"Ouch~ It's really scary, they're fighting again!"

"Evil bloodlines, all of them must be killed!"

Just when the navy, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Blackbeard Pirates couldn't afford it, Kizoru and Akainu finally came to Marin Vanduo Square again.

"Ace, be careful!" Marco immediately reminded him loudly when he saw Akainu heading straight for Ace.

"Fire Fist Shiranui!" Although Ace was injured before, compared to the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace has the most physical strength, so in the battle just now, Ace was also the main force to protect the pirates.

"Thief Hahaha Captain Marko, now that the navy is here for strong support, should you consider the possibility of joining forces? After all, I didn't kill Dad!" At this time, Black Beard Tiqi also had to start to join forces with White Beard's remnants.

"Huh~ Marshal of the Warring States Period, what should we do now?" With the return of Kizoru and Akainu, the three parties stopped fighting for a while.

"First wipe out the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates! As for Blackbeard Tiki, you'd better leave now!" Sengoku knew in his heart that with the current strength of the navy, he couldn't go to war with the other two at the same time, even with the addition of Kizaru and Akainu.

So compared to Blackbeard Titch who robbed the prison, he is more inclined to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Marshal, Blackbeard Titch is obviously the enemy. After losing Whitebeard, the Whitebeard Pirates can no longer pose a threat to the navy!" Ye Luo immediately said in a deep voice.

"Thief hahaha Warring States Marshal, if this is the case, then we will leave first!" Seeing that his plan could not be completed today, Blackbeard immediately turned his face, as if he was not the one who discussed cooperation with Marco just now.

As for Marco and the others, their hearts sank, and it seemed that they had ruined the advantage that the father had won so hard!

"Hell Dog!" Akaken didn't give Ye Luo time to continue persuading the Warring States, and directly attacked Ace.

"Madan~ Is the inertia of the plot so strong?" Ye Luo gritted her teeth, thinking a little weakly.

"Fire Fist~!" Ace reluctantly resisted, came to Marco and asked, "What should we do now?"

"Papa's body must be brought back, otherwise I don't know what the navy will do!" Marco gritted his teeth and said, "Leave it to me, Ace, you block the red dog, Vista blocks the blue pheasant for a while, and the rest of the people try their best to get back the old body. Now there is no Tiki to intervene, this is our last chance!"

"it is good!"

The pirates nodded one after another, and they also planned to fight one last time. The big deal is to die here, and die with the old man, which seems to be a good choice.

"Bista, the green pheasant is handed over to me, you take everyone to pick up the old man!" At some point, Diamond Qiaoz woke up and came to Marco's side.

But Marco looked at Joz's injured arm, shook his head and said, "Joz, you are not ready to fight now, don't be brave, let Bista go, you take everyone to pick up Dad home!"

"Yo yo yo~~ What a terrifying pirate!" Without waiting for Marco and others to continue discussing, the attack of the yellow ape followed closely. Marco had no time to continue persuading Joz, and immediately went up to meet him.

"Captain, are we going to continue with our plan? You must know that the reason why our group of people gather together is based on a premise!" Over there, several big pirates brought out by Blackbeard from the sixth floor of the promotion city all looked at Blackbeard.

"The thief hahaha is close at hand, and I don't want to give up, but those trash from the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates won't let us have time to do it!" Blackbeard glanced at Whitebeard's body with some regret, and shook his head.

"Then what shall we do?" Shiliu retracted his weapon and asked calmly.

"Retreat first, whether it's the navy or the Whitebeard Pirates, it's useless for them to hold Whitebeard's body. We will wait until the battle is over."

Blackbeard didn't finish his sentence, because Ye Luo's attack had already arrived. That's right, Ye Luo didn't follow Zhan Guo's wishes, but attacked Blackbeard again.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, what does this mean?" Black Beard asked Ye Luo directly after avoiding it.

"Ye Luo, stop, didn't you hear my order? Deal with the Whitebeard Pirates first!" Zhan Guo said angrily.

"Master Marshal, you promised me that I don't need to participate in the action against Whitebeard, so now I will naturally arrest pirates who are no longer Qi Wuhai!" Ye Luo pouted and replied.

Although there is nothing wrong in theory, the current situation of the navy is not suitable for another two-sided war, but the Warring States cannot ignore the life and death of his subordinates in front of so many people, so he is now being roasted on the fire by Ye Luo.

So the war was on the verge of breaking out, but Ye Luo's performance also made many navies frown. Naval soldiers who disobeyed orders were almost like defecting from the navy.

But at this moment, after Ye Luo made a false move, before the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates could react, he came directly to the side of Whitebeard's corpse.

You must know that everyone is beating people to death like this now, just because of Whitebeard's body.

In the past, no matter which side wanted to get close to White Beard's body, they would be attacked by the other two. So now that Ye Luo took the opportunity to come to White Beard's side, everyone stopped and looked at Ye Luo.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period! According to your order, I have captured White Beard's body!" Ye Luo put one hand on White Beard's body and said smilingly towards Warring States.

Zhan Guo was stunned, and immediately understood, and said, "Very well, since that's the case, is Tiki now interested in exterminating the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Blackbeard Titch was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and said, "Marshal Warring States is willing to help!"

Obviously, Ye Luo's unexpected performance caught Sengoku by surprise, but he also immediately made an arrangement, using the Whitebeard's corpse that Ye Luo had captured, and asked the Blackbeard Pirates to assist the navy to destroy the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although he didn't know what Blackbeard needed Whitebeard's corpse for, the navy only wanted the prestige of killing Whitebeard, so it didn't matter if the corpse was given to Blackbeard, as long as it could reduce the casualties of the navy.

"Ace, take your brother and run away! I was wrong this time. I shouldn't be so impulsive. I'll open the way for you." Marko said bitterly, looking at the encircling navy and Blackbeard pirates.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a very familiar and unfamiliar voice from Ace: "Who is Ace? Or is the straw hat kid Luffy here?"

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