Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 80 The Disappeared Team Member, The Mutated Old He

Half an hour passed, and everyone in the archaeological team was already sweating profusely.

In this corridor, according to Ye Xiao's strange steps, everyone's legs were already a little weak.

Every step you take requires great perseverance.

At this time, Ye Xiao's voice sounded again:
"Turn left and enter the gate of life!"

When everyone in the archaeological team under the tomb heard the words, they all subconsciously looked to the left.

And at this moment,
Originally, everyone could clearly see that the left side was clearly a wall of bluestone slabs.

But the moment everyone looked over, the wall opened silently and submerged into the wall on the other side.

Instead, a passage was revealed to everyone!

For a moment, everyone couldn't help being slightly taken aback.


It is said that there is a channel, is there really a channel?

This mouth is too smart, right?
But then, everyone thought about it.

Since Ye Xiao can command everyone to leave this weird gossip formation, he must know the gossip formation well.

So he will know where there is a passage and where is a dead end, which is also normal.

Thinking of this, everyone no longer had doubts, but once again followed Ye Xiao's instructions and walked into the gate of life.

"Through the gate of life, pass through the gate of Xiu, and then switch from the gate of Xiu to the gate of 'opening', and you can leave this formation!"

"The most difficult step to leave this formation, that is, the first step - the 'door to find life' has been completed!"

"The next three steps will be very fast, everyone work hard!"

Ye Xiao encouraged everyone in the archaeological team.

Everyone in the archaeological team also nodded, with firm eyes.


Afterwards, everyone in the archaeological team rested for a while and recovered a little bit of physical strength.

Following Ye Xiao's instructions again, he walked slowly towards Xiumen.

Although this gossip formation is a living formation, it is changing every moment.

But you must know that the gossip array is ever-changing.

No matter how it changes, the pattern of innate gossip cannot be changed.

Therefore, as long as the door of life is found, the rest of the doors only need to be searched by the map, and you can quickly find them by following the cats and tigers.

There is no need to walk back and forth repeatedly like when I was looking for the door of life.

In addition, after walking for so long, everyone got used to the pace Ye Xiao pointed out.

So this way, the archaeological team is relatively easy.

Soon came the "open door".

Now, the archaeological team can escape from this formation just by going through the "open door".

All of a sudden, the audience couldn't help but express their joy in the live broadcast room.

"It''s time to 'open the door', right?"

"That's right, the archaeological team is about to walk out of this formation! It's great!"

"To be honest, I'm still a little excited, ahaha~"

"After walking out of this gossip formation, the rest of the road...should be very fast, right?"

"Come on! Everyone must be safe and sound, waiting for your triumphant return!"


Under the tomb
In fact, since everyone entered the Shengmen, what they walked through along the way was not the same bluestone corridor.

In the Eight Diagrams Formation, each long corridor is connected to a magnificent but empty hall.

Very weird.

Originally, everyone thought that this hall would be a tomb.

I also think that it will be full of many organs, or other hidden dangers.

But it was beyond everyone's expectations.

There is nothing in these magnificent halls.

Except for the load-bearing columns connecting the ground and the top of the hall, there is nothing else.

Of course Ye Xiao knew that these halls were just a part of the Heavenly Court, and they were also integrated into it by the formation.

It would be really strange if there were other formation mechanisms in it.

So Ye Xiao didn't say anything, but directed the archaeological team step by step, and walked slowly towards the outside of the formation.

And since Ye Xiao didn't say anything, everyone in the archaeological team naturally didn't have anything to worry about about this resplendent hall.

So along the way, everyone concentrated their attention and walked slowly outside the gossip array according to Ye Xiao's instructions.


"Old He! Old He is me! What's wrong with you?"

A burly man holding a torch frowned and said worriedly.

And in front of him, the man called "Old He" had an extremely pale face, like a real dead face.

It is generally the same as "Vice Team Yang".

These two were the team members who were sent out to look for Deputy Yang, but disappeared suddenly in the end.

After the two disappeared, the two of them lost each other soon.

However, by mistake, the burly man and the man called "Old He" met again in this hall.

But in just a few 10 minutes, Lao He has become what he is now.

This can't help but make the burly man a little puzzled.

The man in front of him, apart from his face being somewhat similar to "Old He", his body was haggard, his face was pale without a trace of blood.

He didn't have the hulking appearance of "Old He" before.

He yelled a few times, but Lao He didn't respond.

But suddenly, "Old He" seemed to wake up suddenly, his whole body was trembling crazily.

This startled the burly man, and hurried forward to check the situation.

However, when the burly man walked in front of him, "Old He" opened his bloody mouth as if he had gone crazy.

It came directly to bite the burly man.

The burly man reacted extremely quickly, and quickly backed away, and only then did the previous scene occur.

But right now, "Old He" was still relentless, let out a very low growl from the depths of his throat, and rushed towards the burly man with bared teeth and claws.

The burly man was stunned, and Lao He no longer knew himself in his current appearance.

How can this be believed?

You must know that for a few 10 minutes, they were still in the same team, exploring under the tomb.

In the past, countless times in the hail of bullets, he was born and died to complete many tasks.

But now, he doesn't know himself?

How does this make him believe it?

However, within a few seconds of his sluggishness, "Old He" had already bared his teeth and claws, and rushed in front of him.

He opened his bloody mouth and wanted to bite towards the burly man's neck.

The burly man looked shocked, and Dang even wanted to reach out to resist.


At this moment, a gunshot resounded throughout the hall, suddenly frightening the burly man into a shiver.

He turned his head to look, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Because at the entrance of the main hall, the bodyguard team and the archaeological team were standing there.

The burly man looked excited and took two quick steps towards the archaeological team.

He just wanted to call the captain who was right in front of him.

However, suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and his expression suddenly became a little dull.

There was also a strong look of fear in his eyes.

He turned his head in disbelief, and looked at "Old He" who had fallen to the ground behind him, and a bloody hole appeared on his temple!

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