At this time, the Hydra,
Seeing Qixing's terrifying aura,

Eighteen eyeballs are spinning around.


"it is good,

very good,"

"This kind of strength is barely qualified to become the opponent of God."

At this time, the Seven Stars,

I still want to open the Eight Gates to improve my strength again,
But no matter how much energy the door is filled with, it just cannot be opened.
Then ask the system,

"What's going on with the system, why is Bamen Dunjia like this?"

"Remind the host that the eight-door Dunjia failed to open."

"and then?


Are you there. "

"I fucking know that it failed to open, and I ask you why.

Don't drop the chain for me at a critical moment, okay?"

"My Qixing also has a bad temper,

I have tolerated you for a long time,
Don't think I don't know,
When I die, you will disappear, too,"

"I used to tolerate you because my mother gave you face,

Don't think I don't know,
Just your piss, if you can walk,
Already found someone else to bind,

Will it continue to stay with me? "

"I count to three, if you don't fucking come out again,
I blew myself up.

Don't even think about Tiankeng Laozi's points, they are getting bigger and bigger. "


1, 2, 3.
Immediately seven stars, regardless of three seven 27,

I saw the energy around him surging,
A touch of red glow, covering the whole body with green glow, this is a sign of impending self-explosion,

This time, the Hydra on the other side looked dumbfounded,
At this time Hydra thought in his heart,
"I haven't fucking shot yet,
How do you know you can't beat me. "

"I can't beat you, run away,
Are you fucking self-destructing like this, can you give me some time to prepare,
My Dark Gathering Formation will be ready in less than an hour. "

"Depend on.

This is a little over the top. "

I saw the red glow on the opposite side getting stronger and stronger,
And this time, Hydra was really scared,

The body recovery movement came to an abrupt end,

"If you don't leave, you will be buried with that guy,"

At this time, the Hydra didn't even have time to take away a huge formation that sat down.
The huge figure disappeared directly in place,
Because he knew that the self-destruction of such a strong man might cause a magnitude [-] earthquake in the entire ninja world.

Just one second before Qixing's body was about to explode,
The system prompt sounds,
"Please host, please be calm,

Young man, why are you so angry? "

"Come here, drink a glass of ice water to cool down."

As he said that, a glass of ice-green water suddenly appeared in the space above Qixing's head.

was poured directly on top of its head,

The self-exploding red light was instantly extinguished by the ice water,

next moment,
The green hair soaring into the sky showed his brilliance again,
At this moment, Qixing's whole body was emitting white smoke,
Whoops, whoops, whoops

"The system you LOW forced profiteers,
Today I must die with you,
does it. "

The system feels heartbroken for the previous dementia behavior,
As the leader of the host, how can he do things that cheat the host's points? "

"At this moment, the system swears to the host,

In the future, I will do my best to serve the host,
Don't dare to extravagantly ask for bonus points. "

"Of course the host is so generous, he will definitely not be stingy."

"The system is ashamed, ashamed of the host's good intentions for the system."

Say these words,
At this moment, Qixing was stunned,

"I'm a little touched by what I said."

You guys are scarier than rabbits,
The contract, today either die together, or sign the contract. "

"After systematic consideration,

I think it is most appropriate to sign a contract,"

Ding; the content of the contract is as follows,

1. The system will absolutely support any choice the host makes,

2. The system will no longer cheat the host's points.
Of course, there are a lot of clauses in the following clauses, and Qixing didn't continue to look down, and directly contracted the soul brand,
After all, he is still on the battlefield at this time,

But the first two are enough.

Just when Qixing was full of joy and solved the profiteer problem of the system,

Looking around,

Where is the figure of the Hydra,
Qi Xing looked a little confused,

"How did that guy run away,

Could it be that I was intimidated by my arrogance. "

When Qixing walked forward, not far away, only a huge formation was left shining,

The system detects this formation,

"This formation is a dark gathering matrix,
Can absorb all dark attributes Chakra,

It is generally used as a charging device. "

Ding; 100 points will be deducted for this Q&A, please confirm with the host,


That's changed so quickly, yes,
Confirm, there is no need to explain to me if you have less than [-] points in the future.

Ding; the system receives it. "

"By the way, why did my eight gates fail to open?"

"The reason for the failure to open the Eight Door Dunjia is;

Your super race physique is too strong,

At this time, the host has already activated a physical supernatural power that is a hundred times more powerful than the Bamen Dunjia. "

"Eight Gate Dunjia has actually been opened, but it can't make any increase to the host.

Has been covered by the super race physique. "

"At the beginning, you also said that Super Race can increase all skills,"

"That's what I said, but all the abilities to increase physical attributes,

will be covered by the strongest one,

If you learn all the abilities to strengthen your body before you start super racing,
Do you think your body can take it? "

I see,

"Perhaps the current Super Saiyan 2 form, even Susan Daibutsu, can't increase the combat power, right?

It can only be used as a means of defense. "

With that said, he stepped forward to put away the dark gathering matrix,
The next second I put my hand on it, it was directly confiscated by the system.

At the moment when the matrix disappeared, there was a sudden explosion in the sky,
"Boy, bastard boy,

How dare you deceive God,
Also took away the matrix of the god, "


I want you to die. "

However, Qixing is not in a hurry at this time,
He also took out his combat power to detect, and looked at the guy in the distance, what level he was in,
Just listening to the value on the combat power detector, he jumped up crazily.

one thousand.Five thousand, ten thousand, fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, 15, and finally stopped at 20.
But Qixing carefully discovered that this guy's combat power was still growing slowly,

Combined with what the system just said, that guy recovered the ninth head,
With the matrix just obtained,

At this time Qixing finally understood,

"The reason why the hydra straddled the void without moving a step,

It should be silently recovering strength,

Oh shit,

This is the same yin as Shennong's old concealment. "

At this moment, Seven Star no longer hesitated, and launched an attack first.

hand seal,

"Water escape, the art of fog and shadow,"

The whole forest was suddenly covered by thick fog.
Orochi, knowing that this guy's combat strength is already close to himself at this time.

I don't dare to push too hard,
I saw two of the heads suddenly spew out a large amount of flame and wind,
Whirling around the serpent,

Just when the mist around the big snake was evaporated by the wind and flames.

A 80-meter green figure, holding a [-]-meter sword,

Just listen to his loud shout,
The world was cut with a single knife.

I saw the 80-meter broadsword instantly extended to 800 meters, descending from the sky at an extremely fast speed, and slashed at the Hydra.

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