Marco and the others didn't even need to think about it, they knew what the golden ape was supposed to be holding in his hand.


It was the prototype of Li Ying who had just been attacked by them - a long and sharp bone gun.

There are also various strange patterns on the bone gun.

In the lines and crevices, the scarlet blood dries up and forms particles, like crystals.


With a roar, the golden ape rushed over like a titan.

The sound was so deafening that many people present couldn't help covering their ears.

Ulti, Luli and the others even covered their noses and fanned: "It stinks!"

This golden ape is not half polite.

The huge fist came crashing down.

There still seems to be some volatility spreading.

"What a violent guy!"

watching this scene...

Bashas grinned, and then went straight to the ape, his arms were also trembling, covered with black domineering armor.

"Hey, come on!"

Bashas said excitedly, and his fist brazenly met the fist of the golden ape.


It was like the sky and the earth split open.

The confrontation between the two is really a spectacle and shocking.

But it was Bashas who lost the wind and was actually shaken out.


The golden ape had many arms, and after shaking Bashas back, the rest of the arms came out brazenly.

To shoot Bashas to death in mid-air is amazing.

"That can't be done, golden giant ape!"

watching this scene...

Luli made a move, and an ominous black smoke enveloped the golden ape in an instant.

The terrifying gravitational force cannot be resisted by the golden ape at all.

And Bashas also disappeared in front of the giant ape in a flash.

"Dark cave!"

strictly speaking…

The blow that Luli used could no longer be called a secret hole.

It should be more appropriate to call it a dark tornado!
Like a black tornado reaching the sky.

The gravitational force in all directions wants to pull everything in and tear it apart.

Even the golden ape let out a roar, mixed with the sound of pain.

After all, it is one of the four fierce beasts that the black dragon admits is not inferior to him in strength...

The golden ape roared like a dragon, like thunder, shaking the sky and the earth!

Actually forcibly tore open this dark tornado!
"Human, you managed to piss me off!"

The golden ape uttered human words, which surprised many people present.


Some people hear it, some people don't.

To be precise, those who are knowledgeable and not weak can hear it, but the rest cannot.

"Is it strange?"

At this moment…

There was another voice behind them, which made Marco and Ace look quickly.

However, he saw that the beaten skin was torn apart, and the bloody monster was licking his tongue, and his eyes were full of fighting intent.

"We were able to communicate with you. This thing called knowledge-colored domineering is not a product of your planet, but comes from other places. This is the medium for all life forms in that place to communicate!"

Hearing this...

Marco, Nous and the others were all taken aback.

They didn't expect...

There is such a secret in it!

"However, the people on your planet are really powerful. They have developed this spiritual ability in various ways. Based on will, they have achieved effects such as shock, soul attack, and physical strengthening."

The bowed monster was amazed, but it couldn't see the ferocity just now.

"This island has never been so lively for a long time!"

at this time…

A steady voice sounded, followed by the sound of footsteps.

A huge white fox like a mountain appeared.

But the magic is...

He has nine blood-red tails with different patterns.


His eyes are like snakes, with vertical pupils!

As soon as these three creatures appeared, the entire island seemed to be much smaller.

The pressure is too strong.

It's like three big mountains appearing in front of everyone.

Marco They look so small!

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