At this time, Qixing was sitting at a height of half a meter, and the three souls in his hands had begun to dissipate slowly.
It turned out to be directly swallowed by Seven Stars.

And from the memories of the three soul bodies, Qixing got some information about the city,

An organization called the Shell rules here.

And there are many people here who use scientific ninja tools as part of their bodies.

According to the memories of the three, most of those who have been transformed are members of the shell's outer formation,

Strength ranges from Chunin to Elite Jonin.

And all members of the inner circle of this organization have Roman numerals tattooed on their faces, wearing black hooded cloaks, and silver pins tied to their right shoulders.

All the members of the inner circle are extremely mysterious, and it is impossible to see them unless there are special periods.

Qi Xing was very excited when he heard the news, these are all the help for my growth.

While speaking, Qixing walked out of the alley.

At this time, there are people coming and going on the streets, and people who have been transformed by scientific ninja tools can be seen everywhere.

As soon as Qixing walked out of the hidden alley, he was already discovered.To be precise, it was discovered by the city's detection system.Qixing, who was walking on the street, seemed to be unconscious.

At this time, in the very center of the city, in a tall building with dozens of floors, in a huge meeting room, several people were watching the big screen, and the person displayed on the screen was Qixing walking out of the alley.

"Boss, that kid suddenly appeared in the city without any warning, and all the detection devices in the city didn't capture how that person entered here."

The leader looked at Qixing walking slowly in the city on the screen, with a smile on his lips.

"Hmph; interesting guy, it should be some kind of space ninjutsu, it's really troublesome.

If the third stage of Qi is completed, I will have no scruples in this ninja world. "

As he spoke, his figure disappeared directly into the conference room,

When the black-robed man reappeared, he was already standing above Qixing's head, and while there were people passing by on the street, no one looked up at the black-robed man suspended in the air.

Qixing also sensed something and approached him, and opened the eyes of reincarnation directly. The moment the eyes were opened, a faint light flew towards Qixing at an extremely fast speed, and finally stopped above his head.

The sudden appearance of this person made Qixing very alert. Although his own strength was strong, he was in an unfamiliar environment after all. Without information, it was always right to be more careful.

The man saw Qixing's vigilant expression, smiled and did not speak.

Then, without looking back, he flew towards the desert outside the city.

At this time, Qixing frowned and asked;
Check out that guy's profile. "

Target: Cihang

age; 1020 years old


Wedge -- State One
Cixian used the wedge to enter the form after the curse seal, and there were blue and black marks all over the body on the body surface.Combat power even surpassed the mid-six paths.

Wedge -- state two
Ci Xian uses wedges to transform into an advanced form. In this state, Ci Xian has a single horn on his head, and his combat power has reached the early stage of the immortal level.

Space portal; one of the abilities of "Wedge", summoning a black hole-like object around you, which can freely travel through different spaces, no seal is required to activate this technique.

Absorption; one of the abilities of "Wedge", which can absorb any ninjutsu and convert it into chakra and store it in the body, or directly absorb the opponent's chakra.

Float; can float freely in the air, which is exactly the same as the host's dance technique.

Physical skills; Cixian's physical skills are very powerful, even comparable to Maitkai who is fully open.

Shaoming (pi) guna; one of wedge's abilities, can shrink itself hundreds of times, and can also make objects bigger or smaller.

contract beast; ten tails.

Cixian's ten tails come from Datongmu Yishi, and they are now locked in a ruin by Cixian.

Illusion and communication, showing oneself phantom in a specific place.


Black stick; is a kind of item made by Yin-Yang escape technique.Among them, the "foreign power" that resides in the eye of reincarnation can seal the opponent's chakra-refining acupuncture point and disturb its chakra. It has a stronger effect on tailed beasts and can also be used as a weapon.Cixian is able to create stick-sized black sticks for use in battle.

Prong (jue) child.

It is an item similar to the black stick. Like the black stick, it is made of Yin Yang escape technique. Inserting it into the opponent's body can not only block the opponent's acupuncture points for refining chakra, but also absorb the opponent's chakra.Cixian can launch multiple prongs from the hand to attack the opponent, and can also make them smaller or larger to attack the opponent and cause heavy damage to the opponent.


The ninja tool made by Yin Yang Dun looks like a teapot, which can be enlarged or reduced to seal the enemy in it.

Seeing this, Qixing trembled all over, only listening to his mouth muttering to himself.

"Strong, really strong,"


Sure enough, I made the right choice here. "


The host, Cihang, is just one of Otsutsuki's turning containers. 】

"You said that guy is a container for the reincarnation of other people's souls," Otsuki said. "

"Sure enough, the Otsutsuki clan doesn't have a simple character, that's good, such a strong person is exactly what I'm looking for.

Sooner or later, my Seven Stars will reveal all your secrets. "

"I didn't expect such a powerful Cihang to be just a container. It's unexpected, but it's nothing surprising when it comes to the Otsutsuki clan."

"As a container, you can have such strength, so how strong is Otsutsuki Ichishiki's body, and how does the person who kills or severely injures him exist?"

"This ninja secret, I feel like I'm getting closer."

Immediately, the corner of his mouth curled up, which was a bit interesting.

After saying this, Qixing's figure had disappeared from the crowd.

Cut through the void and come outside the city.

In sight, there was a man in black robe standing not far away, as if he had already calculated that Seven Star would definitely come after him.

next moment,
The man in black turned his head, took off his cloak, and looked at Seven Stars,

"Boy, your strength is not bad. Are you interested in joining our organization?"

Qixing heard that, with a smile on the corner of his mouth,
"You mean, shell this organization?"

Hearing Qixing, a stranger, explain the organization he worked so hard to create, Cihang's heart was overwhelmed.

The word shock was already written on his face.

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