Sign in for 100 years, I can summon all Ultraman

Chapter 12 King Red strikes with a heavy fist

"Nonsense! Of course I'm asking you!"

Anna blushed angrily and had a thick neck.

This is your fighter jet, if I don't ask you, are you asking the two wretched uncles behind?

"Yes, but you have to wait until you get back to the base, but not on the plane. I have a bad heart, and I have never done camera shocks."

Dai Yunlong's eyes were clear, as if he was talking about a very serious matter.

Snapped! !

→)╥﹏╥) slap face
Just as Dai Yunlong finished speaking, there was already a red slap mark on his face.

Anna rubbed her hands, still staring at him with death.

"My mother is asking if you can fire it! But it's asking if you can fire the laser cannon on your fighter jet! What the hell are you thinking!! You old man!"

As Anna said, she still didn't forget to give Bai Yong and forced water a big roll of eyes.

Boom! !
At this moment, Feiyan No. [-] fired a laser cannon at the middle position between King Red and Chandra.

"I rely on!"

"This shot is a bit crooked!"

"The headquarters is calling Lina!"

"The headquarters is calling Dagu!"

A laser cannon was fired, and the radio on Feiyan No. [-] became lively.

Dai Yunlong and Jijian Huidu yelled into the radio.

What did you do for your usual training?
Such two tens of thousands of tons of monsters can't hit!

"Commander, captain, we hit there on purpose."

Dagu explained with a dark face.

But his explanation is more like a cover-up.

"Da Gu, give me the reason why you shoot the wrong shot!"

Ju Jianhui was a little angry. As his favorite players, Dagu and Lina had always been the elite of the victory team.

Not to mention driving the Feiyan-[-] to launch laser cannons, even blind shots can accurately hit the target.

But the shot just now made her too disappointed.

A laser cannon was not wasted at all, it hit the ground.

"The laser cannon is fully charged! Request to launch!"

At this time, Lina finished charging the laser cannon again, and looked at Dagu.

Dagu looked back at Qin Zimo, for some reason, Dagu always had an inexplicable trust in this guy.

Qin Zimo looked at King Red and Chandra on the ground, as well as the Babaer star.

"One more shot, one shot into the soul, remember, it's still the middle of the two monsters."

After speaking, Qin Zimo closed his eyes.

He was wondering why the system hadn't assigned him a task yet.

Could it be that the system is stuck?
[Trigger the mission to eliminate King Red, Chandra, and Babar Stars. 】

[Task reward, get King Red, Chandra's transformation card. 】

As soon as he closed his eyes, the voice of the system sounded in Qin Zimo's mind.

What! !

Can you still get monster transformation cards?
Qin Zimo's eyes widened in an instant.

Kingdom of Light has been signed in for 100 years, and he has yet to experience the feeling of transforming into a monster.

You must know that there are also many strong monsters among the monsters, and there are many powerful monsters that have killed the giant of light.

Boom! !
Just as Qin Zimo was thinking wildly, Lina had already pulled the trigger.

Dagu wisely and quickly turned off the radio communication on Feiyan-[-].

He seemed to have heard the hysterical roar of the middle Hui.

In front of the commanders of the four major war zones, two consecutive laser cannons hit the middle of the two monsters. This man can be regarded as a big loser.

"I said, Dai Yunlong, you are quite rich in the eastern theater."

"Using the laser cannon as a big flower, it's not accurate at all!"

Anna yelled at Dai Yunlong again.

The two laser cannons hit her embarrassingly and cancerously.

If this was the laser cannon she fired, she would have died suddenly and embarrassingly.

Although Bai Yong and Li Shui didn't say anything, Dai Yunlong had already seen that these two guys were laughing.

On Feiyan No. [-], Lina's face was so cold that water dripped out.

"Is this what you said about getting into the soul?"

Lina pointed to King Red who was motionless on the ground and said.

On the ground now, only the two-winged monster was left walking towards the victory team's base.

The monster that looked like a corn cob stood there, motionless, looking at the big crater on the ground that was blasted by the laser cannon.

"It's thinking, don't worry, its brain circuit is relatively clear."

Qin Zimo looked at King Lei De's condition and knew that this guy was about to go berserk.

"Follow up!"

The Babar star on the ground got a little impatient, and the laser gun in his hand shot at King Red.

The laser gun hit Red King's hard skin, sputtering out sparks.

After being shot, King Red waved his two big hands and roared.

Suddenly, without knowing what it thought of, it ran directly towards Chandra.

"The show has begun!"

The corners of Qin Zimo's mouth curled up into a beautiful arc.


Dagu and Lina watched the corncob-like monster rushing towards the other monster with expressions of bewilderment.

"Don't ask me why this happened, because King Red's brain circuit is so strange."

Qin Zimo straightened his clothes and looked at Dagu's hands in his pockets.

Dagu's eyes flickered a little at this time, he didn't know if it was because he was worried that the monster would attack the victory team or something else.

"Look at that! How did the Red King run towards Chandra?"

Anna and others in the Eagle fighter also noticed the abnormality of King Red.

Could this monster be sick?

Seeing that King Red rushed towards Chandra like crazy.

Before Chandra could react, King Red had already grabbed Chandra's two huge wings.

Accompanied by the sound of flesh being torn, Chandra's two wings were torn off abruptly.

boom! !

The two huge wings were thrown to the ground by King Red, who stomped on them hard.

Chandra almost died of pain, turned to look at King Red who was still stomping his wings.

What's up with this Nima?
Aren't we teammates?
It doesn't matter if you look at it, as soon as Chandra's gaze touched King Red's small eyes, King Red immediately went crazy!
If it weren't for your wings being too big and windy, how could you attract human fighters!
How could that killer Matt Babar hit me with a laser gun!

The angry King Red rushed over directly, tearing apart without saying a word.

Poor Chandra, before he fully understood what was going on, he was brutally beaten to death by King Red.

But even if it understood what was going on, it would not be a match for King Red at all.

This Red King is a serious battle madman.

Although every time he meets Ultraman, he is submissive, but when fighting with his fellow monsters, he always strikes hard.

Either maimed, torn alive, or stoned to death.

There is no emotion at all.

Not only Chandra, who was beaten half to death, was stunned, but even all the ability users present were stunned.

Only Qin Zimo knew what King Lei De was thinking.

That's why he wants Lina to shoot between King Red and Chandra.

"Okay, it's time to harvest."

Qin Zimo let out a long sigh, already choosing the Ultraman to be summoned in his mind.

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