Naruto: one-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 360 You Should Really Be Honored

Now he wants to change the wind direction of the ninja world, or set off a gust of wind to blow the windmill of the ninja world, which is not generally strong.

He is not the Orochimaru in the original book who devotes himself to scientific research after seeing it away!

His existence is the bane of turmoil.

It's too dangerous to keep him!

Even for Yerana, it took nearly two years to find this cunning guy.

Now, he naturally won't let Orochimaru go again!

"It seems that I still underestimated your strength!"

Dashemaru looked at Yerana with a look of resignation, "I don't know what you plan to do with me? Kill me? Or imprison me?"

"Then what do you think I'll do?"

Yerana looked at Orochimaru playfully, he really thought about killing Orochimaru, but the thought just passed by in a flash.

He felt that a living Orochimaru was more valuable than a dead Orochimaru.

Moreover, Orochimaru is not so easy to kill.

"I think you will imprison me instead of killing me. I am more valuable alive than dead!" Orochimaru said very confidently.

"Hehe, then congratulations, you guessed it right!"

Yerana grabbed Orochimaru, "I really can't bear to kill an excellent scientist like you, at least for now!"

Orochimaru: "Then it looks like I got my life back by luck!"

As for Otonin who was vigilant around and didn't dare to rush up, Yerana didn't take it seriously at all, and left just like that with Orochimaru.


"Put down Orochimaru-sama!"

"Don't even think about leaving like this!"

Seeing the scene around him, Otonin hurriedly made a sound, and then, under the leadership of Yakushidou, besieged Yerana.

"Oh, you think you can stop me?"

Ye Rana squinted at these people, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Give you three numbers and step back, don't let me do it, I'm too lazy to do it to you!"

For these sound ninjas, Yerana didn't pay much attention to them at all, because these people could not be his opponents at all.

If he wanted to, these people wouldn't last a minute in his hands.

"Don't think about it!"

"Hurry up and put down Orochimaru-sama!"

"Let go of Oshemaru-sama, we'll leave right away!" the tone ninjas shouted sharply.

"Stand back, pocket!"

Orochimaru spoke at this time, extremely calm, and when these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Master Orochimaru, you..."

They looked at Orochimaru in disbelief, how could such words come out of Orochimaru's mouth?

Isn't he afraid of being taken back by Yerana and encountering accidents?
"Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

Orochimaru was extremely calm and confident, "Otonin Village will cease to exist from today onwards, you should leave too, your future life will be up to you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone including Yaoshidou couldn't help but change their expressions, "Master Oshemaru, how can you say that, how can Yinnin Village be disbanded like this, that's us..."

Yao Shidou refused to accept Dashewan's words, but was stopped by Dashewan before he finished speaking.

"That's it, I've made up my mind!"

Orochimaru glanced at Yao Shidou and the others, "Otherwise, do you think Yerana will let you go?"

Hearing these words, all the Yinren were stunned for a while, and then a trace of flinching flashed across many people's faces.

Yao Shidou also showed a trace of thought, and then his eyes suddenly became firm, "Let's go!"

"Oshemaru, you'd better make sure that your subordinates don't do anything, otherwise, I won't be as polite to them as you are!"

Yarana didn't pay much attention to Yaoshi's pursuit of these people.

Besides, keeping them in the ninja world is still useful, it can enliven the atmosphere of the ninja world a little bit.

"Hmph, then I can't guarantee it!"

Dashemaru snorted and was taken away by Yerana.

And after Yerana left, Yao Shidou and others appeared again.

"Really let the white cold light take away Oshemaru-sama?"

An Yinren looked at the pharmacist's pocket and asked a little unwillingly.

"That's the only way to go. We can only wait for the opportunity to save Master Orochimaru. Therefore, for the time being, we can't do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise, it will inevitably lead to a great disaster!"

"Understood!" All the voices responded with patience.


Fog Hidden Village!
"You actually brought this guy back, shouldn't you deal with him?"

When Terumi Mei saw that Yerana had brought Orochimaru back as a prisoner, she was taken aback.

"I think he's still useful, so I brought him back, don't worry, with me here, I won't let him mess around!!"

Yorana signaled Terumi Mei not to worry, saying 'I know what'.

"But even so, he must be strictly guarded. This guy is too dangerous, so we can't let him go!"

Terumi Mei looked at Orochimaru quite apprehensively, and said.

"Of course, I know that!"

With a smile, Ye Rana put Orochimaru in a special cage, and restrained him!
Then, Kisame and Yakura were called in to guard Orochimaru.

"Hey, Bai Hanguang, you really think highly of me. I should be very honored to have two such excellent ninjas guarding me!"

Seeing Kisame and Yagura, Orochimaru smiled lowly.

"You should really be deeply honored. After all, you are the first person who can enjoy this kind of treatment!"

Naruto said so and left.


"Have you heard that Uchiha Sasuke defeated a gang of evil forces not long ago and saved a country!"

"What, there is such a thing? When did the Uchiha clan become so kind, aren't they synonymous with evil?"

"You are prejudiced. The Uchiha clan has never been a bad person. I have seen Uchiha Sasuke. Although he looks cold and arrogant, he has a good heart. You should be in awe of him!"

In a certain tavern, someone was talking about it.

"Sasuke, listen, your name has been spontaneously spread by the people!"

In a certain corner, a man with nasolabial folds on his face looked at the young man opposite and said.

"Hmph, who needs them to spread my name, it's boring!"

The young man snorted coldly, with a proud expression on his face, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised showed his inner thoughts.

He is actually very happy in his heart!

"By the way, Naruto Uzumaki of Konoha Village is also very active recently. It is said that not long ago in the kingdom of ghosts, he killed an evil force called the 'Undead Legion', saved the witch Shion, and made the kingdom of fire successfully form an alliance with the kingdom of ghosts, making a great contribution!"

"The Nation of Fire's alliance with the Nation of Ghosts, isn't it afraid that the one from the Nation of Water will have opinions?"

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