However, this knife completely angered the scorpion. Turning its head to look at Ye Xiao, it pointed its tail at Old Professor Zhou, so scared that everyone subconsciously spit out flames. The burning caused the scorpion to feel pain and quickly crawled up. to the top.

At this time, everyone's flashlights were pointed at the top, and it was only then that they could clearly see that this thing had been entrenched on it.

"My goodness, a scorpion is so big, how do you do it?"

Li Jing exclaimed subconsciously, and the next second the scorpion was drooling, Ye Xiao grabbed him and pulled him behind.

Li Jing was stunned, Ye Xiao said in a deep voice, "It's poisonous."

Li Jing swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Here, saliva is also poisonous?"

"This is not an ordinary scorpion. It's called the ghost red thorntail. It's black now because it's still in its infancy. When it grows up, its head will be golden."

Ye Xiao's explanation stunned them.

"This, this is so old, or is it a child?"

"Yes, childhood! Don't be contaminated by its saliva, the whole body is highly poisonous, and the throat will be sealed with blood!"

Ye Xiao's words shocked everyone.

Everyone dare not approach.

At this moment, Ye Xiao frowned, Li Jing became frightened when he saw this scene, and quickly pulled Ye Xiao, "Then what should we do, what should we do, are we going to die?"

Ye Xiao patted him, "Okay, don't make trouble here!"

"I didn't make trouble, I was scared when I saw it, just this thing, it, it is really scary!"

Ye Xiao glanced at Li Jing, "Is this what the tomb robbers encountered in the first place?"

"No, the corpse turtle came out when we heard the sound, but there is really no such thing!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Xiao suddenly understood that the corpse turtle was attracted by vanilla, and now that the ghost red thorntail is here, even the corpse turtle does not come out.

It seems that on the food chain, this ghostly red thorn-tailed scorpion is still the most powerful!

But this scorpion is here, and the corpse turtle is its neighbor, it is really poisonous!

He immediately asked everyone to retreat, "I will deal with you and retreat!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, Li Jing and the three ran back in a hurry. After running, he realized that no one else came.

At this time, Professor Zhou and the others were still in place, and only the three of them withdrew.

The netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help scoffing when they saw it.

"It's too disgusting for me to rely on these three people. I also said that I will advance and retreat with Ye Xiao. This will encounter danger, so I will be the first to run away!"

"Ye Dao must not let them go, I don't think these people have good intentions!"

"Especially Li Jing, who usually doesn't think there's anything wrong when watching the live broadcast, but now he looks like a coward at all!"

"You can't say it like this. If it is your words, I'm afraid you will do the same. Besides, who is not afraid!"

"You meet such a big thing, don't you run?"

"Run and run, but it's not so disgusting. He left when he was told to go. This is too disrespectful!"

"How important is loyalty to one's life?"

Li Jing couldn't help but blush, he pushed Gu Wei, "Let's go there!"

However, Gu Wei grabbed him, "If it's over now, won't you be afraid of death when you meet those again?"

"We are here, don't trouble Ye Xiao, what if he accidentally hurts us?"

Li Jing shook his head, "No, Ye Xiao is not that kind of person!"

"Who knows if he is that kind of person, anyway, I won't go, I want you to go!"

Seeing what Gu Wei said, Li Jing couldn't help but frowned tightly, and Zhang Shiwei next to him smoothed things over, "Everyone, stop arguing, it's already here, if you don't go over, if something happens to you, you'll be fine." Can't save us!"

"We are the ones who can't help others first!"

Li Jing couldn't help but walk back first, they were all in this state now, they could only wait for Ye Xiao to come to rescue them.

You can't make trouble for others at this time.

"Professor, let's get out!"

Li Jing boldly yelled inside.

Old Professor Zhou didn't reply, only saw Ye Xiao wielding a black gold ancient knife, he looked really handsome.

And Li Jing couldn't help shivering when he saw this scene.

Netizens in the live broadcast room scolded them for being ignorant.

Li Jing didn't know either, he hadn't watched the live broadcast yet, he only saw Ye Xiao and the archaeological team cooperating with each other to deal with the ghostly red stinger scorpion.

Seeing Li Jing's return at this time, the netizens in the live broadcast immediately laughed, "Why don't you dare?"

"I don't dare to guess, otherwise, if I can come back, the outside must be more terrifying than this!"

"I've already seen through them!"

"These guys, maybe it's because of the danger outside, that's why they are like this."

"Don't bother with them. These people are not good people. After the big scorpion is dealt with, part ways with them!"

At this moment, the faces of Li Jing and the others were flushed, and they didn't know how to deal with it, but now that they saw Ye Xiao as awesome, they felt relieved.

With Ye Xiao here, there should be no problem.

All they have to do is watch the show, just watch.

Seeing Li Jing came back at this moment, Ye Xiao brandished the black gold ancient knife and cut off one of the claws. With a puff, the green liquid splashed out of the claws made everyone bend over and vomit. The smell was too bad smelled.

Everyone retreated again and again, but Li Jing was terrified, "If it's over, it will come!"

"What's coming?"

Old Professor Zhou yelled at him, and Li Jing trembled, "I mean the corpse is coming!"

"The corpse turtle is coming, hurry up!"

What he said made the archaeological team a little surprised, "How is it possible that the corpse turtle is coming?"

"Is this guy lying?"

And Ye Xiao also looked back at Li Jing at this time, "Take him out, if you talk nonsense again, I will immediately throw you into the pile of corpses."

Li Jing shut his mouth immediately, and Professor Zhou and the others could tell that this kid probably didn't know what to say, so he annoyed Ye Xiao, and he might cause more trouble, so he shut his mouth at that time.

Old Professor Zhou and the others gave Li Jing a hard look, and he stopped talking immediately, but he was still a little scared, while Gu Wei and Zhang Shiwei nodded to Ye Xiao.

Taking advantage of the time when the ghostly red thorn-tailed scorpion was chopped back, Zhang Shiwei said, "Yes, as long as this smell appears, the corpse turtle will come, and there is also a plant of grass."

At this time, when he saw the vanilla in the corner, his expression changed drastically!
"It is because of this grass that those corpse turtles will come upon hearing the news."

Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "Professor Zhou withdraws now, if this big scorpion comes down again, I'm afraid none of them will survive!"

Old Professor Zhou retreated to the back and shouted at Ye Xiao, "Xiao Ye, you must pay attention!"

The ghostly red thorn-tailed scorpion saw that so many living people retreated into the tomb passage, and immediately roared, making a deafening sound, and came towards them at an extremely fast speed.

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