Everyone in the bodyguard team said one after another.

All of a sudden, the entire corridor was extremely lively.

The captain of the bodyguard team pressed his hands helplessly, motioning for everyone to quiet down.

The bodyguards also stopped their voices immediately.

In the end, the captain of the bodyguard team appointed the team members who were going to go with him before, as well as the bodyguard in the back.

Send these two people to the rear to find Deputy Yang, who was behind.

In the eyes of everyone, two bodyguards held torches and walked slowly towards the dark corridor behind.

The faint yellow fire light illuminates the surroundings of the corridor bit by bit.

And the place where the firelight extended was swallowed up by the darkness bit by bit again, turning into pitch black again.

In the deep and dark corridor, there are only two figures of team members advancing slowly with guns.

The old professor Zhou of the seminar kept calling in the headset, and the two team members kept responding in the headset.

Vice-team Yang, who had fallen behind, had completely lost contact.

No one knows whether the radio has lost its function, or if it was pulled into a fantasy like before.

In short, no one wants these two players to repeat the same mistakes and lose contact with everyone again.

All of a sudden, not only the archaeological team, but also the seminars on the ground and the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but hold their breath, staring nervously at the two figures on the screen.

"Have you found anything?"

The electric sound of "Zizi" came, and Professor Zhou's voice sounded from the headset again.

When the two team members in front heard the words, they also hurriedly responded:

"No special situation has been found for the time being!"

Saying that, the two bodyguard team members continued to march in the corridor, slowly moving towards the distance.

"Please be careful, please ensure your safety in advance, and keep in touch!"

Old Professor Zhou's voice sounded again.

The two team members also hurriedly responded: "Accept..."

However, the sound in the headset suddenly cut off here!

Old Professor Zhou seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly raised his head to look at the big screen.

In an instant, everyone's hearts couldn't help being tightly clenched, and they couldn't help but miss half a beat of breathing!
Everyone saw an extremely terrifying scene!
The two bodyguards walking in the corridor suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight together with the flames!

It's as if... walked into another dimension!
Completely disappeared!

When the members of the archaeological team and the bodyguard team who were sitting on the ground recuperating saw this scene, their pupils dilated, and they stood up abruptly.

Everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces, staring at the long corridor in the distance.

In the seminar hall, there was a sound of gasping for air.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Bean-sized drops of sweat flowed down their foreheads, everyone's hearts tightened suddenly, and their breathing couldn't help but stagnate.

These two people... just disappeared so suddenly!

As if, never existed here!
It's just too weird!

It was hard for everyone to imagine what happened.

In the live broadcast room, the moment the audience saw this scene, it was like being thrown into a bomb.

The live room exploded!
"I'm going!!! Am I dazzled? Why did these two people suddenly disappear?"

"Fire! Fire! It wasn't that the fire suddenly went out! It just disappeared!"

"Dizziness! It must be my eyesight!"

"No! It's not dazzled! This thing... really happened! They really disappeared!!!"

"Oh my god! What the hell is going on? Can someone explain it! It's so scary that I'm getting goosebumps!"


Almost instantly, the live broadcast room fell into panic.

All the audience couldn't help feeling palpitations, the back was sweating, and the whole body was icy cold.

In the seminar hall, the moment Professor Zhou saw this scene, the hand holding the headset trembled suddenly.

The heart also trembled violently.

"Disappeared...it just disappeared..."

He murmured in disbelief, his eyes widening.

Immediately, Old Professor Zhou seemed to remember something, hurriedly pressed the button of the headset, and started calling frantically!

However, after a while, the response was only a noise!
The two bodyguards who were sent to look for Deputy Yang also lost contact as if they disappeared out of thin air.

Under the tomb
The captain of the bodyguard team's eyes were tearing apart, and he wanted to rush directly to the corridor behind to find the two missing members.

But it was stopped by the bodyguards!
"Captain! You can't go!"

"There must be something tricky behind here. If you go there, it will be dangerous! What should we do!"

"No one can be left behind! Captain!"


The captain of the bodyguard team's eyes were red, and three teammates disappeared one after another. He must have found it hard to accept.

But fortunately, he still has a sliver of reason.

He also knows what his duty is.

So even so, the captain of the bodyguard team still suppressed his emotions severely and stopped his irrational actions.

Professor Yang at the side couldn't help sighing slowly when he saw this scene.

Not only him, but even Professor Zhou at the seminar had never encountered such a strange situation.

Fortunately, they are experienced archaeologists, and they know that the most important thing at this time is to appease the emotions of everyone in the archaeological team.

You know, the contagion of negative emotions is very fast.

If someone loses control of their emotions, it will drive everyone, causing the scene to become even more chaotic.

So immediately, Professor Yang comforted everyone and said:
"Everyone, don't panic! Don't panic! We must remain calm!"

"The experts at the seminar are looking for countermeasures. We just need to stay here and wait with peace of mind. There will be no danger!"

"Maybe they just stepped on some mechanism, so they suddenly disappeared!"

"So we have to stay calm! Wait for the seminar's response plan!"

At this time, everyone in the archaeological team was either horrified, terrified, or panicked.

Obviously, when everyone saw this scene, they were already scared out of their wits.

However, compared to the previous "human figurines" incident, it is clear that these archaeological team members have grown a lot.

Although they were all extremely panicked, none of them lost control of their emotions.

This also made Professor Yang's job a little easier.

Immediately, the entire corridor fell into silence again.

Everyone is quietly waiting for the instructions from the seminar.

In the entire corridor, apart from the sound of everyone's breathing, there was no other sound.





For some reason, the sound of dull and heavy footsteps suddenly sounded in the depths of the corridor!


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