Naruto lottery draw for three years, my ninjutsu shocked the ninja world

Chapter 214 The 4th Floor of Tianji Building, Tianji Coffin

At this time, the Wanjie Mall has a gorgeous and extraordinary appearance, and you can tell it is a rare fetish at a glance.

Qixing casually clicked on the first interface of Wanjie Mall.

The first thing that comes into view is a person-high box, and the box says dental care set.And only one point is needed, Qixing is very curious, and spends one point to buy one.It's self-willed, to satisfy curiosity, what the hell is a dental kit.

When I got the box, I didn't feel any weight.At the same time, the system prompt sounded.

Ding; congratulations to the host for getting a box of premium dental kit.Whether to open.

Hearing that the special dental guard set was available, Qixing chose to open it without hesitation.

[Ding; Congratulations to the host, you got it; one hundred boxes of Yayale toothpaste, one hundred toothbrushes that can really brush, one hundred boxes of really sharp toothpicks. 】Seeing these three things, which are all the teeth guard set, Qi Xing felt a big grass in his heart, this is really the cruel truth, as expected, curiosity can't be such a thing.

When Qixing continued to look back, the following entire page was full of items.There are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing that is not in it. Although they are all elementary items, they are complete, ranging from spiritual weapons and magic tools of various stages to basic necessities of all ages.From the teeth guard set that only needs one point to the primary spiritual weapon that needs 999 points.Everything you need.

Even things like diapers are sold by the system. At this moment, Qixing just wants to praise the system for its awesomeness.

When you open the second page, there are a lot fewer items in it. You can tell at a glance that they are all high-quality goods. From the first item named Ninfa Tie (you can copy a person exactly like yourself, no one can tell the authenticity except yourself) a total of 9999 points, to the last item, a spear named Hades, a total of [-] points.There are nearly [-] types of items on this page..

The third page is even more powerful. There are a thousand types ranging from the super skills of the heavens and worlds to the blood essence of various great gods. Qixing clicked on it with joy. The system reminds the host that the blood essence is not strong enough and will be blood pressured to death by this drop of essence.

One sentence of misty grass reflects Qixing's mood at the moment.

However, just when Qixing wanted to continue viewing the mall, there was a knock on the door,

"Didn't you say that no one should disturb you?"

"This old man has seen the lord. There is a boy called Fat Tiger outside the door of the lord. He said that he is your subordinate and wants to see you. If the lord doesn't see me, I will drive him away immediately."

"Fat Hu, forget about this kid, let him in!"

"It's an adult."

After a few breaths, Fat Tiger pushed the door open and entered.

"Boy Li Bohu, I have met my lord. I am willing to worship under my lord's door and do my best."

At this moment, Fat Tiger got up on his knees as soon as he came in, and kowtowed towards Seven Stars. He had vaguely seen Lord City Guard just now. After exiting this room, his figure disappeared instantly. At this moment, Fat Tiger was trembling all over. He knew that if he didn't hug this thick thigh tightly this time, he would have no chance in the future.The dream of being under one person and above ten thousand people was shattered.I will definitely regret it for the rest of my life.

From being flattered and flattered by everyone downstairs just now, Fat Tiger knew that this was the way he had to go in his life.Follow in the footsteps of the strong, and you will become the right hand of the strong.Become the strong man everyone looks up to.

Qixing looked at Fat Tiger with great interest.

"Give me a reason to accept you. You know that you don't have to worry about what you want, and your strength is not even a little bit weaker. Just like you, if I do something casually, there will be a large group of people willing to follow me. And you, what can you give me?"

Qixing's words left Fat Huwen speechless.

"Wait until you think it through before answering. I'll give you 10 minutes to think about it."

But in less than a minute, Fat Tiger raised his head resolutely, "My lord, I have already thought it through. I, Fat Tiger, have nothing, but I have this life, and I still have more than 1 catties. Even if my lord wants to eat my meat, I can manage it for several days."

"I, Li Bohu, would like to die for your lord."

Qi Xing was taken aback when he heard this, "I'm not interested in your fat."

As soon as Qixing finished speaking, Fat Tiger suddenly took out a dagger in his hand, and Qixing's eyes froze when he saw this.

But Fat Tiger was still kneeling on the ground, and then cut open the artery in his hand, blood flowed to the ground, and a strange formation was drawing a circle around Fat Tiger.At this moment, Fat Tiger was in extreme pain, and he hummed continuously.But he did not stop the gathering of formations.

And Qixing watched all this happen with great interest.

After a few breaths, the blood finally gathered to form a tiger-headed totem. The moment the totem was formed, a tiger-headed human body suddenly emerged from the fat tiger's body.

The soul body was solidified, kneeling on one knee, and the sound of the soul came to Qixing's ears.

"Beastman tribe, Tiger Tribe, Li Bohu, I hope that the adults in front of me will be the master for generations, and I will never betray you. If anyone breaks his promise, heaven and earth will punish him."

"Oath of nature, stand."

As the voice fell, a wave of awe-inspiring wind swept up the room, and a transparent contract appeared in front of Fat Tiger. Fat Tiger sprayed his soul energy on the transparent contract, and then the contract flew towards Seven Stars.

Under Fat Tiger's expectant eyes, Qixing's index finger pointed to the transparent contract.

A soul guide sounded in the room, "Totem Nature's Deed, successful."

Fat Tiger wept with joy at this moment, his soul and body merged, Fat Tiger kowtowed again, knelt down and thanked Seven Stars.

"Okay, get up! It's time to lose weight for your real body. Since you are one of your own, come with me."

After Qixing finished speaking, he waved his hand and opened his secret building, and then took Fat Tiger in.

As soon as he entered the Tianji Tower, Fat Tiger was shocked by the things in front of him. The dazzling array of luxurious decorations are all luxury that cannot be seen in the Pure Land World.

At the moment, there was no one in the Tianji Building, and Qi Xin took Fat Hu up to the fourth floor.I saw a box on the fourth floor that was more terrifying than a self-cultivation furnace lying in it.

Qixing looked at Fat Tiger, "Lie down!"

Fat Tiger didn't hesitate, and jumped into it. This is the fourth floor of Tianji Building opened after Qixing broke through to the immortal level.

An item called the coffin of secrets, the item introduction says: "As long as you lie in it, you can cut off the cause and effect between a person and the world, and you can also add another powerful fortune to the coffin of secrets and integrate it with yourself. Really do it, change a person's destiny."

At this time, Qixing is experimenting to see if this thing is really that strong,
I saw Qixing throwing a fragment of the heavenly law into it, and the next moment white light bloomed in the coffin of heavenly secrets, and then slowly merged into Fat Tiger's body and even his soul.It has also been sublimated.

Fat Tiger stood up and looked at Qixing, "My lord, I feel that I have become stronger?"

Qixing shook her head, "Not in terms of realm, it's just that your luck has improved."

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