"Professor Zhou!"

Everyone shouted out quickly, and old professor Zhou fell in, what should we do?
Ye Xiao inserted the ancient black gold knife into the bluestone slab and groped for the mechanism inside. When his finger touched a spring, he immediately understood.

It should be that old professor Zhou just stepped on it with his whole body weight and touched the spring again. He quickly got up and stepped on the bluestone slab. The next moment the bluestone slab turned over, Ye Xiao quickly pressed it firmly with the black gold ancient knife , and then to them, "Hurry down!"

He took a flashlight and took a photo on the ground, and old professor Zhou was below. At this time, old professor Zhou was lying on the ground, frowning tightly, eyes closed and motionless.

Ye Xiao was very nervous, "Professor Zhou! Professor Zhou!"

Then jumped down.

Old Professor Zhou opened his eyes leisurely and glanced at Ye Xiao who fell from the sky, "Xiaoye."

"Professor Zhou, are you okay?"

Ye Xiao came to Professor Zhou's side, and Professor Zhou shook his head, "It's okay, my child, I'm fine, don't be nervous."

Only then did Ye Xiao feel relieved, helped old professor Zhou to the side, and then whistled at the top, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as old professor Zhou is fine.

As soon as everyone went, Old Professor Zhou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them jumping down, as long as everyone can be together, don't worry.

"Professor Zhou just frightened me!"

"Don't worry, it's just a momentary miss, but what I didn't expect is that it's good that we can find the entrance to the main tomb here."

At this time, when everyone came down, they saw that the ground was wet and there was still water. There was a step in front of them. They climbed up the steps. Everyone looked at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao was sure that Professor Zhou was fine, so he said in a deep voice: Let's go, the entrance to the main tomb is now."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone geared up and followed along.

Old Professor Zhou was supported by Ye Xiao, and he waded through the water with one deep foot and one shallow foot. Then he walked forward and walked up to the steps. Everyone looked at the bronze gate and couldn't help feeling a little familiar.

"Xiaoye, do you think there is something wrong with these places? They are all made of bronze, which is a little too weird!"

"It's Xiaoye, it's just this stuff, everyone can't believe it."

"Isn't this a fake?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, "Probably not."

Ye Xiao frowned tightly, "Besides this bronze gate should be an ancient tomb, don't forget, there is also a snake cypress here!"

Everyone dared not forget Ye Xiao's reminder, not to mention that Shebai is the biggest mechanism of this ancient tomb.

There was also a snake-shaped stone bed inside, and everyone dared not be careless. Ye Xiao joined forces with the garrison to push the bronze door open.

What caught the eye was a city, which stunned everyone, and the light outside was so bright that they couldn't believe it.

"This is not true, is it?"

"Why is it so clean?"

"But I can still smell the decaying atmosphere in the ancient tomb. This is completely different from what I saw!"

"It's just an illusion." Ye Xiao patted the wall and touched it, "There is a faint fragrance on it, it's the pollen of Datura."

"The Tuyuhun people are very good at using these pollen and insect planting systems to confuse people, so everyone should be careful."

"Don't get stuck in it, otherwise it will be too late to get out after a long time, put on a gas mask, everyone be careful."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone nodded their heads, not daring to be careless, not to mention that this is the territory of Tuyuhun, if they really had hallucinations, what should they think of?

What everyone sees is the same picture, which is too weird!
After Ye Xiao took two more steps, he realized that something was wrong. What they saw was the scene from thousands of years ago. The trees, flowers, and city walls were exactly the same as the ruins they came down from at the beginning.

"Did everyone pay attention? This is the city we saw when we first came in. You know that there are traces of fighting here, and the bullet holes are all left by us. This is not an illusion, it is a magnetic field, a mirage!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone suddenly realized: "There is indeed such a situation in the ancient tomb, but the magnetic field is so deep that it affects our judgment. How can we get out?"

"What we're seeing is actually what happened a thousand years ago."

"So that's the case, I thought we all got it wrong!"

"I didn't think of it either, but it doesn't matter, as long as there is no danger."

The people in the archaeological team were quite optimistic, but the netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't see it. The place they saw was dark, and the surroundings were empty, which looked a little strange.

Netizens are in a hurry.

"Ye Dao, you should look at the screen, all we see is pitch black!"

"I took a screenshot, look, and there is a red figure in the darkness!"

"It's not the red figure, but the red eyes. The snake-shaped stone bed is still staring at it in the dark. Ye Dao, you should have some fun!"

"Ye Xiao, hurry up!"

Ye Xiao didn't see it at all, and the camera brother was stunned by the scene in front of him at this time, he didn't notice it at all, but now seeing this scene, netizens couldn't help but get scared, and reminded them in front of the screen.

"Ye Dao must pay attention, the red eyes are getting closer!"

Ye Xiao walked straight forward, followed closely by the camera brother, the moment the door closed, everyone heard a bang, and then a hissing sound came from the darkness, and everyone was stunned.

"Did you hear that voice?"

"Looks like a snake."

"But we can only hear voices but not see. The mirror images in front of us are all cities."

"No wonder those tomb robbers have never succeeded since they entered here. This should be the reason."

"If people have hallucinations because the magnetic field is too strong, and the mandala flowers are in it, they may not be able to get out."

"Ye Xiao, what should we do?"

Old Professor Zhou also felt a little unbelievable. Wearing a gas mask, everyone felt breathless, and it would be even worse if they were removed.

Hearing what they said at this time, Ye Xiao frowned tightly. If this is really the case, it is indeed a bit strange.

He took out the ancient black gold knife, "Let me try it."

If he wants to break the magnetic field, he must first find the key to destroying the magnetic field. Ye Xiao rushed out at that time, even if it was a city, but the ground under his feet really existed. If everything he saw in front of him was an illusion, then You can only close your eyes and feel the situation on the ground.

The city looks like a flat river, but the ground under his feet feels like a collapse. Ye Xiao suddenly came to his senses, it's rough.

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