Qi Xing was dumbfounded watching this scene,
"I didn't expect you to be such a fucking BOSS,"

Immediately Qixing reacted,

"I'm not, have you set up a sealing enchantment here?

This old thing shouldn't be able to escape."

"And there are no spatial fluctuations around here,

How could it disappear. "

"Oh shit,
you old covert,
Die and die, even if his mother can't die, I can bear it,

How did he escape silently, without any trace. "

"I rely on,
What a joke! "

"Sanzhuzi and Naruto, if they can kill such a Shennong,

My Seven Stars ran naked at the head of Konoha Village for three days,

Grass. "

"The plot of the theatrical version deceives people to death.

It seems that I have to spend points to consult the profiteer system again. "

Can the trace of the old guy be found? "

Spend 300 points, you can search for the approximate location,
Spend 600 points, you can search for specific coordinates,
Spend [-] points, you can view the world map, search for the task name, and walk to the character by yourself.

Qixing, who didn't react for a while,
The brain stops functioning immediately,

"Since this profiteer system, IQ has been getting higher and higher,
Whatever you do, it can be like selling commodities.”

"As far as Nima is asking someone, you can come up with three options for me.

One is more expensive than the other.

Why the hell don't you just grab the points? "

"Please host to make a choice,"

At this time, Qixing was gnashing his teeth, and his teeth made a creaking sound.
think twice,

"As far as the urine of the profiteer system is concerned,
If I choose the first and second, it will be useless.

I choose three. "

Congratulations to the host for spending 1000 points,

Get automatic people finder,

Ask the host to follow the guidance of the system,

Talking about his legs, he walked forward uncontrollably,
"Nima's system,

You call this a guide,

But on our human side, we call this control.

I rely on. "

And Qixing, who was forced to move forward, knew that he could not organize the control of the system.

can only ask curiously;
"If I choose the second system, what can I get?"

will get a very accurate coordinate,

"Uh, then what?"


"Then the host can go to the coordinate point by itself,
I am Nima,
You give me a coordinate, how do I know that value, where does it refer to, do you think this is a game? "

"Please host to explore by yourself,

Or you can spend 1000 points to view the map. "

Hearing this, Qixing breathed a sigh of relief,

"Luckily I chose the most expensive one.

Sure enough, the pissing nature of the profiteer system is almost the same as I thought, "

Before Qixing walked a few meters away,
I saw the ground a thousand meters away began to shake,
next moment,
"You don't have to go,
Is this 1000 points considered useless for him?"

Because Qixing already understood where the old thing went,
Only at this time,

Cracks began to appear in the earth,
Pieces of earth and rock are separated to the two sides,

a huge fortress,

Rose from the ground.

Qixing retreated rapidly,

A feeling of great danger,

Let Qixing's hairs stand on his head,

"Where is this damn fortress? It's obviously an aircraft carrier."

I saw that Qixing's hands quickly formed seals, trying to destroy the fortress.

Double giants of earth and stone,"

In an instant, two earth and stone giants approaching [-] meters appeared,

Beating the ground frantically,

I saw the ground, countless stabs soaring into the sky,

To the slowly rising fortress,

But no matter what, there was no way to break through the defense of the fortress.

At this time, the fortress, accelerating into the air, wanted to fly away from the forest,
But only a bang,
Hit the transparent enchantment,


My enchantment is not a decoration. "

Qixing had just finished speaking,
I saw that on the fort at this time,

A terrifying cannon has been aimed at Seven Stars,

That black light beam, before Qixing could dodge it,
just hit it directly,
fast, too fast,

Soon Qixing didn't even have time to use the divine power,
A second ago, the cannon had just rotated against the seven stars, and it didn't even gather its fucking energy.
The next second hit the Seven Stars,
At this time, Qixing shouted,
"This fucker is not scientific at all, at least you have some fucking time to recharge your energy."

I haven't finished shouting yet,

Hearing a bang, Qixing was directly blasted into the earth to a depth of [-] meters,

Immediately under the earth,

There is a huge explosion of dark energy.

A thousand-meter-long pit appeared in this forest.

Look at the sky now,
Shennong stood on top of the fortress in high spirits,

Looking at Qixing with disdain,

"No matter how strong you are, you can't be the opponent of Zero Tail Cannon.

I think back then, my cannon was seriously injured in a surprise attack, and I was a strong person at the level of Liu Dao."

When the smoke clears,
Shen Nong, who was still laughing wildly, his eyes fixed,
I saw a golden phantom standing in a thousand-meter deep pit,

"Do not,


At this time, Shennong's face was full of disbelief,

You are unscathed,"

And Amaru, who was hiding in the distance, had already dropped his jaw in shock.


Golden body, with knotted muscles,
With golden hair, soaring to the sky,

Isn't this super fucking Saiyan? "

"How could such a guy appear here,
This fucking hangs,
Wucao, this guy gets stronger the more he is beaten. "

"Old man Shennong,

I take back what I said earlier,

I pray for you.

Hope you don't die too ugly, "

This time Amaru did not dare to stay any longer,

Although it is impossible to escape this enchantment,

But if the body is integrated into the ground, it should not be found,

And above the Angkor fortress,
Shennong's face looked like he had eaten shit,

Looking at Seven Stars,

"Sai, Sai, Saiyan,

At this time, Shennong's forbidden heart finally broke through,
A word of misty grass was finally uttered by him. "

Though terrified in my heart,
But still said;
"You pervert.

You really think I can't deal with you. "

Only at this time,

Shennong with constipation face,

Quickly seal hands,

slammed on the ground,

"Come out.

zero tail. "

Bang, a puff of blue smoke dissipated,
I saw a snake-like monster appearing on the ground, with the word zero engraved on the mask,

Qixing frowned,

"zero tail,
The system detects the information of this creature. "

Deduct 300 points,

During system testing,


Zero tail, nothingness.

It was transformed from a head of an ancient dark creature,
Absorbing too much dark power gave birth to wisdom,

It has been guarding the space where the main body is located, as long as the zero tail appears,

Its body must be nearby.

See here,

Seven stars create a plan,
Then he looked at Shennong,

"Old man,

Do you just use this kind of rubbish as your trump card?
It seems that I think highly of you,

At this time Shennong laughed wildly,
"zero tail,
Zero tail is just a fart in my eyes,"

"and many more,
old man,

Zero tail is a fart in your eyes,
You fucking hand over this fart to me, how about I, Qixing, help you keep it. "

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