I don't know which guy shouted, sneak attack.

Immediately, the battle started at the same time on the Nine Grand Competition Stage, another ninjutsu was flying all over the sky, and the fire and thunder suddenly appeared. At this time, Qixing sat on the viewing platform and asked;
"Xuanji, tell me who will win the opponent first this time,"

Long Xuanji glanced down, then said;
"Should be born in Shenxiu and Zuixiu, these two little guys were the leaders of this group of children before,

They are also the two with the best talent and understanding among them. "


That's not necessarily true. I think it will be the little fat guy on the No. 36 competition stage. His talent may not be the strongest, but his combat power is definitely the strongest among the [-] people. "

"Oh, the boss is so optimistic about Li Chaoxiu."

"So that little fat man is called Li Chaoxiu, you know the power of his bloodline.

kindness.Know. "

"I knew it when I found him. The little guy's original name was "Yun".

"From then on, he has to worship me as his teacher, saying that his dream is to surpass me."

After I brought him back, I sealed his physique and promised him that if one day he could control that power by himself, he would be able to break the seal by himself. "

"He is also the one with the strongest physique among my students in this period. If he is in that state now, his physique can be said to surpass the average Jonin. I didn't expect that this guy has been here for five years. Time flies so fast."

Look at the Bidoutai below,
Li Chaoxiu's battle was coming to an end, and the opponent was a little girl with braids.Every shot is aimed directly at Li Chaoxiu's vitals, but so far, Li Chaoxiu has not dodged once at all, and all of them let the girl's attack hit him, and kept laughing;
"Huixiu! Hurry up and admit defeat!
If you fight like this, others will think we are flirting. "

"Bastard, Li Chaoxiu, you bastard, you forced me to do this trick, don't blame me."

As he spoke, he saw the two energy chakras circulating around the girl, the surrounding environment rapidly became cold, and his hands quickly formed seals, and he yelled, "Ice Escape Thousand Killing Ice Popsicles."

In the next moment, dozens of maces condensed from ice chakra fell on Li Chaoxiu's head like rain. Li Chaoxiu saw it, "You little Liangpi, you are serious, I rely on you."

"As he spoke, his left hand instantly opened a corner of the seal on his abdomen, and he saw that where the seal was broken, countless black lines rushed out of the seal, and he saw the little fat man's body fat bulging, and the black lines were directly guided to his arms.

The next moment, Li Chaoxiu's arm turned into a Juewei duck paw, blocking the attack of dozens of spike popsicles.

And that Juewei duck paw was riddled with holes at this time. One can imagine how powerful those spike popsicles are. Looking at the battered duck paw, he roared angrily, "Little Liangpi, you're really playing with me, then I won't be polite."

After finishing speaking, both hands quickly formed seals,

"Fire escape, the small fire dragon king,"

The moment Li Chaoxiu formed the seal, the little girl Li Huixiu jumped out of the competition stage.

turned back and cursed;

"Bastard Li Chaoxiu, idiot Li Chaoxiu, wooden Li Chaoxiu, just wait for me," he said, leaving Tianxiu Square without looking back.

Li Chaoxiu looked confused at this scene, but at this time the Fire Dragon King's ninjutsu seal was completed, and he took advantage of the opportunity to fight forward.

The audience next to the fighting stage was in a cold sweat, but fortunately, the Jonin who maintained the order stood in front of the Fire Dragon King, and took the small Fire Dragon King with difficulty, and his body was knocked upside down for hundreds of meters.
muttering incessantly;
"Asshole, this is not a Chunin competition, where can I find such a perverted Chunin. Damn."

But Long Xuanji saw that Qixing's words were right, and then flattered her,
"The boss is indeed a boss. That guy is my only official disciple. I refused to accept him at the time, but now it seems that he knows how to use his body, which is a good thing."

"Other things are cheap and good-looking, that kid's physique should be that of a fairy.

The lines on his body should be the initial form of immortality, but I'm curious, how can you seal this kind of thing? You really are not simple, Xuanji. "


"Nothing is not simple, just, just,,"

"Okay, it's just a simplified version of the nine palaces sealing the sky. After each palace is condensed, it needs to release natural energy. If the nine palaces are full, the seal will be burst. You kid think I don't understand."

"Using it to seal natural energy also counts as your understanding of the Nine Palaces."

At this time, Long Xuanji was shocked,

"Big, big, boss, this is something from our world, how do you know.

Hmph, you want to hide it from me, what do you think my secret building is. "

"Sorry boss, I didn't,,,"

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you, I said a long time ago that I don't want to know your secret,

After all, everyone has their own secrets, right? "

"Thank you, sir."

At this time, Qixing didn't look at Long Xuanji again, his little tricks could not escape Xiao Caibi's eavesdropping.

Qi Xing already knew about this matter, but he just didn't bother to talk about it.Any conspiracies and tricks are not as reliable as their own powerful strength.

Then he looked down to compare the arena.

At this time, on the Nine Great Competition Stages, eight of them had already finished their battles, and the last two people in the competition stage were two people that even Seven Stars were optimistic about at the same time.

Long Xuanji also muttered softly.

"How did these two guys get together? Both of them have the strength to be on the list."

However, no one answered this question.

Looking at the competition platform again,
At this time, Li Xiutian had a solemn expression on his face. Judging from the fight just now, this guy's progress in the past three days is outrageous.

As he spoke, he directly resorted to his tricks.

I saw Li Xiutian clasping his hands together, "Wood escape, the art of wooden figures". At this time, countless vines gathered on the ground to form a tall wooden figure of more than ten meters. Then Li Xiutian jumped on top of his head, shouted, and fought.

Seeing this scene, Li Shenxiu looked relaxed, put his hands behind his back, and yelled, "Huo Dun, Huo Long Yan Boom."

He didn't even see his seal after shouting these words, but he saw Li Shenxiu spit out three fire dragons from his mouth.

From the left, middle, and right directions, attack the wooden figurine. At this time, the wooden figurine opened and closed its big hands, and a huge shield blocked the front of the three fire dragons. After three bangs, bang, bang, bang, the wooden figurine's big shield was broken.

Earth escape, earth dragon bomb,

Earth escape, earth flow wall.

Looking at Li Xiutian again, the huge wooden figure had already been hit by the earth dragon bullet, backed up one after another, and hit the mud flow wall behind, and the moment the wooden figure's body hit, it was blocked by the sudden appearance of three dirt flow walls. Seeing this, Li Xiutian resolutely gave up on the wooden figure and jumped down.

Seeing this scene, Li Shenxiu smiled lightly, "You've been fooled."

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