamonds this time are the same as those picked up for nothing. It is basically impossible to get the head of the Four Emperors later, so you must choose carefully!" Ye Luo forced himself to calm down before looking at other secret books.

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