Although this place is dark and very quiet, and there are these flowers and plants, it is very weird.

Everything in the ancient tomb is very weird, not to mention the plants here are too big, the bushes and the corpse-scented konjac are half the height of a person.

Such a large plant really makes people feel a little weird. The sound just now disappeared after they stepped into this land.

This made Ye Xiao more vigilant, if even bugs are unwilling to come here, it shows how scary the plants here are.

Ye Xiao and the others kept shuttling among the towering trees with a flashlight. Everyone was a little surprised. Even Professor Fang and the others did not dare to approach. Xiao, "Xiaoye, I feel something is wrong!"

Ye Xiao looked at him, and Professor Fang continued: "We have seen the corpse-flavored konjac just now, but now we walked around for half an hour and came back again. Did we encounter a ghost hitting the wall?"

As soon as Professor Fang said this, everyone became nervous and rushed to Ye Xiao's side.

"Ghost hits the wall, what the hell hits the wall!"

Ye Xiao took a deep breath, "It should be impossible for a ghost to hit the wall, after all we..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Professor Fang, "No, you see, this is a ghost hitting the wall! This is the bag I wanted to sample half an hour ago!"

Hearing what Professor Fang said, Ye Xiao couldn't help but look at him twice. Professor Fang nervously grabbed Ye Xiao's hand, "I really didn't lie, really!"

Ye Xiao took a deep breath, and remembered that when he reminded the professor just now, Professor Fang was so scared that he lost the bag.

Now there is indeed such a plastic bag on the ground, if it is true, they have been affected
"It's over. If we say it like this, we really have encountered a ghost hitting a wall."

"What should I do? I can't get out!"

"I heard that using a boy's urine can solve the problem of ghost hitting the wall. Come on, everyone, hurry up!"

Everyone turned their backs to the camera and began to release water, and the big cameraman pointed the camera directly at Ye Xiao, and the netizens in the live broadcast burst into laughter!

"Boy urine can be solved, why can't Ye pour it?"

"Could it be that Ye Dao is no longer a child?"

"It's very strange, which woman has Ye Dao been eyeing?"

"Hey, it's not that Ye wants to save 20 years of hard work. It's also possible to find a rich woman!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Ye is short of money? He doesn't even know how much money he has to write novels. Will he fall in love with those rich women who have no level?"

"Could it be that you still think about Bingbing?"

"Anyway? Ye will not use this method, you all wait!"

Ye Xiao frowned tightly and took out the ancient black gold knife. These things will produce hallucinations, maybe he has been tricked, there are too many plants here, but there is no reason to be confused even by himself.

He glanced at his arm, took out the ancient black gold knife and cut a bloody mouth, and everyone couldn't help being surprised.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were even more shocked!
"Damn it, I used a big move when I came up, I didn't expect Ye to be so willing!"

"Is there something special about Ye Dao's blood? I think of the little brother in Ye Dao's novels. Could Ye Dao be the little brother himself?"

"The ancient Qilin blood is flowing on his body, isn't it?"

"Ye Dao, let us see if you have tattoos on your body!"

"Ye Dao, please don't be polite, I know you must be different from ordinary people, but your blood can dispel evil spirits, which is incredible."

At this moment, Ye Xiao saw the blood dripping from his arm, and when it landed on the plants, all the plants moved away in an instant, and immediately withered, everyone was dumbfounded!
"What kind of effect does Xiaoye's blood have? It actually makes the plants wither. Could it be that his blood is poisonous?"

"But it can't be that Xiaoye used his blood to save everyone before, how could it be poisonous?"

"Maybe it's selectively poisonous, otherwise how would the plants wither?"

At this moment, the surrounding plants retreated to both sides, even the corpse-fragrant konjac just now.

This made everyone a little stunned. They didn't expect such a thing to happen. If Ye Xiao's blood was really poisonous, would they still dare to approach?
Old Professor Zhou took a step forward, "Xiao Ye, these things are probably highly poisonous to you, and your blood can detoxify you."

Ye Xiao nodded, "That's true. Everyone can't touch any of these things after seeing them. I just hit the wall with ghosts. I think this kind of thing won't happen if we go forward."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone suddenly realized, and then saw some green fluorescent lights on the ground!
"It's a will-o'-the-wisp!"

Someone yelled out.

Ye Xiao frowned tightly, and glanced at the ground, the plants faded and withered, and the layers underneath were turned over, but there were layers of bones.

Phosphorus on bones turns into will-o'-the-wisp when it meets air.

Seeing this scene, everyone was horrified, "It is said that all the burials in the nine-story demon pagoda are demons. I don't know how many bones and people are buried in it. It seems that Tuyuhun has paid a lot for this pagoda this time!"

"But we still don't know how many floors we have reached, and even if it is a tower, it is too big."

Everyone looked around, and Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "This is just one of the passages. This tower is not straight up and down like we said in the legend. We just blew up the swamp, and the road may be destroyed. It was blown off, so now we have to look for it again."

Everyone realized it after hearing Ye Xiao say this.

"Xiaoye, how long will it take to get out?"

Ye Xiao smiled, "There are no plants blocking the way, it will be soon."

"The plants are here only to keep those tomb robbers from coming in. Tuyuhun is a small country, but don't forget that Murong Nuohebo is also a king, and he maintains a good relationship with the Tang Dynasty. Under the influence, Tuyuhun is not weak, at least in terms of wealth."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone was skeptical, but they had to say that the funerary objects they found before were really amazing, exquisitely crafted, and there were a lot of cattle, horses and sheep buried with them.

From this point of view, Murong Nuohebo did have some abilities, but no matter what, they had already reached this point, and they were unwilling to say anything more.

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, walked forward without hesitation, pushing away all the plants wherever he went, even if the snake cypress met him, he would have to retreat, let alone these.

Blocking the road here is just trying to use them as fertilizer.

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