Naruto: one-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 401 The situation is in turmoil

"Eagle Eye Mihawk, Empress Boa Hancock, Flamingo Don Quixote Doflamingo, and Moonlight Moria have set off!"

"Blackbeard Titch, 'Lightning Killer' is still in contact, and the Tyrant Bear is already in place at the headquarters!"

After hearing this, Zhan Guo nodded again and signaled the war officer to go down.

"Whitebeard, it's time to end it, your era should be over!"

Zhan Guo clenched his fists, and said with a sharp cold light in his eyes.


affected by the coming war.

The whole world has entered into a state of war readiness. Pirates fleeing hastily or wanting to disappear temporarily can be seen all over the sea. Similarly, advancing warships and many sailors can be seen all over the sea.

The world has fallen into the calm before the storm because of the war.

New world, Ghost Island!

"White Beard, if you go to fight, your territory will be empty. How can I let go of such a good experience!"

One of the Four Emperors, Beast Kaido grinned.

"Little ones, follow me to fight!"

When Kaido gave an order, the response was like thunder.

The new world, the other side.

"Beast Kaido, you are not allowed to disturb the world. This time is not the time for you to appear on the stage!"

One of the Four Emperors, the red-haired Shanks embarked on a journey to prevent the Beast Pirates from attacking Whitebeard's territory.

Because of this war, the whole world is in chaos, and people are panicking!
"Please, Navy, we must defeat the Whitebeard Pirates!"

This idea is the wish of many people.

Unfortunately, they don't know!

They can have today's peace, thanks to Whitebeard's contribution!
Without the white beard, the world will enter an era of unprecedented evil.


"Hey, what a spectacular scene!"

Yarana lay on the bow of the Mandefus, looking at the fleeing pirates who were being chased by warships on the sea not far away, and tsk-tsk.

Watch the action, sometimes it's really fun!


"There are naval warships in the back, and Qibuhai next to it, why am I so unlucky!"

"Ahhh, bastards, labor and capital have worked hard for you!"

The captain of the pirate group who was being chased screamed in despair, and all the shells on the ship were fired at the same time.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out well!
"Smoke Dragon!"

With the cover of a mighty white smoke dragon, the entire pirate group was imprisoned.

Then, sunk by a naval warship, all the pirates were captured.

And the highest officer of this warship is named Smoker, Commodore of the Navy Headquarters!

"Is that... the car of Shichibukai 'Lightning Killer', they are actually here!"

Naturally, Smoker also noticed Yerana and his party, and immediately reported to Sengoku.

"Urge him to arrive at Marlin Vandor as soon as possible!"

There is only one order in the Warring States Period, and Smoker understands it.

Then, he elementally flew to Yerana's ship.

"Hey, Commodore Smoker, you are so free, what order are you going to give me when you come to my ship?"

Naruto greeted lazily.

"Hmph, I dare not give orders to the majestic Qibuhai!"

Smoker didn't have a good impression of Shichibukai, so he didn't have a good look at Yerana either.

"The Warring States Marshal ordered you to rush to Marin Fando to prepare for the battle, and you should arrive quickly at last!"

Hearing this, Yerana smiled, "What's the hurry, according to my current speed, I will definitely be able to arrive at Marin Vanduo as scheduled!"

"Besides, don't you see that you are also enjoying the benefits of me helping you sweep the formation? If I don't help you sweep the formation, can you catch those pirates with a bounty of more than 5000 million so easily?"

Hearing this, Smoker's face darkened, and he said a little unsightly, "I can do it without your help, don't be self-righteous!"

After all, I left!
"Oh, how can you be anxious when you talk about it, this young man!"

Ye Ranna looked helpless, and said to Bashas: "Hey, let's just follow Smoker closely!"


Bashas responded and grinned.


Four days later!
"Harvest, Commodore Smoker, along the way, you should have caught more than a dozen pirate groups. It seems that there is a big pirate with a bounty of more than 1 million!"

Marin Fando port, Yerana congratulated with a smile on her face.

"Hmph, it's up to you to say!"

Smoker snorted coldly, and when he was about to leave, he was stopped by Yerana.

"Anything else?" Smoker asked impatiently.

"There is a meeting gift for the Marshal of the Warring States Period, please pass it on to Your Highness Smoker for me!"

As he spoke, the two strong men he saw were escorted out by Bashas and Nous.

"That is…"

Seeing the two men behind Yerana who were tied up and looked fierce, Smoker couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

"The captain and vice-captain of the Gun Pirates from the new world, welcome!"

"Oh, by the way, please also pay the bounty, Marshal!"

Looking at Yerana's smiling face, Smoker couldn't help but twitched.

Since money is required, what kind of gift is it!

Can people show some face!
"Hmm, what a scary guy, 'Lightning Killer', a strong man with a bounty of more than 6 million has become your prisoner!"

At this time, a arrogant laugh came from behind Yerana.

Doflamingo, who had just seen him, walked over with arrogant steps, looking at Yerana with a look of fear on his face.

Baqiangstro, this guy's strength is only a bit inferior to him, but he was captured by Yerana just like that, this guy is really scary.

(Doflamingo set it two years ago that his ability has not awakened, and his strength is not as strong as in Dressrosa).

"I am over-flattered!"

Yerana also said with a smile, "So, you'd better stop trying to control me!"

Hearing this, Doflamingo smiled, as if he couldn't understand the warning in Yerana's words, he said arrogantly: "That's natural, how could I attack Qiwuhai's companions!"

But the two huge rewards brought by Yerana still caused a huge sensation in Marin Fando.

The Spear Pirates are an enemy that needs to dispatch two or more important lieutenant generals and a lineup of five warships to deal with them.

To be captured by Yerana just like this, the captain and the deputy captain, his strength is really frighteningly excessive.

This made many people evaluate his strength much higher.

"It's a monster that is not easy to mess with, it's really scary!"

Huang Yuan cut his nails, with a look of 'fear' on his face, and said 'shrinking'.

"Since you captured it, you should personally escort it to Jinjin City!"

"It just so happens that manpower is tight right now, and your arrival just makes up for this vacancy!"

Sengoku looked at Yerana who was smiling in front of him, and said calmly.

Yerana was very helpless when she heard the words, "Okay, okay, I'll go to the city to push forward!"

(Advance City = Impel Prison, also known as the Undersea Prison)


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