In two days, Chambord Islands!
"Finally come back to life, Weihaha, the bottom of the sea is really depressing, or the land is more suitable for me!"

After re-landing, Bashas laughed happily and completely relaxed.

"But the drink at Fishman Island was really enjoyable, Weihaha, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely have another drink!"

Apparently, the wine from Murloc Island was very much to his liking.

"Hehe, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely let you drink enough!"

Yerana also smiled when she heard the words, "Then, the next thing is to wait for the big battle to come!"

It took four days to go back and forth to the Fishman Island.

There are still ten days before the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates!
"Have you heard that Shichibukai Moonlight Moria was defeated by the rookie Pirate Straw Hat Luffy!"

"What, there is such a thing? This Straw Hat Luffy is too powerful, I remember not long ago, he just defeated Crocodile!"

"That's it, that's why he is called the worst generation. It is said that there are ten more dazzling pirates like Straw Hat Luffy!"

"Today, they all landed on this island!"

"What? Such a group of people met together in the Chambord Islands? Terrible, I feel that something big is going to happen next!"

"Who says no? It is said that they are 11 supernovas, and each of them is a big pirate with over [-] million yuan!"

Landing in the business district of Chambord Islands, listening to the news in his ear, Yerana couldn't help smiling.

"Did you defeat Moria so quickly and come to the Chambord Islands? It's interesting..."

"Straw Hat Luffy, and Luo, I look forward to meeting you!"

The island at the moment is quite lively.

All 11 members of Supernova gathered together, and conflicts naturally and inevitably arose.

So ever!
There was a conflict between the captain Eustace Kidd and the gang Kapenbeki!

After that...


"The strange monk Urgi has gone mad!"


In area 21, fighting is taking place.

Urgi, the strange monk among the supernova 11, fights with Kira, the killer warrior.

The scene was quite intense, and of course, many people were affected!

But when the battle between the two was in full swing, they were stopped by another supernova!
Fallen Rear Admiral, Bounty 2 million Bailey, Red Flag Dies Dorregu!
"I'm going to make trouble in the New World, you guys... are blocking my way!"

Dorregu looked at the two of them warningly, with bad eyes.

"Hmph, masked brat, you just saved your life!" the strange monk Urgi grinned.

Killing Samurai Kira: "Fallen Navy, it's really meddling enough!"

But Dorregu ignored their ridicule or banter, and walked forward.

And on the way Dorregu passed by, Trafalgar Luo smiled and said in an unpredictable way: "Now it's exciting, Dorregu is in charge, let's solve a few!"

"Death surgeon?" Doregu glanced at Luo after hearing the words, "I don't seem to be obliged to report to you!" After saying that, he left.

And on the other side.

"What a restless island!"

The three of Yerana were walking on the road, listening to the sound of explosions and the sound of metal and iron colliding in their ears, they said with interest on their faces.

And in the dark!

"Jie Jie Jie, this guy looks like he is very rich, brothers, grab his vote!"

A group of people dressed as pirates stared at the three of Yerana and said excitedly.

But as soon as the idea was proposed, it was blocked.

A pirate wearing a blindfold exclaimed in a low voice: "Shh, you don't want to die, you rob him, don't you want to live? Do you know who that is?"

This made the pirate who proposed to rob Yerana puzzled, "What is the origin of that guy, can he be stronger than Supernova 11? He looks like a kid, how powerful can he be?"

The pirate wearing a blindfold knocked hard on the pirate's head, "Blind your dog eyes, is that one we can provoke? That's Shichibukai'Lightning Killer'Yarana, as fierce as the Supernova 11!"


This made the pirate who proposed to rob Yerana just now gasp, and dismissed the idea with horror on his face.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered!


And in Aunt Shao's rip-off bar.

Aunt Shao is still popularizing the strong on the island for Straw Hat Luffy.

But suddenly, Aunt Shao seemed to sense something, and suddenly smiled: "Ala, it seems that there are a few more terrific people on this island!"

"Who is here!"

This made Luffy and his party very curious.

"Qibukai Yerana!" Aunt Shao said, puffing out smoke rings.

"Yarana? Who is that? Is there this person in Qiwuhai?"

Lu Fei tilted his head, why had he never heard of this person.

"Hehe, then you should meet him soon. Anyway, on the same island, the chances of meeting him must be very high!"


At this point, Aunt Shao glanced at Lu Fei and his party, and said, "It's better for you not to conflict with that guy!"

Hearing this, Luffy asked again: "Why? Is that guy scary?"

Having already defeated two Qiwuhais, Luffy felt that Qiwuhai's strength was just that, not as strong as everyone in Dahai said, he could handle it!

"Hehe, because he is not an enemy you can deal with now!"

Aunt Shao glanced at Lu Fei and his party, "The gap in strength between you is too great. If you have a conflict with him, your voyage may end here!"

"Little Monkey, pay attention, don't conflict with that guy!"

Lu Fei pulled off his straw hat and said seriously: "Understood!"


Yorana is here!
"Okay, let's eat here!"

A restaurant was selected, and the three of Yerana walked in.

"That is…"

"Shichibukai 'Lightning Killer' Yarana!"

"How could he be here!"

"Hey, hey, things seem to be getting worse!"

The moment Yerana entered the restaurant, many pirates recognized him, and everyone was quite surprised.

"Schibukai? Interesting!"

In a certain corner, a man with long hands, wearing a Tang suit and pigtails, said with a weird grin.

"Hey, I didn't expect to meet some interesting people in this restaurant!"

Ye Rana glanced away, and after seeing those few pirates who were independent, she couldn't help being taken aback, and then smiled.

Big eater Joni Bonnie!
Yinming Apu!

Magician Hawkins!

They are all the captains of the pirate group among the Supernova 11!
"Captain, it seems that someone is rushing towards you, and the hostility is quite strong!"

Suddenly, Nous on the side spoke.

"That guy Kidd? Bashas, ​​go and fight him off, otherwise, we probably won't be able to have a good meal, and it's not good to ruin other people's business!"

Yerana looked calm, as if she didn't take Kidd to heart at all.

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