Immediately, Qixing withdrew Xu Zuo, looked at the three big pits, "He ran fast."

"The art of reverse psychic, I didn't expect it to be able to save my life. But do you think this kind of enchantment can stop me?
Innocent. "

Speaking of the opening of the eternal kaleidoscope of Qixing's left eye, the divine power was activated, and his figure suddenly rushed forward and then disappeared, but was bounced back the moment he was about to pass through the barrier.


A barrier that can block the power of space. "

Glancing at the invisible barrier in front of him, he took out a palm-sized talisman from the portable space, and threw the talisman towards the barrier.

The next moment, the talisman was directly integrated into the barrier, and a crack of one meter square appeared on the invisible barrier.

Seeing this scene, Qixing smiled lightly, "As expected of a boundary-breaking talisman, but it's really a bit of a waste to use it here."

Saying that, with a flash, the three little guys were brought into the black and white space, and then walked into the crack.

At the same time, in Miaomu Mountain, three huge toads suddenly appeared on a square, their bodies covered in frog skin wounds.

Seeing this scene, Fukasaku said angrily;

"Who, who hurt you like this, which bastard it is."

"Three Toads shook his head. I don't know. I only know that he is a young man. He is extremely powerful and can summon Susanoo. The most terrifying thing is his ninjutsu. He can summon three thousand-meter-long white dragons. I almost died in his hands before I persisted for two rounds."

"There is such a guy in the outside world. You three frogs joined forces and were beaten so embarrassingly. When I go out, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

But as soon as the words fell, a soft voice came into the ears of the frogs,

"Are you guys saying they want to find me? I don't think you need to be so troublesome. I'm already here."

Hearing this voice, San Ha was taken aback for a moment, wondering why this guy could come in so quickly, and then turned pale with fright,

How could you break through the enchantment of Immortal Toad.This is impossible. "


It's really difficult, I can't do all the space ninjutsu, but I have something more amazing. "

And just as the few people were talking, inside Miaomu Mountain, the signal for the assembly of all the toads had already sounded, and there were toads jumping non-stop from all directions.

But when Shima and Fukasaku saw Qixing's appearance, they were shocked and said;
"How could it be you, how could you come to Mount Miaomu."


You two, it's been a long time since we separated, and I didn't expect to meet again. "

"I'm here to visit Hama Wan, um, I'm the Toad Immortal you're talking about."

Hearing this, Fukasaku was even more shocked, and immediately shouted, "All members of Mount Miaomu, prepare to attack."

Hearing Fukasaku's words, all the toads shouted earth-shatteringly,
"Kill, kill, kill."

And Fukasaku knew the strength of this kid, and he slammed his hands to the ground, forming a large formation that connected the entire Miaomu Mountain, integrating the aura of all the toads into one, and instantly pressed against Qixing.

Qixing only felt a mountain weighing as much as ten thousand jun, pressing on top of his head, his legs had already started to tremble,
"Boy, it's impossible to meet a fairy. As long as you withdraw now, I can let you go."

But at this time Qixing smiled,
"Haha, hahaha,
Do you think you can eat me like this, stupid toad! "

Having said that,

I saw that Qixing's whole body was suddenly lifted up, and a golden aura shot out from his body to the top of his head.
With a soft buzzing sound, Qixing's hair instantly turned golden yellow, and on the ground, an invisible air current blew the toads within hundreds of meters around them flying upside down.At this time, the momentum of the fusion of the large formation was easily suppressed by Qixing.

Seeing this, Shen Zuo was frightened and said:
How could this boy's aura be comparable to that of an immortal. "

"Boy, let me tell you, immortals won't see you, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Really? Maybe kill you all, maybe he will want to see me."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked by Toad, San Toad and his old father knew that that guy was not kidding me.At this time, all the toads had already shown an expression of resignation to death.

And the moment Qixing wanted to make a move, a voice resounded throughout Mount Miaomu, "Little friend, please don't do anything, I am old, please come and see me."

Hearing this, Qixing put away his momentum and looked at Shen Zuo, "Old Shen, lead the way."

Fukasaku wanted to refuse, but hearing that it was the will of the immortal, Fukasaku could only lead the way ahead,
One person and one clam turned a few corners, and came to a hall. On the hall, an old toad with orange body, yellow eyes, and a doctor's hat on his head,
Well, old-fashioned toad.

just listen to his question;
【Who is coming】

This time I really asked the question, because Immortal Toad really didn't figure out the origin of the person in front of him.

But deep do not know ah!
Then he complained; "Playing such a boring game."

And Qixing said; "I, Uchiha Qixing."

Hearing this name, Immortal Toad suddenly raised his head, with a blue light flashing in his eyes, and looked at Qixing.

"I can't see it through, I can't see it through. Are you someone who shouldn't exist, variable?
But why has a natural immortal body, and is born with the skillful use of natural energy? This is simply impossible. "

"What's the matter, little friend,
Although you can't see through my future, you should know my purpose.isn't it? "

Then Hamamaru was silent for a moment,
"I can promise you, but you can't kill a toad in Miaomu Mountain from now on, how about it."

"Well, if they don't come to seek death, after all the ants pass under my feet, I will subconsciously get out of the way.

So I'm a good guy, right? "


You kid is the first person to break into Mount Miaomu in thousands of years. "

"You tell me you're a good person? Don't worry about those details."

As he spoke, he released the three little guys from the black and white space,

As soon as they appeared, the three little guys yelled loudly, "Teacher, your space is really boring, why is there only black and white?"

When San Xiaozhi saw the surrounding environment clearly, three curses burst out,

Teacher, how did you get in here?You see an old-fashioned toad sitting there, I'll go. "

Fukasaku was furious when he heard the three insulting his sage, "You three brats, show some respect to the sage."

And when Immortal Toad saw the qualifications of these three little guys, he had only one thought, "I want to keep all three of these little guys."

At this time Fukasaku was still beeping three little ones.

And the next sentence of Toad Immortal left Fukasaku dumbfounded.

"You three, are you willing to worship under my Miaomu Mountain sect?"

The three little ones didn't answer, but just looked at Qixing, and Qixing looked at Hama Wan, and said with a light smile; "Did you foresee any meaningful future?"

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