Qi Xing ignored Cang Xiong, pointing with both hands together, slashing hundreds of knives.I saw countless sharp blades across the body of the gray bear, and dense blood fell from its body.

Qixing waved his hands again and again, and the blood was refined by Qixing in the sky, and when it reached Qixing's mouth, it was already ready to be taken.

After a full ten minutes like this, the two chased and fled, Qi Xing sucked five waves of blood on Cang Xiong's body.And at this moment, the development rate of Qixing's blood power has reached 69%.It's just a little bit to start the seventh change of the Super Race.At that stage, Qixing can unlock this body and even more weird power.

That kind of power is different from the previous way of fighting by sensing qi or chakra. It relies on reflexive movements of various parts of the body, without a little thinking of the brain, and maximizes the speed of movement and reaction ability.The body and consciousness are separated, so that all parts of the body can perceive the dangers around them beyond instinct, and no longer need the brain to think before acting.

It is also at this stage that Qixing can automatically master this kind of power, which is called the power of freedom.

The excited Qixing wanted to do the same to Cangxiong, but the two of them came to a strange planet without knowing it. Wherever they saw on this planet, the earth was made of blood-colored soil.

From time to time, there will be traces of hot air in the soil.As soon as he entered this planet, Qixing felt the blood in his body keep stirring.

At this moment, Cang Xiong stood a thousand meters away from Qixing with a pale face.

He had already seen that Qi Xing was a vampire, if he didn't suck himself dry, he might not give up.Therefore, he did not intend to run away anymore, and at the same time chose this scarlet star field as the place for the decisive battle.

"Boy, I told you not to bully others too much. Now even if you kneel down and beg me, I will not let you go."

After saying this, Cang Xiong closed his eyes tightly, his legs slammed on the ground, and strange talismans suddenly appeared all over his body.At the same time, the blood in his body actually drilled out from the pores.Instantly sank into the ground.

In the next moment, the stout gray bear became as skinny as a stick.At Cang Xiong's feet, a strange six-pointed blood-colored star array suddenly lit up, covering it.

An extremely dangerous aura permeated the blood-colored planet non-stop. The blood-colored monsters who were startled by the movement here rushed towards this side one after another, but the next moment, a strange death aura made these red-eyed beasts stop and retreated.Disappeared in this land.

Qixing only felt Weng's soft sound, and then a ripple radiated the entire planet.And a bright light in the sky instantly fell into the Cangxiong hexagram formation.

In just a few breaths, the six-pointed star dissipated, and the moment Gray Bear opened his eyes.Two bloody swords suddenly shot out from both eyes, and they attacked Qixing. Qixing wanted to hide, but this thing was like a maggot attached to the bone.With a grunt, the blood sword disappeared, Eggy hiccupped, and didn't even wake up.

Immediately, there was a soft cry, which sounded on the empty ground, "Prime Devouring Beast, I didn't expect this kind of ancient creature to exist here. It's still sleeping, is it evolving? Interesting boy."

"However, I never imagined that you would push the little gray bear to such an extent that you even used the spirit descending spell. After burning these essence and blood, it will take at least ten thousand years of rest before you have a chance to return to the previous state!"

"Although your talent is good, since I am here, I have no choice but to ask you to die. Remember my name, I am Cang Mie."

After saying this, Cang Mie's body mutated, although he didn't release any momentum, but the muscles on his body swelled like a rush.The body directly grows to five meters.During that terrifying muscle tremor, even the surrounding space vibrated.

At this moment, Cang Mie had runes circulating all over his body, and his eyes were bloodshot.Stare at Qixing closely.

Qixing clearly sensed that the temperament of the person in front of him had undergone an earth-shaking change.Qixing is also very clear that this is not Cang Xiong himself.It must be the guardian of his family.

Qixing didn't dare to push her too hard.The energy cannon in his hand swung out suddenly, and a ball of light as dazzling as the sun flew out of Qixing's hand with the aura of destroying everything.

But at this moment, Cang Mie just stretched out his right hand and spread his five fingers.Gently shake it forward.

A muffled sound announced that Qixing's vitality cannon was easily extinguished.

Immediately afterwards, the big hand suddenly swung forward, and the violent energy storm lifted the ground, and countless red tornadoes of earth and rocks quickly slammed into Qixing.Cancel each other out.

But Cang Mie found the right opportunity at this time, his huge body was already close to Qi Xing's body,
Seeing this, Qixing was pleasantly surprised, "Fight me in a close combat and seek death."

Then countless fist shadows waved, even the air was rubbed into sparks, and countless energy bombs flew out of the Seven Star Fist.Each accurately hit the huge body in front of him.

But Cang Mie didn't flinch at all, and counterattacked with hundreds of punches one after another. The strength of each punch was at least a million tons.Qixing only felt that someone was holding a mountain as high as [-] zhang, and was beating his chest crazily.

A mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth incessantly.Under the high-intensity beating, the bones and muscles began to crack.

After 1 minute, Qixing regretted what he just said.It is also the first time that he has lost to others physically. Who can be convinced, although this guy does not know what kind of strange ability he used, but he loses if he loses. Super Saiyans are not invincible.

This guy's physical body is probably more than ten times tougher than his peach-red transformed body.

Even though he was surprised, Qixing didn't flinch. There is no flinching in the blood of Saiyans. Qixing also became angry at this moment. He was punching to the flesh with the giant in front of him. You hit my chest with one punch, I hit the waist with one punch, you kicked my head with one kick, and I kicked your crotch with one kick.Although the blood flowed out desperately, Qi Xing completely ignored the system's prompt, [The body has been damaged extensively.If it is not repaired as soon as possible, the body will directly collapse. 】

At this moment, Qixing felt that the more he fought, the more he enjoyed himself, the more he lost himself, as if his mind could no longer keep up with his body, and he made a counter-reaction in advance.

At the same time, the originally peach-red hair was slowly changing to silver-white, and the wild aura around her was also slowly subsiding.

Cang Mie, who was fighting with him, was a little strange at the moment, "This kid has been getting stronger and stronger since he closed his eyes." It was so easy to hit this kid just now, why is it so difficult now. "

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