Naruto lottery draw for three years, my ninjutsu shocked the ninja world

Chapter 90 Didn't expect that one day, I would use this technique too

I saw five people seal at the same time.

However, the number of these seals seems to be a bit complicated. The five people worked together for a few minutes before they slammed their hands on the ground. On the ground, five gossip lines were quickly derived, and after the lines of the five directions were linked together, beams of light rose one after another.

Guoxin Layman, a beam of wind-attributed energy.

Boluo, fire attribute energy beam.

Victor, an earth attribute energy beam. .

Diruda, wood attribute energy beam.

Calder, a beam of water-attributed energy.

Five beams of energy light quickly lifted into the sky, and then turned into a barrier, centering on the battlefield, enveloping a range within 2000 meters.

At this time, Qixing, who was fighting fiercely, seemed to be aware of it, looked up at the sky, and saw the energy of five colors permeating the top of his head.

At this moment, Qixing already had plans to retreat, and when he saw himself being enveloped by the formation, he already felt something that could threaten his life appeared.

Qixing knew that the thing above his head was dangerous, so he immediately shook Cihang back, using his space ability to escape in a blink of an eye.

But at the next moment, the surrounding space was all imprisoned by the barrier, unable to use the space ability. At this moment, Qi Xing had no time to think, and quickly flew up into the sky, wanting to escape from the cover of the barrier.

But the light of these five attributes seemed to have a soul, and turned into strands of sword light, directly hitting Qixing, trying to block his way. Seeing this, Qixing Gaohuang Chan Lingzun activated, and countless five-color sword threads were absorbed by the eyes.

When Cihang saw Qixing's ability, he was also shocked and said, "This turned out to be the "big tube wooden peach style" guy's technique. How could it be? Could it be that he is a peach style container?"

"But that guy didn't come to Ninja World at all. Could it be that the millennium has passed, and the family sent people over again?"


Seeing Qixing rising at an extremely fast speed, how could Cihang let Qixing escape at this time.

I saw that Cihang's two-handed seal changed again.

A huge coffin fell from the sky and hit Qixing's head. With just this block, the remaining sword light was already very close to Qixing. In desperation, Qixing flew out five avatars to block the sword light for a moment, and he used his water avatar to appear a hundred meters away in an instant.

But all of this was in Cihang's calculations. A terrifying energy in Cihang's hand was still condensing. The moment Qixing showed his figure, the energy beam in Cihang's hand had already arrived in front of Qixing.

Seeing this terrifying light beam, the souls of the Seven Stars trembled. Not only did they instantly activate the Susan Buddha form, but they also wanted to use divine power to divert this terrifying energy beam.

But Cihang has long understood Qixing's fighting style. In this energy light speed, there is actually a milky white energy mixed in, which breaks through Shenwei's space power, and the terrifying energy directly hits Qixing.

Qixing's body was blasted out of Susan, and Qixing's Susan Buddha was instantly torn apart by the energy. After flying out, he hit the barrier of the barrier, and with a bang, spit out a mouthful of blood.

Qixing slid down to the ground, looking at Cihang in front of him, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Cihang didn't expect that you would use this kind of method to fight. You really have the reputation of the Otsutsuki clan."

But how could Cihang be provoked by Qixing's words, only to see a black stick in Cihang's hand, the spear formed into a condensed shape, and the next instant it was thrown towards Qixing.

And Qixing made seals with both hands, "Really, the avatar technique."

At this time, hundreds of clones rushed towards Cihang, each of which had [-]% of the body's combat power.

And the spear formed by the black stick directly pierced dozens of Qixing's clones into strings, and finally hit the barrier. But at this time, Cihang had difficulty distinguishing the real and the fake Qixing.

However, while each avatar was fighting frantically, they were also frantically devouring the white clay, Cihang frowned at this scene.

"What ninjutsu is this?"

But this question was quickly answered. At this time, hundreds of seven stars, after eating the clay, all began to emit white light, and the light was connected together in just a breath of time.

A terrifying energy gushes out from Hundred Percent's body.

Seeing this scene, Cihang also understood that it was actually self-destructing clay.

At this time, Cihang stretched out his hands, and thousands of black sticks rose from the ground, and more or less two black sticks were inserted into each Qixing's body, but the terrifying explosion did not stop.

Cihang roared angrily, "Are you fucking crazy, kid? In this kind of barrier, even you will be blown to death."


"You don't want to die, and of course I don't, so you're bound to absorb the energy of the explosion, aren't you?"

Seeing this scene, Ci Hang was burning with anger, and the next moment hundreds of seven-star clones, the light finally reached the limit.With a bang, they exploded at the same time. This power is equivalent to the explosion of dozens of Didara's C0 bombs.

Even Cihang gasped, stopped hesitating, and hid directly in his coffin. Seeing this, Qixing scolded his mother directly, "Can you still play like this? Misty Grass."

"Brother, talk about martial arts, you should absorb some energy before leaving!"

However, the power of the explosion had already unfolded, Qi Xing had no choice but to use Gao Huang's Spiritual Venerable to absorb the terrifying energy of the explosion, "This is really fucking hitting my own little foot with a rock."

After counting,

The terrifying aftermath dissipated, and the entire land within the barrier had disappeared without a trace. , only a wellhead with a diameter of one kilometer can be seen appearing in this forest.

And the enchantment in the sky was also shattered at this moment, and five figures knelt down one after another, obviously being backlashed.Blood flowed from the mouth.But the actual damage is not very big.

Look at Seven Stars again.

At this time, the appearance is more embarrassing and embarrassing. The clothes all over the body have been carbonized, and the eyes have only absorbed one-third of the explosion energy, which is already saturated. Now it is even more swollen like a bun.

But at the critical moment, using the skills on the mask, the face of the Great Sage can absorb devastating damage once, but it will break after use.

At this time, the artifact mask on Qixing's face also broke from the middle.

This time, he really lost his wife and lost his army.

This also reminded Seven Star that in the future, it is not possible to pretend to be arbitrarily everywhere.

Not only the people in Pure Land are extremely strong, but even anyone from the Datongmu clan can make Qixing feel embarrassed. This incident finally awakened Qixing, and keeping a low profile is the kingly way.

At this time, Cihang's coffin flew out from the soil layer, the coffin opened, Cihang walked out from it,
I only saw the Seven Stars thousands of meters away, and kept forming seals in my hands, "This seems to be?"

Thinking of something suddenly, Cihang roared angrily, "Stop him", the layman Guoxin who was closest to Seven Stars formed a mudra with both hands, Fire Escape·Samadhi True Fire, and the terrifying energy in Cihang's hands also waved out at the same time.

But at this time Qixing had already clapped his hands to the ground.After the gossip pattern, the reverse psychic technique is activated.

"I didn't expect that one day I, Qixing, would use this kind of technique."

Immediately there was a bang, and the moment Cihang's energy and the flame of Layman Guoxin were about to hit Qixing, Qixing's figure also turned into a puff of white smoke and dissipated.

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