"Little ghost, who do you underestimate!"

Seeing Bliss' horrified expression, Bashas grinned and said, "Don't you know what advanced armed domineering is?"

With a fierce punch, Bliss was completely unable to resist, and was blasted out with blood spitting out of his mouth.

"Fighting champion, have you forgotten that there is an enemy behind you?"

At this moment…

The gloomy voice of the ghost spider also came from behind Bashas.

Following the sound, his sharp blade arrived at the same time!
It seems that even steel can't stop it.

Bashas couldn't see much panic on his face, he waved his arm to block it!

Sparks fly, chilling.

The gloomy face of the ghost spider reflected Bashas' arrogant smile.

This is a very beautiful picture.

"Evil pirates, you won't be arrogant for long."

The ghost spider said so, but it made people puzzled.

"How long will it be arrogant?"

Bashas laughed, "I don't think so!"

The ghost spider snorted twice, but backed away suddenly, "You will know the answer soon."

It was also like he caused a chain reaction.

The navies who were still fighting fiercely with the pirates suddenly all started to retreat.

under the sea...

Bubbles also bubbled up, as if something was about to break through.

Seeing this scene...

Yerana also frowned involuntarily.

"Lightning Killer, welcome your doomsday with peace of mind!"

Sakalski said harshly.

Then, he, Kizaru, and Fujitora, the main force, also began to retreat.

It's like what's going to happen next.

"It's not good, the cabin suddenly exploded!"

at this time…

There was an exclamation from behind Yerana, which immediately seemed to cause a chain reaction.

"Me too!"

"What, how could this be!"

The cabin ruptured and a large amount of sea water poured in, causing a series of panics quickly.

"Look there, how suddenly pacifists appeared on the island!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the island behind Yerana and the others.

"Not just pacifists!"

Someone has sharp eyes, and the voice is even more horrified, "There are long-range cannons!"

This immediately caused a panic...

Many people immediately looked at their captain...

"What's so alarming about this little scene!"

"Don't forget that you are members of the Lightning Pirates, don't embarrass the captain!"

"As long as the captain hasn't failed, we still have hope, so why panic!"

A group of captains scolded one after another, having absolute confidence in Naruto Yerana.

"Behind...behind...a warship appears!!!"

At this time...

Another person came directly behind him, his voice trembling.

All I saw were warships exuding icy cold light.

The retreating sailors landed one after another.

It brought huge pressure to the scene all of a sudden.

The death cannon was aimed at the Lightning Pirates, the owners of the new Whitebeard Pirates.

"Not bad, Crane!"

I saw this scene...

Yerana grinned, "You've calculated me clearly!"

"I have to admit, this is my mistake!"

There are pacifists on the island!
There are heavy guns from warships at sea!

They were flanked...

There was no way out at all, and the ship was pierced through, so there was no hope of escaping.

"Yarana, give up struggling, there is only one end result for you - that is death!"

Sakaski's cold words came, he stood on the warship, and said proudly: "This is the burial place we specially selected for you."

Speaking of this, he raised his head and smiled, just like when he pushed Whitebeard into a corner: "How about it, you are satisfied with your cemetery!"

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