Naruto lottery draw for three years, my ninjutsu shocked the ninja world

Chapter 63 The First Generation of Tianxiu Sect Disciple

Long Xuanji's figure trembled when he heard these words, only a boss would say such words to himself, and that mask, that kind of aura is absolutely unmistakable,
He is definitely a boss, and then Long Xuanji said in surprise;

"Boss, why are you here?"

Seven Star laughed;

"It's not that I sent you some good things,

Boss, you mean that thing is finished? "

Sure enough, he really deserves to be a boss.

Xiaoji's admiration for you is like a surging river, even,,,"

"Okay, stop flattering, go in and say, let me see your achievements this year,

boss. "

"Let's go, little ones. You don't need to take turns guarding today. The boss is here. It's safer than anywhere else."

As he spoke, he took the lead and walked into the formation, while a group of teenagers behind were dumbfounded. When did they ever see their sect master with such an attitude.Curious all over his face, but he didn't dare to speak, so he could only keep up honestly.

Once entering the big formation, there is another world. There is a sharp contrast between the inside of the big formation and the outside of the big formation. It is obvious that a ten-kilometer-wide cave has been formed inside the big formation. Seeing Qixing's curious eyes, Long Xuanji explained with a little complacency;
"Boss, I developed this formation based on the formation of my world. The inner heaven is blessed with a large formation."

Seeing this, Qixing couldn't help admiring, "Very good, you trained these little guys very well, they should have been prepared before I met you."

"Hahahaha, I really can't escape the boss's eye, that's true, otherwise it would be impossible to form such a large inner world in such a short period of time, this formation has existed for ten years.

While talking, the two walked forward, and saw a small market town in front of them. There were many houses in the market town, but no one lived there.

And some boys and girls, tossing and turning on the roof, fought together.

Further ahead, a huge square came into view, and there were pairs of men and women practicing in pairs.From time to time, there will be flames and thunderbolts, but the power is relatively ordinary,
The most noticeable thing is that several teenagers are practicing ninjutsu such as fireball and water wall, and they seem to have achieved something.

At this time, Long Xuanji saw this, and said;

"The strength of these little guys is a little weaker. It seems that it will take a while for the Tianxiu Clan to enter the world."

Hearing this, Qixing immediately understood,

"You bastard, do you think I don't know what you're up to?"

"The things are brought, it depends on how you prepare!"

Just after saying this, Long Xuanji shouted loudly,
"All the doormen gather." Obviously this guy has been ready for a long time.

Within 30 seconds, the square was crowded with people.No matter what the disciples were doing at this time, they had all come to the square.

Some people ran out after taking a shower half covered with a fig leaf.

I don't know what I did, sweating profusely, running here panting,
There are also those who carry chicken legs and rush over with their mouths full of oil,

The weirdest little guy even ran over with his pants up. There was a strange smell behind his butt, which made the surrounding doormen vomit, but no one left their standing position.

I saw the young man who ate chicken legs cursed angrily, "Your uncle Li Zuixiu, how many times is it today, I'm so stupid."

Seeing this, some girls frowned tightly, "Li Zuixiu, you bastard, you are really shameless."

Said three words, water escape, water gun technique, directly washed away Li Zuixiu's clothes from behind, and the yellow and black thing behind his buttocks also sprinkled into the sky with the water.After being vaporized by a fireball between the sky and the earth, the people standing still let out a long sigh of relief.

Standing around the square, the onlookers really roared with laughter.

And at the end of the crowd was a lonely figure, Li Duxiu, looking at the farce in front of him, his eyes were sharp, and he murmured, "Li Zuixiu, you have the highest talent in refining chakra, and you can't get along with me every time. Today, I will only give you half a liang of laxative, and next time you will put half a catty of it."

And how could these words be hidden from Qi Xing's eyes and ears, only the corners of Qi Xing's mouth twitched, "These bastards are not that easy to manage."

At this time, Long Xuanji pressed down with both hands, and the place was suddenly quiet.

"I still say the same thing. If any of you didn't show up when I called the roll call, all of you will be punished.
It's a good day, the order is prohibited, you all took what I said, which is very good. "

"Then roll call begins."

Li Tianxiu, here,

Li Shenxiu, here,

Li Duxiu, here,

Li Zhixiu, here,

Li Zuoxiu, here,

Lee Junsu, here,

Li Zuixiu, here,


"very good.

All 36 people are present. "

"Today, a mysterious lord came to our Tianxiu Gate. I think some of you have already met, and some of you have even heard of lord's name."

"That is the super strong man called Shura Monkey by the ninja world, a man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the god of the ninja world.

Today he brought you a mysterious gift. "

"Didn't you keep complaining, saying that your talent is poor, and you have doubled your training, so you can't get better growth?

Then the talents of all of you today, will be rewritten. "

"Now let our Master Shura Monkey tell you about the mystery of this mysterious gift."

At this time, everyone's eyes were on Qixing,
Qixing placed a huge monster in the center of the square, and a stove with a strange shape appeared in front of everyone. Qixing spoke slowly:
"You guys are very lucky. This furnace is called a self-cultivation furnace. As long as you persist in it for longer, your talents will be developed more thoroughly and your strength will increase more. The first time you enter is the most critical time. Every time you enter later, the effect will be greatly reduced, so whoever comes first."

Hearing this, the quiet people below immediately whispered, "Really, does this ninja world really have such a magical weapon?"

Everyone will hold a skeptical attitude, but Li Duxiu is convinced, and whispers disdainfully, "How could such a strong person deceive you children. Stupid."


Li Duxiu stood up,

"My lord, I would like to be the first to try."

Qixing looked at this guy, "Your name is Li Duxiu,"

"Yes my lord,

go in. "

Immediately Li Duxiu walked into the self-cultivation stove, the door of the stove was closed tightly, within a few minutes, bursts of blue smoke came out from the stove,

In less than a quarter of an hour, Li Duxiu walked out of it, and the moment he walked out, three streams of energy gushed out from his body,

White, red and green, obviously because of the physical change, Li Duxiu awakened three chakra attributes,

At this time, Li Duxiu shouted excitedly,

"I made it, power, I feel the surge of power."

Everyone who saw this scene was so excited that they formed a small team and stepped forward to enter the self-cultivation furnace.

After some came out, their strength was directly raised to a great level.

In one day, all 36 people received the transformation of the self-cultivation stove,
The most notable increase in strength was the seven named names, from the mid-to-late period of the Genin, to the mid-to-late period of the Chunin. At this moment, these seven directly became the focus of Tianxiu Clan.

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