"Okay, I'm done with the sparring, let's end here!"

"You guys are very good. I will remember your names. The future of Wuyin Village depends on you!"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue stopped the movement of continuing to fight.

Those who should take the exam have already passed the exam, and if these people are completely in line with his requirements, he can leave with peace of mind.

"Thank you, Mizukage-sama, for your fulfillment!"

Hearing this, Zabuzhan and others thanked Ghost Lantern and Huanyue.

"The future of Wuyin Village is entrusted to you, very good!"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue broke free from the shackles of reincarnation from the dirty soil with a satisfied expression on his face, and his soul flew into the sky.

Dirty Reincarnation came back to the ninja world, and seeing that Wuyin Village is developing so well, he has nothing to worry about.

The other side!
"I didn't expect that you would become the fourth Mizukage, then be kicked out, and finally become a member of Kirigakure Village, Yakura, your experience has been tortuous and bumpy!"

The former Sano Jinchuriki looked at Yakura and said.

"This is the fate of being a ninja, isn't it?" Yagura smiled helplessly.

How could a ninja's career be mediocre!

The former Sanwei Jinchuriki smiled and said: "Since that's the case, then let's do it. I should leave. I didn't expect you to become the new Sanwei Jinchuriki, and your strength is even better than mine!"

"It seems that this man named Yerana has a much stronger ability to govern than the high-level Kirigakure we had at that time!"

The former Three-Tails Jinchuriki smiled and escaped from the dirt and reincarnated, and his soul ascended to heaven.


"Son, don't feel guilty, Master is not angry with you!"

"Treat yourself well for the rest of your life, you know!"

Yu Gao's master stroked Yu Gao's head, and also left with a smile.

And Yu Gao...

A look of guilt!
At that time, his master originally planned to help him deal with Liuwei's affairs while he was in a deep sleep.

But I never wanted to be misunderstood by him, thinking that his master wanted to kill him!
He personally killed his mentor who was so kind to him!
It turned into a tragedy!
Moreover, if it wasn't for the reincarnation of Dirty Earth to meet his master again, Yu Gao might never have solved this misunderstanding.

This is also the reason why he has been ignoring the students he brought.

It is because he does not believe in the friendship between master and apprentice.

But now, his knot is untied!
He suddenly felt that the world was so beautiful!
And after the battle here is coming to an end, the battles in other places are also coming to an end.

"It's so fast!"

"This war lasted less than a day, and it's over!"

Yerana got up and looked towards the battlefield, endless dark blue lightning flashed from her body, with an astonishing momentum.

The thunder light converged into a thunder dragon, which carried Yerana to the sky above the battlefield, and the voice exploded like thunder and lightning: "Everyone, settle the battle within half an hour, and then we will return triumphantly and return to the village with glory!"


A group of Mist Ninjas cheered and responded, the scene was extremely spectacular, Nagato sensed this scene, and couldn't help sighing: "If I had half the prestige that he is now, I wouldn't be like this!"

He shook his head and smiled wryly, it's really unlucky to stay in the same era as a monster like Yerana!
If there is no Yerana in this era.

Maybe his peace plan has come true!


Half an hour later!

The war is over, and the Mist Ninjas begin to clean up the battlefield.

Uchiha Madara is also waiting for his opponent!

With the help of Senju Tomonama, Senjujuma leaped in the ninja world at an extremely fast speed.

In just over an hour, he crossed from the country of fire to the country of water, and came to Uchiha Madara.

"Come on, Madara, I'll fight with you!"

Senju Bashima looked at Uchiha Madara in front of him with a serious expression.

As for Senshou Feima, he looked at Yerana with a fearful expression, his expression was rather unsightly, as if he remembered some unpleasant experience.

For example, one time when Yerana hit her and pushed her into the hot spring, she made a fool of herself!
"You guy, if you dare to be unfavorable to Konoha in the future, Konoha Ninja will never give up easily with you!"

Thousand Hands said to Yerana in a cold tone.

"Hmph, who wants to be bad for Konoha, that kind of broken village, I won't even go if you ask me to, I'm not interested at all!"

Yerana didn't speak, but Reiko beside him spoke first, full of sarcasm.


Qianshou Feijian suddenly showed murderous intent, but was immediately stopped by Qianshou Zhujian, "Don't be rude, Feijian!"

Then he looked at Uchiha Madara, "Tell me, where do you want to fight?"

But I never thought that Uchiha Madara would actually smile after hearing what he said.

He said with a dispirited face: "Forget it, I suddenly don't want to fight anymore, it's boring!"

Then, Uchiha Madara glanced at Yerana, "I hope you can always ensure that the ninja world is under your control!"

"Next time, if I am reincarnated again, I will definitely do something big. You'd better prepare me mentally. At that time, I want to see if you can stop it!"

"Don't let me down, Yerana!!"

After speaking, he saw white light coming out of his body, and then, the soul proudly folded its arms and rose towards the sky.

Uchiha Madara actually automatically lifted the dirt reincarnation.

This is really strange!

Yerana also didn't expect Uchiha Madara to do this.

After all, this was expected by Yerana, and it was an unlikely thing to happen.

"This guy..."

Seeing this scene, it was obvious that Senshou Zhujian was quite surprised, so he couldn't help shaking his head, quite helplessly.

"In that case, the ninja world will be handed over to you, Yerana!"

Senju Bashima smiled at Yerana, entrusted the ninja world to Yerana, and broke free from the shackles of reincarnation, and his soul ascended to heaven.

"Yarana, you'd better make sure you don't mess up the ninja world, otherwise, you will suffer retribution!"

Qianshou Feijian saw this, and after a warning, he also broke free from the shackles and untied himself from the state of reincarnation.

"These guys, really, I'm not used to being so cooperative all of a sudden!"

He originally thought he would be able to see a wonderful battle, but in the end it was gone!
What a disappointment!
"Forget it, let the whole team go home!"

Yerana touched her head in great disappointment, and said to the group of Mist Ninjas.

It is really not easy to see this level of battle between Uchiha Madara and Senjuzhu!
It's such a pity that such a battle happened in front of me, but both sides of the battle gave up!
Is it so difficult for him to watch a battle?


The Mist Ninja army went out, 2 people!

Time to return!

It is still 2 people, but among the 2 people, there are [-] more injured people!

But it is really a shocking thing to be able to maintain a record of zero deaths after going through a war.

The army led by Yerana was welcomed by the people of the country of water.

When he returned to Kirigakure Village, he was personally greeted by Terumimei Mizukage.

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