Look at these two people, they were eaten in less than 2 minutes, and now the army ants have formed a group, staring at them closely.

There were more than a dozen people left on Ye Xiao's side. When they saw the army ants, they couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Ye Xiao frowned, "I'll go up and chop it up later, and you'll burn it with fire, do you hear me?"

The garrison nodded quickly. There are still eight garrisons left here. In fact, there are not enough manpower to protect the archaeological team, but they have no choice but to bite the bullet.Ye Xiao lifted the knife, and without a word, raised the knife horizontally, and chopped the red army ants that had formed a group in half. The red army chair ants were interrupted by a sudden scene, and when they looked at Ye Xiao, they rushed towards Ye Xiao crazily. They came and soon formed a team.

The garrison and the others directly took the flamethrower and burned all the red ants, and only then breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the next second there was another sound from the tomb, and everyone stood aside quickly. Ye Xiao stared at the front closely, only to see a few people stumbling towards this side to save their lives. They were still wearing assault jackets and holding Walking all the way with a machete.

Someone even flew over with a strong flashlight in his hand, quickly took off his clothes, and stomped hard with his hiking shoes.

The army ants had bitten him several times, and after a while, the man was covered in bruises. Ye Xiao couldn't stand it any longer, so he pointed a flamethrower at him and pounced on him. The army ants have all been swept away.

At this time, the few people sighed and fell to the ground. When they saw Ye Xiao and the others, they immediately rushed over, "Help! Help us! We don't dare anymore! Ye Xiao felt a little uncomfortable, "Why? What's going on? "

"We are donkey friends, we are adventurers, we have strayed into this place and have been stuck here for more than ten days."

"We saw a lot of unbelievable things. All the donkey friends heard that there is an ancient tomb here, so we wanted to come and take a video. You are Ye Xiaoye, right? We only want to rub you after watching your live broadcast. I also wanted to shoot videos by myself, but what I didn’t expect was that I encountered so many things. I originally wanted to live broadcast, but later found that the live broadcast was not possible at all, so I shot all the way and prepared to go back and edit. We just wanted to catch the heat. Flow, I didn't expect that I almost died in it!"

"There were eight people when we came, but now there are only two or three people left."

Even Professor Zhou couldn't believe it, "You've been here for ten days?"

"It was when Director Chen and the others were filming the movie that we planned to come over to try our luck. We also wanted to get in touch with you, Ye Dao, and wanted you to take us!"

"But what I didn't expect was that Director Chen and the others were targeted by the police the next day. We had no choice but to go down first. Unexpectedly, we fell into the hole and passed out. We didn't wake up until the next day. Later, Later, I fumbled all the way and scared me to death!"

Ye Xiao took out a black gold ancient knife and aimed it at his neck, the man was startled, it is impossible for my ordinary people to survive here for ten days, how difficult is it in this ancient tomb? Everyone knows. "

"Tell me this now, do you think I'm a fool? That man knelt down immediately when he heard that. What I said is true. I can swear that if I lie to you, you will be struck by lightning!"

"I'm serious, it's really just donkey friends, you see, this is my qualification certificate, we have also participated in marathons and so on."

Ye Xiao threw his qualification certificate aside, "Stop fooling around here, let me tell you, I, Ye Xiao, are not easy to fool, after all, who sent you here, and what is the relationship with the master? ?”

The person next to him shook his head quickly, "No, look, this is my account, the video I took is really not wrong, we are just donkey friends who want to come here to try their luck, money is not easy these days, are you It's a new industry, so we planned to learn from you, but we didn't expect to fall!"

Hearing this, Ye Xiao suddenly felt a little unbelievable, "What did you say? It's true!"

"Really, you see that our mobile phones are all here, but they are out of battery. I will verify with you later, as long as you take me out, okay? No matter how much it costs, how about it?"

Ye Xiao looked at them and asked them to stretch out their hands. Several of them had calluses on their hands, but they didn't look like grave robbers.

Ordinary tomb robbers have thick calluses on their hands, because classics have dealt with ancient tombs for many months, and they also have a sinister air on their bodies. These few people don't look like them, and one of them is wearing glasses.

Old Professor Zhou said, "Since you're here, follow along, but don't make any mistakes. If you cause trouble, we won't be able to keep you."

Ye Xiao asked them to stay temporarily, but asked, "What's your name?"

The other one of the three remained silent, with eyes on his face and a polite look, and replied: "My name is Zhang Shiwei!"

"My name is Li Jing."

"My name is Gu Wei."

The three of them reported themselves to their families.

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows and searched the names of the three people in his mind, but there was no clue.

At this time, the screen of the live broadcast room began to flash, "Ye Dao, I know the three of them. They are really travel friends, and they are adventure travel bloggers!"

"It's just that I didn't expect to fall here. No wonder I said why they haven't updated in ten days?"

"Just search them and you will find out, they are the famous three musketeers in China!"

Ye Xiao laughed when he saw what the netizens said in the live broadcast room, "You guys are really brave!"

"We have no choice. There are not many places to explore these days, and none of them have deep meaning. I just wonder if I can find an ancient tomb and create a new precedent like you."

"But we don't have your skills. After falling down, we have been wandering here without going anywhere. When these ants appeared on the tenth day, the eight of us were shocked!"

Ye Xiao nodded, "So that's the case. If it fell, wouldn't the hole on the top face the ground?"

"Yes! But here we are no longer interested!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Xiao smiled, "It doesn't matter, let's go in first, where are the fuel and weapons?"

Gu Wei quickly said: "This is not ours, it has been here since we came in!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Xiao understood that it should be left by the tomb robbers from before, and their clothes didn't look like it, so he waved his hand, "Hold the weapon yourself, don't say that I don't protect you. If the time is really dangerous, everyone should protect their own, and no one should say anything!"

"Understood, we all understand! Don't worry, we will never cause you any trouble!"

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