Hearing Long Xuanji's report,

Qixing let out a sigh,
"It's Itachi and Kisame.

Time flies so fast,
My dear brother is coming of age. "

Long Xuanji was dumbfounded when she heard this,

You mean the genius ninja of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Itachi is your younger brother. "

"if not?
"I will say;

Why does the boss look so similar to that Uchiha Itachi.

As expected, like a brother, like a brother. "

Since Akatsuki appeared,

It is also time for us to form our own forces. "

"This task is entrusted to you,

The staffing ratio is up to you.

It is best to start with children.

I don't need how talented he is,

Even if you don't have talent, as long as you have enough perseverance, you can absorb it. "

"After all, talent is worthless to me.

I just want people who are obedient. "

It's time for me to see my dear brother, too. "


Speaking of which, Long Xuanji's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

at the same time.

Itachi and Kisame also came to Konoha Village,
The two walked down the street,
Itachi's eyes suddenly saw that the familiar building,
secret building,
"This building should have been here for ten years,
never been in it yet,

It seems that this building is related to that man. "

And Kisame saw Itachi's expression,

Also aroused curiosity,

Immediately, the two walked into the Tianji Building.

At this time, the building is almost full of guests.

And two busy figures came into Itachi's eyes,
At this time, Itachi's pupils contracted,

heart shocked,


how come,
How could Quan still be alive?

Hallucination? "

Talking Sharingan instantly opened,
Only then did I realize that all this is true.

At this moment, Itachi has another reason to live.

But my heart is still struggling,
people who think about it day and night,
It's right in front of you,

But I dare not come forward to recognize each other,
There was a piercing pain in my heart.

And Quan's side is his compatriot brother, Uchiha Seven Stars,
Ordinary people, why are ordinary people,

last time obviously,

With that said, start the kaleidoscope directly,

In the next second, Itachi's eyes shrank suddenly,

Then muttered to himself,

It turned out to be a clone.

and is a permanent entity,

What kind of ninjutsu is this? "

At this time, Itachi was directly shocked on the spot.

Kisame also saw the abnormality of Itachi,


"What's the matter with the ferret?"

Itachi, who only came to his senses at this time, calmly replied that he was fine.

And when the two looked at the surrounding walls,

There are eight lists on the wall,

Three paths have been opened,
The stunning list, the combat power list, and the artifact list.

At this time, the brains of the two froze instantly,
It's fine with the stunning list,

How did you get the information on the combat power list?
When looking at the artifact list,
Itachi was shocked again,
"Ten Fist Sword,

This artifact that is bound to his soul is actually on the list,
Also ranked second. "

"And the weapon was never used,
Where did the information on this list come from?

Who has such terrifying intelligence capabilities?"

Doubts grew in my mind,
Then he touched his right eye,

Said to Ghost Shark;

"The credibility of this list is very high.

Your shark muscles are also ranked ninth. "

At this time, Guixie was also shocked by this small restaurant,
"I don't know who wrote these lists,

From the looks of it, there are eight items on the list.

Perhaps more information can be obtained later.

But this time we can't expose,
After all, there is a task. "

Just as the two were about to leave,
Izumi, who looks sweet, saw a guest coming here,

Come up to say hello immediately,

"You two, what would you like to eat?"

Itachi and Kisame just lowered the bucket hats on their heads,
We have something else to do, come back next time. "

When Quan heard this, he didn't think much about it.
After all, there are not a few such customers.

It's just that the voice seems to have been heard somewhere,
very familiar,

In order to see what happened, Quan trotted and followed,

When Quan just walked out the door,
The two had disappeared into the street,
But because Itachi and Kisame's costumes are really weird,

This aroused the vigilance of Hong, who was in love, and Asma,

The two quickly followed,
Came to a river at the head of the village,
Blocking the path of Itachi and Kisame,

Asma asked;

"Who the hell are you,

Why did you come to Muye Village?"

When Itachi took off the bucket hat, Hong and Asma were shocked, and they took a few steps back,

However red,

Surprised with Asma though,

But the responsibility is still to keep asking Itachi's purpose.

At this time, the ghost shark saw this scene,

"Is Mr. Itachi going to kill them?"

Itachi knew at this moment that he could not leave peacefully,
"Ghost shark moves less, don't attract too many people's attention."

At this point the war is about to break out,
Kisame shot directly,

Asma took out the flying swallow to resist,
And Hong took the opportunity to cast illusion,

Although the two cooperated tacitly,
But only for one round,
Asma was directly slashed by the shark muscle,

At this time, Hong's magic trick came into play,

Bind Kisame and Itachi at the same time with illusion,

Just when Hong wanted to stab Itachi with kunai,
Itachi slightly tilted his head and glanced at Hong,
The illusion instantly countered and imprisoned Hong.

"Illusions of this magnitude are of no use to me,"


Itachi directly kicked Hong into the river,

Then his figure teleported to behind Hong,

On the other side, the battle between Kisame and Asma was blocked by Kakashi who rushed over after hearing the sound.

At this time, Kakashi's left eye is Sharingan, looking at Itachi,

Itachi's eyes hooked and rotated,

Not much to say,

Open directly.

Itachi didn't even move his hand, and immediately cast several ninjutsu,

Kakashi quickly formed seals with both hands, and directly cast the water wall.

Blocked Itachi's instant ninjutsu,
The next moment, the Itachi in front of him disappeared and appeared on Kakashi's back,
A black kunai pierced directly into Kakashi's waist,

Fortunately, this is just a body of water,

However, the battlefield is ever-changing,
I saw Hong took out a kunai from the water, reaching out to poke Itachi's waist,
But the next moment,
Kakashi in the water jumped up and threw Hong down,
See Asma here,

rushed forward,

heart angry,

Kakashi you beast,

Let go of Hong, there is something coming at me. "

However, at the moment Kakashi threw Hong,

Itachi detonated the water body, and the three of Kakashi were shocked back.

When the three looked at Itachi again.

Itachi instantly opened the kaleidoscope,

Kakashi yelled,
"You two close your eyes,

Only I can see his eyes.


But Kakashi obviously thought a little too much,
Although Kakashi also has Sharingan,

But at this time, Kakashi and Itachi are not at the same level at all.

I saw Itachi launched the monthly reading,
Kakashi was instantly pulled into the illusion,

Into a world of black and white,
And tied to a cross,
Being stabbed in the back by Itachi crazily.

You were hiding just now, now it's up to you how to hide.

At this time, Kakashi's waist was in severe pain,

I was stabbed in the waist by a ferret for three days and three nights in the fantasy realm,

As long as it is a normal person, it is basically useless.

This also directly caused Kakashi to have no sex life after that.

And every rainy day, there will be a dull pain in the waist.

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