Hearing this, everyone was a little terrified,

"According to what you said, wouldn't we have no chance at all?"

"It's dead now, isn't it?"

Netizens in the live broadcast room also started talking.

"It's over for Barbie Q, if you fall into it, there will be no way out!"

"How can you say that? I think Ye Dao will find a way to save people!"

"Since Ye Dao knows the habits of this snake, he will definitely have a way to deal with it."

"No matter how powerful Ye Dao is, he can't save everyone."

"What's more, didn't you hear? It's the peak foraging period. Once these creatures reach their peak, I'm afraid nothing can escape them."

"Among the many animals, things like snakes are the most cold-blooded! They are uncharacteristically able to become like this. I think there must be something wrong with this thing."

"You don't need to say it, it must be wrong."

"Anyway, I trust Ye Xiao."

"Don't have too much hope, Ye Xiao is just an ordinary person. Although he can help you, there is no way for all of you to survive."

With different opinions, Ye Xiao frowned tightly. He also knew that everyone was afraid, but there was no way ahead. If he wanted to pass, he had to walk through the snake's den.

He took a deep breath, "This is the last stand. If you don't want to pass, you can go back the same way now."


Old Professor Zhou directly refused, "I can advance and retreat with you, we will never take a step back."

"Besides, we have already arrived at this place, and there is no way to retreat. There is nowhere to go."

What Old Professor Zhou said was very reasonable. How many things they encountered along the way could not be resolved with a simple sentence.

What's more, even if they returned the same way and encountered so many dangers, they might not be able to retreat completely. There were not enough guns and ammunition, and other fuels were not enough, so it would be difficult to go out.

It wouldn't be possible without Ye Xiao here.

So at this time, when Professor Zhou said this, it was not his personal meaning, but the meaning of the entire archaeological team.

Seeing them like this, Ye Xiao nodded and led them along.

There is no way, Ye Xiao can only break through a way and get the bomb directly.

Since the man had deliberately lured them all here, it meant that he had no way to retreat, but could only move forward.

As soon as the bomb was released, everyone squatted down covering their ears, and there was a loud bang in the tomb passage, directly blasting a hole in the stone wall.

Ye Xiao got in first, and a warm current rushed towards his face. At this time, he also saw a few red eyes in the darkness aimed at them, and then more red pupils appeared, even getting closer.

Without hesitation, Ye Xiao swung his long knife, and several sections of snake body with warm liquid fell in front of him.

Everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded when they saw it, but then cheered up. It's already here, and there is no way out, so they directly mounted the flamethrower.

Everyone followed Ye Xiao all the way forward, and no one was behind. They were afraid that once they fell behind, there would be no way out.

Xiaoye has already bravely moved forward here to open the way for them, so they naturally can't miss it, let alone hold back.

Old Professor Zhou joined the ranks, and the overwhelming snake-shaped stone bed was disturbed and rushed towards them. This was a good time to look for food, and naturally we couldn't miss it when we met so many people.

At this time Ye Xiao rushed out directly.Seeing this scene, everyone is no longer surprised. Old Professor Zhou and the others can only pray that Ye Xiao can pass smoothly, otherwise, there is nothing they can do to follow behind.

Where Ye Xiao pointed his long knife, there was a pile of corpses.

The blade was sharp, and several breaths were rolled up, splitting the snake-shaped stone bed into two sections.

More and more snake-shaped stone beds joined the ranks, it was the peak feeding period, and it was also their incubation period, so they were suddenly disturbed and swarmed up.

Seeing more and more snake-shaped stone beds around, and overwhelmingly rushing to the front, Ye Xiao frowned tightly, unexpectedly, these things were more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

He has already sped up the speed. Behind him, Professor Zhou and their flamethrowers have also run out of fuel, and the bullets in the guns are not endless. In order to save money, everyone put on bayonets and joined the Among the ranks of this massacre.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes fixed on Ye Xiao who was below, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Ye Xiao, if you can get out from here, I will meet you. If you die here unfortunately, it means that you are not qualified to compete with me.

When the figure was looking at Ye Xiao below, it stayed for a few minutes, Ye Xiao instinctively felt a gaze locked on him, turned his head to look, there was nothing.

The figure hid behind the stone pillar, saw Ye Xiao swinging the knife quickly, took a deep breath and turned to leave.

When everyone in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they couldn't help becoming a little flustered. Even the big cameraman put the equipment aside, pointed at Ye Xiao, and immediately joined the ranks.

He wants to protect old professor Zhou. The equipment can be down, but the old professor can't die.

At this time, everyone joined in. Seeing that the archaeological team and the garrison were all fighting with their backs, the netizens in the live broadcast room were greatly moved.

"My God! This is the first time I've seen everyone work together to do something like this."

"Even I'm a little moved, can you add a little more ammunition?"

"Although this time I have brought enough, but after walking for such a long time, I still can't be spared, next time I just bring
When the bazooka comes down, it blows up when it encounters injustice. "

"It's like no one said that the archaeological team is weak anymore, right? They also have a lot of backbone and are the pillars of the country."

"Next time, I can't bear this unreasonable disaster!"

At this moment, Ye Xiao took out the bomb and shouted: "Get out of the way!"

He aimed at the spot in the corner and threw the bomb directly. Those were snake eggs that were about to hatch. As soon as the temperature was up, all those eggs would crawl out.

In that case, there will be only a dead end, so I will take the first step and burn them all to death, so as to block their retreat.

With a loud bang, the bomb blew up all the snake eggs, and the snake-shaped stone bed still had some IQ.

Seeing that his snake eggs were not safe, he immediately became even crazier and attacked Ye Xiao and the others frantically.

Everyone was impolite, and the bombs flew together, causing dust to fall in the tomb, and the whole tomb was shaking.

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