"Professor Zhou, don't be pessimistic."

As the roar got closer, everyone was a little disappointed.

But Ye Xiao was very relaxed, "Fight with your back, and when they come down, they will throw bombs. There is a swamp underneath. Once it explodes, the lethality is very strong. Just one bomb can wipe out their entire army!"

"So everyone retreated quickly and retreated into the tomb passage that is safe enough!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone's eyes lit up.

With real knives and real guns, they may not be the opponents of those people. If Xiaoye is alone, he will be exhausted.

But things that can be solved with a bomb are naturally good.

"We still have weapons, at worst, kill them all!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said at this time, everyone backed away quickly, and the voice was getting closer, and there were still a lot of them.

After retreating to a spacious enough place, Ye Xiao took out the bomb, as long as they come down, it's fine.

A small group of garrisons stood with Ye Xiao, took out bombs and deployed them around, as long as one exploded, everything else would be fine.

"I don't believe it, modern weapons can't cure them!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone nodded.

The netizens in the live broadcast room immediately started talking.

"Brother camera, move forward."

"I feel the camera brother trembling. Can you protect the camera brother when it explodes? The lens is the most important thing."

"Ye Dao yyds, you must always rush to the front when you have something to do."

"Get rid of those weird people. These things can throw corpses down, which means that they are also bloodthirsty monsters. If they come down, the archaeological team will be the next to be thrown in!"

"I didn't hear Ye say that they were all controlled by Gu worms, think about how terrifying it is to have Gu worms here! Let's go!"

Everyone was talking about Ye Xiao's brows furrowed, only to see those things actually jumped straight down, the speed and strength were amazing.

Even across the swamp can be as smooth as walking on the ground.

Seeing them approaching, Ye Xiao threw a bomb, and then dragged them along. If a bomb hits the swamp, it will form a powerful explosion. Basically, just one bomb is enough.

Old Professor Zhou had already retreated into the tomb passage. Everyone had already put on gas masks and even put on explosion-proof equipment.

There was a loud noise, the tomb passage shook, dust fell, the entire tomb seemed to be shaking, and everyone was afraid that the tomb would collapse.

Fortunately, the ancient tomb is quite strong.

But even though the explosion was powerful, there were still strange people who rushed out. Under the watchful eyes of everyone and under the illumination of several flashlights, the strange person finally arrived in front of them, allowing them to see the whole picture.

This is indeed a strange person. He was covered in hair, and he was yelling at Ye Xiao and the others. He was obviously injured and his leg was broken. After all this, he was able to come towards Ye Xiao and the others.

This made Ye Xiao suddenly feel a little unbelievable. At this moment, everyone subconsciously raised their guns and fired, and they passed by, and fell to the ground directly, so everyone was relieved.

Just as Professor Fang was about to go over, Ye Xiao said, "Don't move, the Gu worms will crawl out, everyone get ready!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone was stunned, and couldn't believe what Ye Xiao said was true.

But after a while, the corpse actually stood up, just as Ye Xiao said, it stood up in a strange posture.

Ye Xiao chopped off his head without hesitation!

This sudden scene made everyone have no time to react. They wanted to see what happened to this strange person, but Ye Xiao had already beheaded him first!

Netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Damn, I haven't reacted yet, Ye Dao made a move!"

"Old Ye's movements are too fast, he's proficient!"

"Ye Dao, you are not taking this opportunity to practice your sword skills?"

At this time, a black and red Gu worm crawled out of the head.

When Ye Xiao saw it, he directly nailed it to the ground with a black gold dagger.

The Gu worm twisted left and right, and then died. At this moment, Professor Fang and the others squatted down and took a closer look.

I saw that it was black and red all over, with black patterns circled around it. It looked like a centipede but it didn't look like it, but it was very disgusting.

"The cold fire bug, after entering, can make people feel uncomfortable like ice and fire burning. It can retain people's memories, but it can also delete most of people's memories. They only remember one thing before death, and they will repeat it for the rest of their lives."

Hearing Ye Xiao say this, everyone couldn't believe it, "Xiao Ye, you mean that these people repeated this action before they died?"

"Well, after being invaded by the cold fire bug, I only remember one thing, and that is to repeat the action he did before he died."

"Look for the food of the snake cypress, throw it down!"

At this moment, everyone was surprised when they heard Ye Xiao say this, but they took a step back in unison.

"There are so many weirdos, which means there are a lot of cold fire bugs. If this continues, will there be more in the future?"

Ye Xiao nodded, "The ones killed by the blast are only some of them, but there may be more waiting for us."

Ye Xiao took a deep breath, "Now the swamp is bombed, let's go and have a look first."

Everyone also followed Ye Xiao, and when they arrived at the place, the entire tomb passage had collapsed.

After finally getting through, the swamp also formed a huge pit under the huge explosion. The bottom of the pit was still burning with flames, and it could be seen that there were many bones underneath.

There are even branches of snake cypress, which are densely packed and crackling.

Professor Zhou and Professor Fang glanced at each other, and Professor Fang said in a deep voice, "This should be a forked branch of the snake cypress."

"It's not the trunk, so the snake cypress is still alive."

"Is this still a branch? Everyone can't believe it, there are already so many!"

"How big is the snake cypress?"

Professor Fang explained: "Its root system will be hidden in various places, and each branch will have a root system. This should be the one where the snake cypress absorbs energy."

Ye Xiao took over the words, "Don't worry, we will burn it down when we find the real snake cypress itself."

Ye Xiao's words made everyone nod their heads.

Now that it has been burned, just step on it.

Ye Xiao and the others walked forward together stepping on the burnt dead branches of the snake cypress.

When I walked to the opposite side, I realized that there is indeed a hole in the sky, a brand new tomb passage.

As for where it leads, it depends on luck.

The moment Ye Xiao stepped on the tomb passage, there was a peculiar smell from the tip of his nose, which was similar to the smell of the cold firefly just now, a faint fishy smell.

If you don't smell it carefully, you can't smell it at all, and there are traces of fire in the tomb passage, which is a bit strange.

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