Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 85 Ye Dao Is Too Familiar With This Octagram Formation

After saying these words, Old Professor Zhou frowned again.

He still can't figure out something!
After bowing his head and contemplating for a while, Old Professor Zhou couldn't help asking again:
"Then why, only the scattered team members lost contact? Why can Professor Yang and their headsets still be able to send and receive signals?"

"It's easy!"

Ye Xiao pointed to the members of the archaeological team on the screen, and continued:
"The radio regards the radio as the two ends of the child and mother, and the radio signals of the archaeological team are aggregated, which is the child radio."

"If a trace of radio signal is separated from the sub-radio, then the separated radio signal will become very weak!"

"So the magnetic field emitted by the magnet can easily cover it up, and the radio signal of the archaeological team gathered together is strong, so the magnetic field can't cover it up!"

After all, Ye Xiao had an understatement on his face.

It seems that all this is too normal for him.

When Professor Zhou heard this, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.

After a while, Old Professor Zhou seemed to understand the meaning of Ye Xiao's words, and his eyes suddenly burst into light.

Old Professor Zhou suddenly realized.

In fact, the reason for the loss of radio contact is very simple, because the radio signal on the headsets of the scattered players has weakened.

Therefore, it is covered by the magnetic field of the Bagua array.

And the reason why he doesn't know this is because he doesn't know much about this Bagua formation.

In other words,
Ye Xiao knows this gossip the point of knowing it like the palm of his hand!

Old Professor Zhou couldn't help taking a deep look at Ye Xiao, with deep suspicion in his eyes.

This feeling made him very strange.

Obviously this is his own major, but now he needs to ask others to know the situation under the tomb.

It's as if...he is the student and the one next to him is the teacher.

Good guy, I suddenly feel a bit ashamed of the title of "No.1 in the Great Xia Archaeological World", what should I do?
Old Professor Zhou couldn't help but doubt himself.

At this time, Bingbing on the host stage was also paying attention to all this.

She quickly motioned to the photographer beside her, and quickly pointed the camera at Old Professor Zhou and Ye Xiao.

And what's more,

The photographer also took a close-up of the expression on Professor Zhou's face.

In an instant, on the screen of the live broadcast room, Professor Zhou's suspicious expression suddenly appeared.

This directly detonated the live broadcast room, and the barrage on the screen exploded like a flood breaking a bank!

"Damn it! What is Professor Zhou's expression like?"

"Pfft! Do you even need to ask? It was obviously hit by Ye Xiao!"

"Professor Zhou has begun to doubt life now, hahahaha!"

"It can't be done, old professor Zhou's small resentful eyes really make me so happy! When I owed my cousin 100 yuan for the new year's money, he also looked at me like this!"

"I really live in Bengbu! Has Ye Dao's professionalism already made Professor Zhou doubt himself?"

The audience in the live broadcast room ridiculed one after another, because Professor Zhou's expression was too effective for the show.

All the audience couldn't help laughing.

However, after a while, following a sentence on the public screen of the live broadcast room, the live broadcast room became lively again.

—— "Don't you think that Ye Dao is a bit too familiar with this gossip formation?"

The live broadcast room was detonated in an instant, and all the audience roared with laughter.

"That's right, Ye Dao knows this gossip formation like the palm of his hand."

"I also feel that the gossip formation is always changing, but Ye Dao is not in the formation, so he can know how the next step of the gossip formation will change!"

"He has always given me the illusion that this gossip array seems to have been built by Ye Dao in the first place, you know?"

"Upstairs is correct! I feel the same way!"

"Stop talking nonsense! I guess Ye Dao studied this eight trigrams formation when he came to this tomb before! Otherwise, how do you think he came out alive?"


Under the tomb
Following Ye Xiao's command, everyone was still moving quickly in the gossip formation.

On the way back to "Open the Door", everyone went smoothly along the way and did not encounter any other dangers.

Following Ye Xiao's instructions, everyone was at ease in the gossip formation, and soon returned to "open the door".

Now, they are only one step away from leaving the gossip formation.

That is the last step - walk out of the "open door".

All the team members were ready to go all out and hurried out of this strange formation.

Immediately, many archaeologists didn't even intend to rest, and they just didn't stop at all, preparing to leave the hall directly.

And Ye Xiao did not disappoint everyone.

After returning to "open the door", everything seems to have returned to the field Ye Xiao is most familiar with.

Ye Xiao knew all the changes here.

Every step Ye Xiao is full of [-]% certainty.

So soon, everyone came to the exit that opened the door.

Unlike what people imagined,
The exit that opens the door is not eye-catching, and there is nothing exquisite about it.

It's just ordinary, so you can hardly see that this is the exit of a large formation.

Instead, it gives you the illusion that entering this passage is just entering another passage.

So when Ye Xiao told everyone, "The corner ahead is the exit of this large formation", everyone couldn't help being slightly stunned.

In a short time, some didn't react.

But when they followed Ye Xiao's pace and slowly walked out of this deep and dark corner.

Everyone seemed to feel a lot lighter.

In the big formation, the dull and oppressive feeling in the tomb passage all dissipated in this instant.

Feeling this change, everyone couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the archaeological team couldn't help but hug each other and weep!

They finally walked out of this big formation that would "eat people" at any time, safe and sound.

With trembling hands, Professor Yang took out the flashlight and began to illuminate the surroundings.

The deep corridor behind them seemed to have been blocked by a wall the moment they came out.

But the place where they are now is a magnificent palace.

Professor Yang took out the lighter and lit the candlestick on the wall.

In the main hall, every candlestick on the wall is connected to a long oil passage, and black kerosene flows through the oil passage.

When a candlestick is lit, all the candlesticks in the hall will be completely lit in an instant.

So in a split second,

The entire hall suddenly became brightly lit!

And this hall, which was originally dark, also revealed its original appearance at this moment!

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