"What, how is this possible? How could a man like the Lightning Killer fall into that kind of place."

"Is this news true? That man really died in a place like Ralph Drew?"

"If this is true, then this is too shocking!"

The people on the whole sea were completely shocked.

The degree of explosiveness of this news is no less than what Roger said before Whitebeard fell and was executed many years ago!

Those are considered to be the most powerful Four Emperors in this sea.

not only…

Naruto Naruto is cautious and stable by nature, and she never does things that she is not sure about?

With his strength, it can even be said that no one in the whole world can do anything to him!
But now...

Such a man, actually spread the news that he has fallen?
How can this not be shocking...


Many people don't believe it!

They couldn't believe that such a powerful man died like this!

His death will definitely trigger a series of turmoil!
If this is not confirmed, all ambitious people dare not mess around!
Everyone is afraid of being retaliated by Yerana!

Navy Headquarters!

"Is this news... true?"

Sakaski, who has been released, and Aokiji who has returned, and even Karp, Sengoku and others who are recuperating, all gathered together.

In front of them, sitting five old stars...

Everyone looked at Sakaski with a look of seeking confirmation.

Sakaski is the only person who landed on the island, and he knows the Lightning Pirates best.

"Although it is not sure whether the Lightning Killer died in Ralph Drew, it can be confirmed that he did not appear on the way back."

"The whole Ralph Drew, lost his trace too!"

Sakaski's face was a little gloomy. He scanned the crowd and said solemnly: "However, if there is no accident, it is basically certain that Lightning Killer Yarana has disappeared into the sea!"

"This is a very good situation for us!"

There was a sparkle in his eyes...


If Yerana really disappears, there is no need to prove that he is dead, it can make the whole sea boil!
"Theoretically, it is true, but without proof, you can't act rashly!"

Aokiji is not lazy, but rather serious!

"Aokiji is right, Sakaski, what are your plans!"

Sengoku glanced at Sakaski, and then looked at Wu Laoxing, "I feel that this matter cannot be ruled out as a trap deliberately set by Yerana!"

"Therefore, we need to be more careful!"

Sakaski heard the words and nodded, "Indeed!"

After experiencing Ralph Drew's failure this time, he also became more cautious.

No longer as reckless as before!

"However, we need to verify this matter as soon as possible. Once confirmed, it is our chance to act!"

Sakaski clenched his fists and said.

"Okay, then do it!"

Wulaoxing said, "Do a good job of mobilizing before the battle. As long as you confirm that the bastard Yerana has disappeared, then we will attack immediately and take back some of that guy's territory!"

"At the same time, re-plan the order of this world!"

They are so excited!

Such a thing is rare in all ages!

But as long as it is done, it is a great achievement.

The entire sea will return to their control.


They also need to guard against the revolutionary army and usurp their victory!

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