Naruto lottery draw for three years, my ninjutsu shocked the ninja world

Chapter 14 Kishimoto 1 musician playing, and the key to achieving the eternal kaleidoscope

Qixing raised his head and looked forward again, only to see the broken body of the reincarnated person jumping down from the head of the demon god Xingtian.

Flesh kept falling from the body, and in the end only the hands were left with flesh and blood, and the rest of the body could only be seen clearly, a blue phantom.

At this time, after the phantom's right finger snapped, the broken Demon God Xing Tian beside him disappeared instantly.

Immediately, the blue phantom flapped his hands rhythmically,

Crack, crack, crack, crack.

Seeing that Uchiha Qixing stabilized his figure, the man couldn't help admiring, "Boy, you are really good, next time,
Next time when he disappears, I will come back in person. "

"Your body is simply perfect experimental material. When I come back next time, I will definitely have a good fight with you. I hope you will not disappoint me. If you still have this kind of rubbish strength next time, I will directly collect your body, no matter whose container it is.

Goodbye boy. "

After saying this, a light door appeared from behind.

The moment Guangmen appeared, the owner of Ikraku Ramen Shop, "Ichiraku Kishimoto", looked up at the sky.Muttering to himself,
"Heavenly Dao is really negligent. He even let the guy from the Pure Land run over. I really have to worry about everything."

Then he shook his head and threw the frying pan in his hand towards the sky. The blue phantom just walked into the light gate,

A hot pan was thrown directly on top of his head, and a pot of hot oil in the pan was also poured on his face.A scream from the soul spread through everyone's hearts.

Everyone heard, "Kimoto, you despicable villain, just wait, sooner or later Lord Shinigami will lead us to attack."

Bastard, just as he finished speaking, Guangmen finally disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the system issued a strange beep,

"The system has detected the aura of a person who is in harmony with the way of heaven, please be careful with the host."】

"Body into heaven?
Could it be that this place is the same as the prehistoric world, and Nima can blend into the Dao of Heaven, and there are still saints? "


Contrary to the understanding of the host, there is no such strong person here, and this world cannot bear the real body of a saint. 】

[This is different from the prehistoric world mentioned by the host, the Heavenly Dao of the ninja world has not yet given birth to wisdom.Those who integrate themselves into the Dao of Heaven must follow the will of the Dao of Heaven, that is, they must not disrupt the direction of the world's plot. If they violate it, they will be directly eliminated by the Dao of Heaven. 】

"Then why do some people still want to melt into the heavens?"


"Because that's a shortcut to becoming a powerhouse beyond the god level.】

"God level, what kind of realm is that?"

[The host doesn't need to know too much, when the realm is reached, it will naturally understand. 】

Depend on,
"Who is the existence of the body integrated into the heaven? Could it be him?"

"Nimma, it won't be a problem to make trouble under his nose every day."

"The host can rest assured that what you are doing now is to maintain the general trend of the ninja world, which is what you call the normal plot direction. If he can't make a move, he can't wait to help you kill those pure land powerhouses who enter the ninja world at will."

"So the host doesn't need to worry."

"Damn. I was taken aback, that's how it is."

The thin little hand patted his chest. The torn clothes at this time showed how fierce the battle was just now.

But only the mask remained intact.

At this time, the body's energy is basically exhausted, and it may take a few minutes to recover slowly.

It's a little difficult to use time-space ninjutsu immediately, so there shouldn't be any trouble at all. Some guy who doesn't have long eyes will come to trouble him.

Immediately, his figure plummeted and landed on a [-]-meter-high tree. Just as he was about to leave,

A black figure appeared 500 meters away from Seven Stars, blocking his way.

Qixing frowned, looked at the person who came, and only heard the person speak;

"Senior, this junior is the current patriarch of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Fugaku, I hope to get the support of the senior and take charge of the Fire Country."


You have such ambitions. "

I saw that Uchiha Seven Stars opened the kaleidoscope at this time, and under conditioned reflex, Uchiha Fugaku also opened the kaleidoscope,

Two extremely similar eyes stared at each other for a few seconds, Qixing smiled and said,
"So that's what you are hiding. If Konoha's senior management knows, your strength is the strongest in Konoha,
I am afraid that the Uchiha family will be destroyed in an instant. "

When Uchiha Fugaku heard this, his eyes froze,
"Senior is also a member of my Uchiha clan, don't you want me, Uchiha, to become stronger?"

Hearing this, Qixing smiled disdainfully;

"Why do I want Uchiha to be strong? Is it because I am a Uchiha clan?"

Speaking of a terrifying murderous aura gushing out of his body, Fu Yue immediately put on a fighting posture when he saw this.

The kaleidoscope spun crazily, looking for Qixing's flaws.

But no matter how you look at it, that guy has weaknesses all over his body, but once he wants to attack, he finds that all the flaws are traps.

Just when Uchiha Fugaku was sweating profusely, Qixing withdrew all his murderous aura the next moment,
said gloomyly;
"Let's go. The next time I see you, it will be your death day. I really look forward to the second you see my face. Will you be surprised?"

When Fu Yue heard this, although he was puzzled, why this senior was so hostile to the Uchiha family, and seemed to be very unfriendly to himself.

But at this time, Fu Yue knew in his heart that if he didn't leave, he might not be able to leave.

Without hesitation, he disappeared into the forest in a flash.

At this time, Qixing was standing on the treetop, looking at the distant figure.caught in fleeting memories,
"Fuyue Uchiha, my stupid father, if you knew me now, and grown to this level, would you regret your decision to abandon me back then?"

Immediately the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he couldn't help sneering in his heart,
"My stupid father! You really think highly of yourself. You have ambitions, means, and strength enough.
But without a decisive heart.It will never be a big deal. "

"I really look forward to you quickly raising my dear brother.

Otherwise, this ninja world is really boring.

"What's more, your eyes are the key to my achievement of the eternal kaleidoscope. Don't worry, I will take your eyes and become the master of this ninja world, which can be regarded as fulfilling your dream."

"Hahaha, it's too small, your pattern is still too small."

Smiling, Qixing thought of Itachi's devilish smile again.

"Itachi, don't let me down! You are the man called Itachi God by the people from the blue planet."

After finishing speaking, Qixing turned his head and looked [-] meters ahead, where was the battlefield of Hokage and Raikage.


next chapter,
The author will open the list of outstanding ninjas,

See you in the comments section.

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